Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers
Section 337.612 - Applications, contents, fee — fund established — renewal, fee — lost certificate, how replaced.

Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
337.612. Applications, contents, fee — fund established — renewal, fee — lost certificate, how replaced. — 1. Applications for licensure as a clinical social worker, baccalaureate social worker, advanced macro social worker or master social worker shall be in writing, submitted to the committee on forms prescribed by the committee and furnished to the applicant. The form shall include a statement that the applicant has completed two hours of suicide assessment, referral, treatment, and management training. The application shall contain the applicant's statements showing the applicant's education, experience, and such other information as the committee may require. Each application shall contain a statement that it is made under oath or affirmation and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the applicant, subject to the penalties provided for the making of a false affidavit or declaration. Each application shall be accompanied by the fees required by the committee.
2. The committee shall mail a renewal notice to the last known address of each licensee prior to the licensure renewal date. Failure to provide the committee with the information required for licensure, or to pay the licensure fee after such notice shall result in the expiration of the license. The license shall be restored if, within two years of the licensure date, the applicant provides written application and the payment of the licensure fee and a delinquency fee.
3. A new certificate to replace any certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated may be issued subject to the rules of the committee, upon payment of a fee.
4. The committee shall set the amount of the fees which sections 337.600 to 337.689 authorize and require by rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to section 536.021. The fees shall be set at a level to produce revenue which shall not substantially exceed the cost and expense of administering the provisions of sections 337.600 to 337.689. All fees provided for in sections 337.600 to 337.689 shall be collected by the director who shall deposit the same with the state treasurer in a fund to be known as the "Clinical Social Workers Fund". After August 28, 2007, the clinical social workers fund shall be called the "Licensed Social Workers Fund" and after such date all references in state law to the clinical social workers fund shall be considered references to the licensed social workers fund.
5. The provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary notwithstanding, money in this fund shall not be transferred and placed to the credit of general revenue until the amount in the fund at the end of the biennium exceeds two times the amount of the appropriations from the licensed social workers fund for the preceding fiscal year or, if the committee requires by rule renewal less frequently than yearly, then three times the appropriation from the committee's fund for the preceding fiscal year. The amount, if any, in the fund which shall lapse is that amount in the fund which exceeds the appropriate multiple of the appropriations from the clinical social workers fund for the preceding fiscal year.
(L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720 § 5, A.L. 1997 S.B. 246, A.L. 2001 H.B. 567, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1719 merged with S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXII - Occupations and Professions

Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers

Section 337.010 - Definitions.

Section 337.015 - Practice of psychology regulated — practice of psychology, defined.

Section 337.020 - Temporary, provisional or permanent licenses, application, qualifications, examinations, fees.

Section 337.021 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.

Section 337.025 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.

Section 337.027 - Educational requirements deemed met, when.

Section 337.029 - Licenses based on reciprocity to be issued, when — health service provider certification eligibility.

Section 337.030 - License renewal, registration fee, proof of compliance — late registration, penalty — lost certificate, how replaced — fees, amount, how set — inactive license issued, when.

Section 337.033 - Limitations on areas of practice — relevant professional education and training, defined — criteria for program of graduate study — health service provider certification, requirements for certain persons — automatic certification fo...

Section 337.035 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for — interested third party, defined.

Section 337.041 - Discrimination prohibited.

Section 337.045 - Exempted professions and occupations — temporary practice authorized.

Section 337.050 - State committee of psychologists created — members, qualifications, compensation, removal — rules, procedure — seal — continuing education, proof for license renewal, types of continuing education.

Section 337.055 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.060 - Licensed psychologists not to practice medicine.

Section 337.065 - Violations, penalty, refund of fees — duties of committee — injunctions — civil immunity, when — venue.

Section 337.068 - Complaints of prisoners — disposition of certain records.

Section 337.070 - Local governments prohibited from taxing or licensing psychologists.

Section 337.085 - Fees, collection, disposition, use.

Section 337.090 - License or directory not to include degree on which license was issued.

Section 337.093 - Application of law.

Section 337.100 - Citation of law — findings — purpose.

Section 337.105 - Definitions.

Section 337.110 - Home state licensure.

Section 337.115 - Compact privilege to practice telepsychology.

Section 337.120 - Compact temporary authorization to practice.

Section 337.125 - Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state.

Section 337.130 - Adverse actions.

Section 337.135 - Additional authorities invested in a compact state's psychology regulatory authority.

Section 337.140 - Coordinated licensure information system.

Section 337.145 - Establishment of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission.

Section 337.150 - Rulemaking.

Section 337.155 - Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.

Section 337.160 - Date of implementation of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission and associated rules, withdrawal, and amendment.

Section 337.165 - Construction and severability.

Section 337.170 - Contingent effective date.

Section 337.300 - Definitions.

Section 337.305 - Advisory board created, members, terms, meetings, vacancies.

Section 337.310 - Board powers and duties.

Section 337.315 - Intervention requirements — licensure requirements — temporary licenses — provisional license — practice of applied behavior analysis — violation, penalty.

Section 337.320 - Renewal of licensure, procedure.

Section 337.325 - Limitation on practice.

Section 337.330 - Refusal of licensure — complaint procedure.

Section 337.335 - Violations, penalty.

Section 337.340 - Fees — collection and deposit.

Section 337.347 - Reimbursement and billing for provisionally and temporary licensed analysts.

Section 337.500 - Definitions.

Section 337.503 - Discrimination in promulgation of regulations prohibited.

Section 337.505 - License required — exempted professions and occupations.

Section 337.507 - Applications, contents, fees — failure to renew, effect — replacement of certificates, when — fund established — examination, when, notice.

Section 337.510 - Requirements for licensure — reciprocity — provisional professional counselor license issued, when, requirements — renewal license fee.

Section 337.515 - License expiration, renewal, fees.

Section 337.520 - Rules and regulations, procedure.

Section 337.525 - Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license — civil immunity, when — procedure upon filing complaint.

Section 337.528 - Confidentiality of complaint documentation, when — destruction of information permitted, when.

Section 337.530 - Violations, penalty — refund of fees for services — duties of department — injunctions, grounds for — venue.

Section 337.535 - Committee established — qualifications of members, terms — compensation — meetings, quorum — removal of members.

Section 337.540 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.600 - Definitions.

Section 337.603 - License required — exemptions from licensure.

Section 337.604 - Title of social worker, requirements to use title.

Section 337.612 - Applications, contents, fee — fund established — renewal, fee — lost certificate, how replaced.

Section 337.615 - Education, experience requirements — reciprocity — licenses issued, when.

Section 337.618 - License expiration, renewal, fees, continuing education requirements.

Section 337.621 - Temporary permits.

Section 337.622 - State committee for social workers — membership, removal and vacancies.

Section 337.627 - Rules and regulations, procedure.

Section 337.630 - Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license — civil immunity, when — procedure upon filing complaint.

Section 337.633 - Violations, penalty — refund of fees for service — duties of department — injunctions, grounds for — venue.

Section 337.636 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.642 - Discrimination against social workers in promulgation of rules prohibited.

Section 337.643 - Licensure required for use of title — practice authorized.

Section 337.644 - Application, contents — issuance of license, when.

Section 337.645 - Application information required — issuance of license, when.

Section 337.646 - License required for use of title.

Section 337.647 - Verification and acknowledgment of completion, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 337.649 - Documentation and disciplinary action prohibited, when — request to destroy documentation permitted, when — disclosure of complaint not required, when.

Section 337.653 - Baccalaureate social workers, license required, permitted activities.

Section 337.662 - Application for licensure, contents — renewal notices — replacement certificates provided, when — fees set by committee.

Section 337.665 - Information required to be furnished committee — certificate to practice independently issued, when.

Section 337.671 - Temporary permits issued, when.

Section 337.683 - Violations, penalty — committee may sue, when — actions permitted to be enjoined.

Section 337.689 - Licensees may be compelled to testify.

Section 337.700 - Definitions.

Section 337.703 - License required, exceptions.

Section 337.705 - Discrimination prohibited, when.

Section 337.706 - License required, exception for persons licensed in other state.

Section 337.709 - Laws not to be construed to require employment of marital and family therapists.

Section 337.712 - Licenses, application, oath, fee — lost certificates — fund.

Section 337.715 - Qualifications for licensure, exceptions.

Section 337.718 - License expiration, renewal fee — temporary permits.

Section 337.727 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 337.730 - Refusal to issue or renew, grounds, notice, rights of applicant — complaints filed with administrative hearing commission.

Section 337.733 - Violations of marital and family therapists law, penalty — attorney general, duties — injunctions — venue.

Section 337.736 - Confidentiality, exceptions.

Section 337.739 - Committee, members, qualifications, terms, meetings, expenses, removal.