Effective - 28 Aug 2013
376.777. Specifically required provisions — exemptions, when — director's powers — inapplicability of certain provisions to individual health insurance coverage. — 1. Required provisions. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section each such policy delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state shall contain the provisions specified in this subsection in the words in which the same appear in this section; provided, however, that the insurer may, at its option, substitute for one or more of such provisions corresponding provisions of different wording approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance which are in each instance not less favorable in any respect to the insured or the beneficiary. Such provisions shall be preceded individually by the caption appearing in this subsection or, at the option of the insurer, by such appropriate individual or group captions or subcaptions as the director of the department of commerce and insurance may approve.
(1) A provision as follows: "ENTIRE CONTRACT; CHANGES:
This policy, including the endorsements and the attached papers, if any, constitutes the entire contract of insurance. No change in this policy shall be valid until approved by an executive officer of the insurer and unless such approval be endorsed hereon or attached hereto. No agent has authority to change this policy or to waive any of its provisions".
(When under the provisions of subdivision (2) of subsection 1 of section 376.775 the effective and termination dates are stated in the premium receipt, the insurer shall insert in the first sentence of the foregoing policy provision immediately following the comma after the word "any", the following words: "and the insurer's official premium receipt when executed").
(2) A provision as follows: "TIME LIMIT ON CERTAIN DEFENSES:
(a) After two years from the date of issue of this policy no misstatements, except fraudulent misstatements, made by the applicant in the application for such policy shall be used to void the policy or to deny a claim for loss incurred or disability (as defined in the policy) commencing after the expiration of such two-year period".
(The foregoing policy provision shall not be so construed as to affect any legal requirements for avoidance of a policy or denial of a claim during such initial two-year period, nor to limit the application of subdivisions (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) of subsection 2 of this section in the event of misstatement with respect to age or occupation or other insurance.)
(A policy which the insured has the right to continue in force subject to its terms by the timely payment of premium (1) until at least age fifty or, (2) in the case of a policy issued after age forty-four, for at least five years from its date of issue, may contain in lieu of the foregoing the following provision (from which the clause in parentheses may be omitted at the insurer's option) under the caption "UNCONTESTABLE":
"After this policy has been in force for a period of three years during the lifetime of the insured (excluding any period during which the insured is disabled), it shall become uncontestable as to the statements contained in the application).
(b) No claim for loss incurred or disability (as defined in the policy) commencing after two years from the date of issue of this policy shall be reduced or denied on the ground that a disease or physical condition not excluded from coverage by name or specific description effective on the date of loss had existed prior to the effective date of coverage of this policy."
(3) A provision as follows: "GRACE PERIOD:
A grace period of ______ (insert a number not less than "7" for weekly premium policies, "10" for monthly premium policies and "31" for all other policies) days will be granted for the payment of each premium falling due after the first premium, during which grace period the policy shall continue in force."
(A policy which contains a cancellation provision may add, at the end of the above provision, subject to the right of the insurer to cancel in accordance with the cancellation provision hereof. A policy in which the insurer reserves the right to refuse any renewal shall have, at the beginning of the above provision, "Unless not less than five days prior to the premium due date the insurer has delivered to the insured or has mailed to his last address as shown by the records of the insurer written notice of its intention not to renew this policy beyond the period for which the premium has been accepted").
(4) A provision as follows: "REINSTATEMENT:
If any renewal premium be not paid within the time granted the insured for payment, a subsequent acceptance of premium by the insurer or by any agent duly authorized by the insurer to accept such premium, without requiring in connection therewith an application for reinstatement, shall reinstate the policy; provided, however, that if the insurer or such agent requires an application for reinstatement and issues a conditional receipt for the premium tendered, the policy will be reinstated upon approval of such application by the insurer, or, lacking such approval, upon the forty-fifth day following the date of such conditional receipt unless the insurer has previously notified the insured in writing of its disapproval of such application. The reinstated policy shall cover only loss resulting from such accidental injury as may be sustained after the date of reinstatement and loss due to such sickness as may begin more than ten days after such date. In all other respects the insured and insurer shall have the same rights thereunder as they had under the policy immediately before the due date of the defaulted premium, subject to any provisions endorsed hereon or attached hereto in connection with the reinstatement. Any premium accepted in connection with a reinstatement shall be applied to a period for which premium has not been previously paid, but not to any period more than sixty days prior to the date of reinstatement".
(The last sentence of the above provision may be omitted from any policy which the insured has the right to continue in force subject to its terms by the timely payment of premiums (1) until at least age fifty or, (2) in the case of a policy issued after age forty-four, for at least five years from its date of issue.)
(5) A provision as follows: "NOTICE OF CLAIM:
Written notice of claim must be given to the insurer within twenty days after the occurrence or commencement of any loss covered by the policy, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible. Notice given by or on behalf of the insured or the beneficiary to the insured at ______ (insert the location of such office as the insurer may designate for the purpose), or to any authorized agent of the insurer, with information sufficient to identify the insured, shall be deemed notice to the insurer".
(In a policy providing a loss-of-time benefit which may be payable for at least two years, an insurer may at its option insert the following between the first and second sentences of the above provision:
"Subject to the qualifications set forth below, if the insured suffers loss of time on account of disability for which indemnity may be payable for at least two years, he shall, at least once in every six months after having given notice of claim, give to the insurer notice of continuance of said disability, except in the event of legal incapacity. The period of six months following any filing of proof by the insured or any payment by the insurer on account of such claim or any denial of liability in whole or in part by the insurer shall be excluded in applying this provision. Delay in the giving of such notice shall not impair the insured's right to any indemnity which would otherwise have accrued during the period of six months preceding the date on which such notice is actually given").
(6) A provision as follows: "CLAIM FORMS:
The insurer upon receipt of a notice of claim, will furnish to the claimant such forms as are usually furnished by it for filing proofs of loss.
If such forms are not furnished within fifteen days after the giving of such notice the claimant shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this policy as to proof of loss upon submitting, within the time fixed in the policy for filing proofs of loss, written proof covering the occurrence, the character and the extent of the loss for which claim is made".
(7) A provision as follows: "PROOFS OF LOSS:
Written proof of loss must be furnished to the insurer at its said office in case of claim for loss for which this policy provides any periodic payment contingent upon continuing loss within ninety days after the termination of the period for which the insurer is liable and in case of claim for any other loss within ninety days after the date of such loss. Failure to furnish such proof within the time required shall not invalidate nor reduce any claim if it was not reasonably possible to give proof within such time, provided such proof is furnished as soon as reasonably possible and in no event, except in the absence of legal capacity, later than one year from the time proof is otherwise required".
(8) A provision as follows: "TIME OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS:
Indemnities payable under this policy for any loss other than loss for which this policy provides any periodic payment will be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof of such loss. Subject to due written proof of loss, all accrued indemnities for loss for which this policy provides periodic payment will be paid ______ (insert period for payment which must not be less frequently than monthly) and any balance remaining unpaid upon the termination of liability will be paid immediately upon receipt of due written proof".
(9) A provision as follows: "PAYMENT OF CLAIMS:
Indemnity for loss of life will be payable in accordance with the beneficiary designation and the provisions respecting such payment which may be prescribed herein and effective at the time of payment. If no such designation or provision is then effective, such indemnity shall be payable to the estate of the insured. Any other accrued indemnities unpaid at the insured's death may, at the option of the insurer, be paid either to such beneficiary or to such estate. All other indemnities will be payable to the insured".
(The following provisions, or either of them, may be included with the foregoing provision at the option of the insurer:
"If any indemnity of this policy shall be payable to the estate of the insured, or to an insured or beneficiary who is a minor or otherwise not competent to give a valid release, the insurer may pay such indemnity, up to an amount not exceeding $______ (insert an amount which shall not exceed one thousand dollars), to any relative by blood or connection by marriage of the insured or beneficiary who is deemed by the insurer to be equitably entitled thereto. Any payment made by the insurer in good faith pursuant to this provision shall fully discharge the insurer to the extent of such payment. Subject to any written direction of the insured in the application or otherwise all or a portion of any indemnities provided by this policy on account of hospital, nursing, medical, or surgical services may, at the insurer's option and unless the insured requests otherwise in writing not later than the time of filing proofs of such loss, be paid directly to the hospital or person rendering such services; but it is not required that the service be rendered by a particular hospital or person").
(10) A provision as follows: "PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND AUTOPSY:
The insurer at its own expense shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of the insured when and as often as it may reasonably require during the pendency of a claim hereunder and to make an autopsy in case of death where it is not forbidden by law".
(11) A provision as follows: "LEGAL ACTIONS:
No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this policy prior to the expiration of sixty days after written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this policy. No such action shall be brought after the expiration of three years after the time written proof of loss is required to be furnished".
(12) A provision as follows: "CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY:
Unless the insured makes an irrevocable designation of beneficiary, the right to change of beneficiary is reserved to the insured and the consent of the beneficiary or beneficiaries shall not be requisite to surrender or assignment of this policy or to change of beneficiary or beneficiaries, or to any other changes in this policy".
(The first clause of this provision, relating to the irrevocable designation of beneficiary, may be omitted at the insurer's option).
2. Other provisions. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, no such policy delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state shall contain provisions respecting the matters set forth below unless such provisions are in the words in which the same appear in this section; provided, however, that the insurer may, at its option, use in lieu of any such provision a corresponding provision of different wording approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance which is not less favorable in any respect to the insured or the beneficiary. Any such provision contained in the policy shall be preceded individually by the appropriate caption appearing in this subsection or, at the option of the insurer, by such appropriate individual or group captions or subcaptions as the director of the department of commerce and insurance may approve.
(1) A provision as follows: "CHANGE OF OCCUPATION:
If the insured be injured or contract sickness after having changed his occupation to one classified by the insurer as more hazardous than that stated in this policy or while doing for compensation anything pertaining to an occupation so classified, the insurer will pay only such portion of the indemnities provided in this policy as the premium paid would have purchased at the rates and within the limits fixed by the insurer for such more hazardous occupation. If the insured changes his occupation to one classified by the insurer as less hazardous than that stated in this policy, the insurer, upon receipt of proof of such change of occupation, will reduce the premium rate accordingly, and will return the excess pro rata unearned premium from the date of change of occupation or from the policy anniversary date immediately preceding receipt of such proof, whichever is the more recent. In applying this provision, the classification of occupational risk and the premium rates shall be such as have been last filed by the insurer prior to the occurrence of the loss for which the insurer is liable or prior to date of proof of change in occupation with the state official having supervision of insurance in the state where the insured resided at the time this policy was issued; but if such filing was not required, then the classification of occupational risk and the premium rates shall be those last made effective by the insurer in such state prior to the occurrence of the loss or prior to the date of proof of change in occupation".
(2) A provision as follows: "MISSTATEMENT OF AGE:
If the age of the insured has been misstated, all amounts payable under this policy shall be such as the premium paid would have purchased at the correct age".
(3) A provision as follows: "OTHER INSURANCE IN THIS INSURER:
If an accident or sickness or accident and sickness policy or policies previously issued by the insurer to the insured be in force concurrently herewith, making the aggregate indemnity for ______ (insert type of coverage or coverages) in excess of $______ (insert maximum limit of indemnity or indemnities) the excess insurance shall be void and all premiums paid for such excess shall be returned to the insured or to his estate, or in lieu thereof.
Insurance effective at any one time on the insured under a like policy or policies in this insurer is limited to the one such policy elected by the insured, his beneficiary or his estate, as the case may be, and the insurer will return all premiums paid for all other such policies".
(4) A provision as follows: "INSURANCE WITH OTHER INSURERS:
If there be other valid coverage, not with this insurer, providing benefits for the same loss on a provision of service basis or on an expense incurred basis and of which this insurer has not been given written notice prior to the occurrence or commencement of loss, the only liability under any expense incurred coverage of this policy shall be for such proportion of the loss as the amount which would otherwise have been payable hereunder plus the total of the like amounts under all such other valid coverages for the same loss of which this insurer had notice bears to the total like amounts under all valid coverages for such loss, and for the return of such portion of the premiums paid as shall exceed the pro rata portion for the amount so determined. For the purpose of applying this provision when other coverage is on a provision of service basis, the "like amount" of such other coverage shall be taken as the amount which the services rendered would have cost in the absence of such coverage".
(If the foregoing policy provision is included in a policy which also contains the next following policy provision there shall be added to the caption of the foregoing provision the phrase "EXPENSE INCURRED BENEFITS". The insurer may, at its option, include in this provision a definition of "other valid coverage", approved as to form by the director of the department of commerce and insurance, which definition shall be limited in subject matter to coverage provided by organizations subject to regulation by insurance law or by insurance authorities of this or any other state of the United States or any province of Canada, and by hospital or medical service organizations, and to any other coverage the inclusion of which may be approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance. In the absence of such definition such term shall not include group insurance, automobile medical payments insurance, or coverage provided by hospital or medical service organizations or by union welfare plans or employer or employees benefit organizations. For the purpose of applying the foregoing policy provision with respect to any insured, any amount of benefit provided for such insured pursuant to any compulsory benefit statute, including any workers' compensation or employer's liability statute whether provided by a governmental agency or otherwise shall in all cases be deemed to be "other valid coverage" of which the insurer has had notice. In applying the foregoing policy provision no third party liability coverage shall be included as "other valid coverage").
(5) A provision as follows: "INSURANCE WITH OTHER INSURERS:
If there be other valid coverage, not with this insurer, providing benefits for the same loss on other than an expense incurred basis and of which this insurer has not been given written notice prior to the occurrence or commencement of loss, the only liability for such benefits under this policy shall be for such proportion of the indemnities otherwise provided hereunder for such loss as the like indemnities of which the insurer had notice (including the indemnities under this policy) bear to the total amount of all like indemnities for such loss, and for the return of such portion of the premium paid as shall exceed the pro rata portion for the indemnities thus determined".
(If the foregoing policy provision is included in a policy which also contains the next preceding policy provision there shall be added to the caption of the foregoing provision the phrase "OTHER BENEFITS". The insurer may, at its option, include in this provision a definition of "other valid coverage", approved as to form by the director of the department of commerce and insurance which definition shall be limited in subject matter to coverage provided by organizations subject to regulation by insurance law or by insurance authorities of this or any other state of the United States or any province of Canada, and to any other coverage the inclusion of which may be approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance. In the absence of such definition such term shall not include group insurance, or benefits provided by union welfare plans or by employer or employee benefit organizations. For the purpose of applying the foregoing policy provision with respect to any insured, any amount of benefit provided for such insured pursuant to any compulsory benefit statute (including any workers' compensation or employer's liability statute) whether provided by a governmental agency or otherwise shall in all cases be deemed to be "other valid coverage", of which the insurer has had notice. In applying the foregoing policy provision no third party liability coverage shall be included as "other valid coverage").
(6) A provision as follows: "RELATION OF EARNINGS TO INSURANCE:
If the total monthly amount of loss of time benefits promised for the same loss under all valid loss of time coverage upon the insured, whether payable on a weekly or monthly basis, shall exceed the monthly earnings of the insured at the time disability commenced or his average monthly earnings for the period of two years immediately preceding a disability for which claim is made, whichever is the greater, the insurer will be liable only for such proportionate amount of such benefits under this policy as the amount of such monthly earnings or such average monthly earnings of the insured bears to the total amount of monthly benefits for the same loss under all such coverage upon the insured at the time such disability commences and for the return of such part of the premiums paid during such two years as shall exceed the pro rata amount of the premiums for the benefits actually paid hereunder; but this shall not operate to reduce the total monthly amount of benefits payable under all such coverage upon the insured below the sum of two hundred dollars or the sum of the monthly benefits specified in such coverages, whichever is the lesser, nor shall it operate to reduce benefits other than those payable for loss of time".
(The foregoing policy provision may be inserted only in a policy which the insured has the right to continue in force subject to its terms by the timely payment of premiums (1) until at least age fifty or, (2) in the case of a policy issued after age forty-four, for at least five years from this date of issue. The insurer may, at its option, include in this provision a definition of "valid loss of time coverage", approved as to form by the director of the department of commerce and insurance, which definition shall be limited in subject matter to coverage provided by governmental agencies or by organizations subject to regulation by insurance law or by insurance authorities of this or any other state of the United States or any province of Canada, or to any other coverage the inclusion of which may be approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance or any combination of such coverages. In the absence of such definition such term shall not include any coverage provided for such insured pursuant to any compulsory benefit statute (including any workers' compensation or employer's liability statute), or benefits provided by union welfare plans or by employer or employee benefit organizations).
(7) A provision as follows: "UNPAID PREMIUM:
Upon the payment of a claim under this policy, any premium then due and unpaid or covered by any note or written order may be deducted therefrom".
(8) A provision as follows: "CANCELLATION:
The insurer may cancel this policy at any time by written notice delivered to the insured, or mailed to his last address as shown by the records of the insurer, stating when, not less than five days thereafter, such cancellation shall be effective; and after the policy has been continued beyond its original term the insured may cancel this policy at any time by written notice delivered or mailed to the insurer, effective upon receipt or on such later date as may be specified in such notice. In the event of cancellation, the insurer will return promptly the unearned portion of any premium paid. If the insured cancels, the earned premium shall be computed by the use of the short-rate table last filed with the state official having supervision of insurance in the state where the insured resided when the policy was issued. If the insurer cancels, the earned premium shall be computed pro rata. Cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior to the effective date of cancellation".
(9) A provision as follows: "CONFORMITY WITH STATE STATUTES: Any provision of this policy which, on its effective date, is in conflict with the statutes of the state in which the insured resides on such date is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirements of such statutes".
(10) A provision as follows: "ILLEGAL OCCUPATION:
The insurer shall not be liable for any loss to which a contributing cause was the insured's commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which a contributing cause was the insured's being engaged in an illegal occupation".
(11) A provision as follows: "INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS:
The insurer shall not be liable for any loss sustained or contracted in consequence of the insured's being intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic unless administered on the advice of a physician".
3. Inapplicable or inconsistent provisions. If any provision of this section is in whole or in part inapplicable to or inconsistent with the coverage provided by a particular form of policy the insurer, with the approval of the director of the department of commerce and insurance, shall omit from such policy an inapplicable provision or part of a provision, and shall modify any inconsistent provision or part of the provision, in such manner as to make the provision as contained in the policy consistent with the coverage provided by the policy.
4. Order of certain policy provisions. The provisions which are the subject of subsections 1 and 2 of this section, or any corresponding provisions which are used in lieu thereof in accordance with such subsections, shall be printed in the consecutive order of the provisions in such subsections or, at the option of the insurer, any such provision may appear as a unit in any part of the policy, with other provisions to which it may be logically related, provided the resulting policy shall not be in whole or in part unintelligible, uncertain, ambiguous, abstruse, or likely to mislead a person to whom the policy is offered, delivered or issued.
5. Third party ownership. The word "insured" as used in sections 376.770 to 376.800, shall not be construed as preventing a person other than the insured with a proper insurable interest from making application for and owning a policy covering the insured or from being entitled under such a policy to any indemnities, benefits and rights provided therein.
6. Requirements of other jurisdictions.
(1) Any policy of a foreign or alien insurer, when delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state, may contain any provision which is not less favorable to the insured or the beneficiary than the provisions of sections 376.770 to 376.800 and which is prescribed or required by the law of the state under which the insurer is organized.
(2) Any policy of a domestic insurer may, when issued for delivery in any other state or country, contain any provision permitted or required by the laws of such other state or country.
7. Approval of policies.
(1) No policy subject to sections 376.770 to 376.800 shall be delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state unless such policy, including any rider, endorsement or other provisions, supplementary thereto, shall have been approved by the director of the department of commerce and insurance.
(2) The director of the department of commerce and insurance shall have authority to make such reasonable rules and regulations concerning the filing and submission of policies as are necessary, proper or advisable. Such rules and regulations shall provide, among other things, that if a policy form is disapproved, all specific reasons for nonconformance shall be stated in writing within forty-five days from the date of filing; that a hearing shall be granted upon such disapproval, if so requested; and that the failure of the director of the department of commerce and insurance, to take action approving or disapproving a submitted policy form within forty-five days from the date of filing, shall be deemed an approval thereof. If at any time after a policy form is approved or deemed approved, the director determines that any provision of the filing is contrary to state law, the director shall notify the health carrier of the specific provisions that are contrary to state law and any specific statute or regulation to which the provision is contrary, and request that the health carrier file within thirty days of the notification an amendment form that modifies the provision to conform to state law. Upon approval of the amendment form by the director, the health carrier shall issue a copy of the amendment to each individual and entity to which the filing has been issued. Such amendment shall have the force and effect as if the amendment was in the original filing or policy.
(3) The director of the department of commerce and insurance shall approve only those policies which are in compliance with the insurance laws of this state and which contain such words, phraseology, conditions and provisions which are specific, certain and unambiguous and reasonably adequate to meet needed requirements for the protection of those insured. The disapproval of any policy form shall be based upon the requirements of the laws of this state or of any regulation lawfully promulgated thereunder.
(4) The director of the department of commerce and insurance may, by order or bulletin, exempt from the approval requirements of this section for so long as he deems proper any insurance policy, document, or form or type thereof, as specified in such order or bulletin, to which, in his opinion, this section may not practicably be applied, or the approval of which is, in his opinion, not desirable or necessary for the protection of the public.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a health carrier, as defined in section 376.1350, may offer a health benefit plan that is a managed care plan that requires all health care services to be delivered by a participating provider in the health carrier's network, except for emergency services, as defined in section 376.1350, and the services described in subsection 4 of section 376.811. Such a provision shall be disclosed in the policy form.
(L. 1959 H.B. 252 § 4, A.L. 1984 S.B. 592, A.L. 2013 S.B. 262)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions
Chapter 376 - Life, Health and Accident Insurance
Section 376.005 - Definitions.
Section 376.010 - Who may form company — purposes.
Section 376.020 - Various companies defined.
Section 376.050 - Declaration of corporators.
Section 376.060 - Stock companies — content of charter.
Section 376.070 - To be submitted to attorney general.
Section 376.080 - Director to examine, when.
Section 376.090 - To furnish certificate of deposit, when.
Section 376.100 - Mutual companies — contents of charter.
Section 376.110 - To be submitted to attorney general.
Section 376.120 - Director to examine and certify, when.
Section 376.130 - To furnish certificate of deposit, when.
Section 376.145 - Officers of stock company to continue as officers of mutual.
Section 376.147 - Meetings of board of mutual, notice — executive committee of board, powers.
Section 376.150 - Stock and mutual companies — content of charter.
Section 376.160 - Formation of stock and mutual companies.
Section 376.170 - Special deposits for registered policies and annuity bonds.
Section 376.190 - Additional deposits required.
Section 376.200 - Definition of net value.
Section 376.210 - Excess deposits.
Section 376.220 - May use realty to secure notes and bonds.
Section 376.230 - Changing of securities on deposit.
Section 376.240 - Deposits to be held in trust by director.
Section 376.250 - Deposits to be kept separate.
Section 376.260 - Fees collected by director of revenue.
Section 376.270 - Director may proceed against depositary companies.
Section 376.280 - Capital necessary to do business — how invested.
Section 376.290 - Deposit and transfer of securities.
Section 376.291 - Applicability and inapplicability.
Section 376.292 - Definitions.
Section 376.293 - Permissible investments — written plan for investments required.
Section 376.294 - Prohibited acts.
Section 376.295 - Additional prohibited acts — authorized actions.
Section 376.296 - Value of investments, how calculated.
Section 376.297 - Investment subsidiaries not permitted, when.
Section 376.298 - Acquisition of rate credit instruments, when.
Section 376.300 - Equity interests permitted, when.
Section 376.301 - Tangible personal property interests permitted, when.
Section 376.302 - Mortgage interests, may be acquired, when — other real estate interests.
Section 376.303 - Lending and repurchase, permitted when.
Section 376.304 - Acquisition of foreign investments, when.
Section 376.305 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 376.306 - Cash surrender value, life insurer may lend to policyholder, when.
Section 376.307 - Limits on acquisition of certain investments.
Section 376.308 - Secondary mortgage market act, not to preempt health insurer, when.
Section 376.310 - Investment of surplus and reserve funds by foreign companies.
Section 376.325 - Any willing provider provision — definitions.
Section 376.330 - Securities may be changed.
Section 376.350 - Reports to director.
Section 376.360 - Distribution of surplus funds to participating policyholders — method.
Section 376.365 - Standard valuation law — definitions.
Section 376.370 - Director to value reserves, methods.
Section 376.379 - Medication synchronization services, offer of coverage required.
Section 376.381 - Health insurance products, department duties.
Section 376.386 - Prescription drugs, one co-payment for dosage prescribed.
Section 376.387 - Pharmacy benefits manager, limitations and restrictions — enforcement.
Section 376.390 - Reserve liability for group insurance — how computed.
Section 376.391 - Co-payments for chiropractic services, cap.
Section 376.392 - Prescription drug formularies, enrollees to be notified of changes to, when.
Section 376.393 - Pharmacy benefits manager, license required — definitions — complaints, procedure.
Section 376.395 - Definitions for group health conversion policy requirements.
Section 376.398 - Application to all group policies — effective, when.
Section 376.401 - Conversion rights — retirees — dependents of insured.
Section 376.404 - Specific requirement requests of policyholder may be met by alteration.
Section 376.407 - Advance practice nurse, claims for service to be reimbursed, when.
Section 376.410 - Insurance companies to maintain reserves — exemptions.
Section 376.421 - Group health insurance, authorized categories.
Section 376.425 - Student accident policies, may not limit surgical benefits, when.
Section 376.426 - Group health policies, required provisions.
Section 376.428 - Federal COBRA provisions to apply to group health insurance policies.
Section 376.432 - Group-type basis, defined.
Section 376.434 - Carrier liable for claims incurred during grace period, when — exceptions.
Section 376.435 - Claim information to be reported, when — covered lives defined.
Section 376.442 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 376.450 - Citation of law — definitions (Missouri HIPAA).
Section 376.451 - Standards prohibiting discrimination.
Section 376.453 - Premium — only cafeteria plans required, when.
Section 376.480 - Domestic companies may assume risks of foreign companies — duties of director.
Section 376.500 - Discriminations, rebates and favors prohibited — contracts to conform to policy.
Section 376.510 - Penalty for violation of section 376.500.
Section 376.540 - Policy, to whom payable.
Section 376.570 - Foreign executor or administrator.
Section 376.580 - Misrepresentation.
Section 376.600 - Penalty for violating section 376.590.
Section 376.610 - Defense in case of suits.
Section 376.620 - Suicide, effect on liability — refund of premiums, when.
Section 376.630 - Life insurance policies not to be forfeited or become invalid, when.
Section 376.640 - Paid-up policy may be demanded, when.
Section 376.650 - Rules of payment on commuted policy.
Section 376.660 - Foregoing provisions inapplicable, when.
Section 376.670 - Provisions which shall be contained in life insurance policies, exceptions.
Section 376.671 - Provisions which shall be contained in annuity contracts — inapplicability date.
Section 376.673 - Life insurance policies, regulations relative to.
Section 376.674 - Life insurance policies, no cash surrender value, regulations relative to.
Section 376.679 - Life insurance company may reinsure for risks involving aircraft, limitation.
Section 376.680 - Assignment of incidents of ownership, group life policy, effect of.
Section 376.691 - Group life policies, eligible groups authorized for issue — premiums, how paid.
Section 376.693 - Special group life policies, requirements — director's approval.
Section 376.697 - Required provisions for group life policies.
Section 376.700 - Purpose — use of additional material.
Section 376.702 - Application of law — exceptions.
Section 376.704 - Definitions.
Section 376.706 - Delivery of guide and summary required, when.
Section 376.708 - Required presentations and statements — company to maintain file.
Section 376.710 - Effect of omission.
Section 376.712 - Effective date.
Section 376.714 - Contents and form of buyer's guide.
Section 376.715 - Citation of law, purpose.
Section 376.718 - Definitions.
Section 376.720 - Association, created — accounts — director to supervise.
Section 376.722 - Board of directors, established, members, how selected — expense reimbursement.
Section 376.726 - Nonpayment of premiums, effect of.
Section 376.728 - Law not applicable, when.
Section 376.730 - Liens, association may impose, when.
Section 376.734 - Additional powers of association.
Section 376.735 - Assessments against members, when due, classes — amounts, how determined.
Section 376.738 - Certificate of contribution, when issued.
Section 376.740 - Plan of operation, required, approval of director — provisions of plan.
Section 376.742 - Director, powers and duties.
Section 376.743 - Board of directors, powers.
Section 376.745 - Assessments, offset against tax liability, when, how.
Section 376.747 - Distribution of member insurer assets upon liquidation, priority of association.
Section 376.748 - Liquidation, recovery of distributions, when, exceptions, limitations.
Section 376.752 - Member insurer's deposit with director, exemption from, amount.
Section 376.754 - Stay of proceedings, insolvent insurer, when.
Section 376.755 - Advertising, use of guaranty association prohibited.
Section 376.758 - Law inapplicable to insolvent insurers on effective date of law.
Section 376.770 - Title of law.
Section 376.773 - Definitions.
Section 376.775 - Matters required in policies.
Section 376.780 - Limits on provisions, effect of conflict of policy with law.
Section 376.783 - Insured bound only if copy of application attached to policy.
Section 376.785 - What does not constitute waiver of defenses.
Section 376.787 - Effect of age limit provision.
Section 376.789 - Definition of actual charge and actual fee.
Section 376.790 - Limits on applicability of law.
Section 376.791 - Portion of section 376.777 not applicable to individual health insurance coverage.
Section 376.810 - Definitions for policy requirements for chemical dependency.
Section 376.818 - Eligibility for Medicaid may not be considered by insurers.
Section 376.819 - MO HealthNet division to have right to payment for health care services provided.
Section 376.823 - Prohibition on kickbacks not applicable for rebates for certain chronic illnesses.
Section 376.850 - Law, how cited.
Section 376.854 - Definitions.
Section 376.859 - Medicare supplement law applicable to what policies — policies not included.
Section 376.869 - Standards for policies, minimum, director to adopt.
Section 376.874 - Requirements of policy, return to policyholders.
Section 376.882 - Cancellation of policy, refund required — notification.
Section 376.884 - Advertisement to be reviewed by director.
Section 376.886 - Regulations, requirements — rules, procedure.
Section 376.889 - Violations, penalty.
Section 376.890 - Invalidity of any section regulating Medicare supplement not to affect others.
Section 376.891 - Definitions.
Section 376.900 - Definitions.
Section 376.905 - Administration by department, powers, duties — fees.
Section 376.910 - Certificate of authority required.
Section 376.920 - Annual statement, form, contents.
Section 376.925 - Seven-day rescission period, all money or property to be refunded.
Section 376.930 - Insured to be furnished application for certificate and annual statement, when.
Section 376.940 - Escrow account for entrance fees required, released when.
Section 376.945 - Escrow account, amount required — principal, how released, investment.
Section 376.950 - Board of directors, one member to be resident of facility.
Section 376.960 - Definitions.
Section 376.965 - Board members not civilly liable for performance of duties, exception.
Section 376.982 - Rulemaking procedure.
Section 376.989 - No liability, criminal or civil, for participation in pool by members.
Section 376.1000 - Multiple employer self-insured health plan, defined.
Section 376.1007 - Plan to file copy of bylaws, coverage and agreements with director.
Section 376.1010 - Excess stop-loss coverage maintained by plan.
Section 376.1015 - Department not to grant approval, when.
Section 376.1017 - Plan to establish loss reserves — plan to establish surplus account, amount.
Section 376.1020 - Plan to maintain principal place of business in Missouri, exception.
Section 376.1025 - Director may adopt rules.
Section 376.1027 - Plan in unsound condition, powers of director.
Section 376.1032 - Plan considered insurer, when.
Section 376.1035 - Chapter 376 applicable to plan.
Section 376.1037 - Plan subject to premium taxes.
Section 376.1042 - Marketing by agent, agency or broker violation of law.
Section 376.1045 - Injunctive relief, director may seek, when — procedures.
Section 376.1065 - Official notification communications, contracting entity requirements.
Section 376.1075 - Definitions.
Section 376.1077 - Administrator to have agreement with insurer, form, contents — termination, how.
Section 376.1080 - Payments of premiums and claims deemed paid, when.
Section 376.1083 - Advertising restrictions for administrator.
Section 376.1090 - Materials delivered to administrator for insured to be promptly delivered.
Section 376.1093 - Annual report filed with director, when — contents — filing fee, amount.
Section 376.1094 - Certificate of authority, suspension or revocation, grounds — civil action, when.
Section 376.1095 - Rules and regulations, promulgation.
Section 376.1100 - Law, how cited — definitions.
Section 376.1115 - Coverage outline to be delivered to applicants, when, content.
Section 376.1121 - Denial of claim, long-term care insurance, duties of issuer.
Section 376.1130 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 376.1190 - Health care mandates — review by oversight division — actuarial analysis.
Section 376.1215 - Immunizations, mandated coverage, exceptions, rulemaking.
Section 376.1220 - Insurance coverage for newborn hearing screenings mandated.
Section 376.1226 - Fee schedule for services not covered under health benefit plans — definitions.
Section 376.1230 - Chiropractic care coverage, rates, terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions.
Section 376.1232 - Insurers to offer coverage for prosthetics.
Section 376.1237 - Refills for prescription eye drops, required, when — definitions.
Section 376.1250 - Cancer screening, health insurance coverage required, when, types.
Section 376.1290 - Coverage for lead testing.
Section 376.1300 - Reorganization of a domestic mutual life insurance company, authority.
Section 376.1305 - Formation of holding company, application — shareholder approval.
Section 376.1307 - Issuance of shares.
Section 376.1312 - Nonapplicability of certain provisions of insurance holding companies law.
Section 376.1315 - Incorporation of mutual holding company, authority, approval.
Section 376.1350 - Definitions.
Section 376.1353 - Utilization review activities monitored.
Section 376.1356 - Utilization review entity monitored, when.
Section 376.1359 - Written utilization program implemented, filed with the director.
Section 376.1363 - Utilization review decisions, procedures.
Section 376.1365 - Reconsideration of an adverse determination, when.
Section 376.1367 - Emergency services benefit determination, coverage required, when.
Section 376.1369 - Certification of compliance, when.
Section 376.1375 - Registry of grievances maintained, procedures — definitions.
Section 376.1378 - Grievances and certificate of compliance filed with the director, when.
Section 376.1385 - Second-level review procedures.
Section 376.1387 - Appeals of grievances determined by the director.
Section 376.1389 - Expedited grievance review procedure.
Section 376.1399 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 376.1400 - Explanation of benefits, standardized information used, contents, when.
Section 376.1403 - Referrals, standardized information used, content, when.
Section 376.1500 - Definitions.
Section 376.1502 - Requirements for transaction of business.
Section 376.1504 - Registration requirements — term of registration — renewal.
Section 376.1506 - Violations, penalty.
Section 376.1508 - Processing fee — cancellation of membership, effect of.
Section 376.1510 - Prohibited acts.
Section 376.1512 - Required disclosures.
Section 376.1514 - Written agreement required, contents.
Section 376.1518 - Net worth to be maintained, amount.
Section 376.1520 - Notice of changes.
Section 376.1522 - List of providers to be maintained on website.
Section 376.1524 - Advertising and marketing materials, approval in writing required.
Section 376.1528 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 376.1530 - Denial and refusal to issue registrations, when.
Section 376.1532 - Violations, penalties.
Section 376.1550 - Mental health coverage, requirements — definitions — exclusions.
Section 376.1575 - Definitions.
Section 376.1590 - Status as living organ donor not sole factor for insurance coverage.
Section 376.1900 - Definitions — reimbursement for telehealth services, when.
Section 376.2000 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 376.2002 - Navigators, license required — permitted acts — prohibited acts — exemptions.
Section 376.2004 - Application procedure.
Section 376.2006 - Term of licensure — renewal — continuing education.
Section 376.2008 - Consultation with licensed insurance producer, navigator to advise, when.
Section 376.2011 - Violations, administrative orders, civil actions — penalty.
Section 376.2012 - Navigators duty to report, when.
Section 376.2014 - Applicability — severability — rulemaking authority.
Section 376.2020 - Contracts prohibiting disclosure of certain payments and costs are unenforceable.
Section 376.2030 - Definitions.
Section 376.2036 - Enforcement — applicability to health insurance plans, when.
Section 376.2050 - Citation of act.
Section 376.2051 - Definitions.
Section 376.2053 - Exemption from requirements, when.
Section 376.2080 - Funding agreement defined — authority to issue — rulemaking authority.