Effective - 28 Aug 1993
337.093. Application of law. — Nothing in the provisions of this act* is intended to repeal or modify those provisions of sections 337.010 to 337.090, which provide for the licensure of psychologists.
(L. 1993 H.B. 564 § 31)
*"This act" (H.B. 564, 1993) contained numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for definitive a listing.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers
Section 337.010 - Definitions.
Section 337.015 - Practice of psychology regulated — practice of psychology, defined.
Section 337.021 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
Section 337.025 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
Section 337.027 - Educational requirements deemed met, when.
Section 337.041 - Discrimination prohibited.
Section 337.045 - Exempted professions and occupations — temporary practice authorized.
Section 337.055 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.060 - Licensed psychologists not to practice medicine.
Section 337.068 - Complaints of prisoners — disposition of certain records.
Section 337.070 - Local governments prohibited from taxing or licensing psychologists.
Section 337.085 - Fees, collection, disposition, use.
Section 337.090 - License or directory not to include degree on which license was issued.
Section 337.093 - Application of law.
Section 337.100 - Citation of law — findings — purpose.
Section 337.105 - Definitions.
Section 337.110 - Home state licensure.
Section 337.115 - Compact privilege to practice telepsychology.
Section 337.120 - Compact temporary authorization to practice.
Section 337.125 - Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state.
Section 337.130 - Adverse actions.
Section 337.140 - Coordinated licensure information system.
Section 337.145 - Establishment of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission.
Section 337.155 - Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.
Section 337.165 - Construction and severability.
Section 337.170 - Contingent effective date.
Section 337.300 - Definitions.
Section 337.305 - Advisory board created, members, terms, meetings, vacancies.
Section 337.310 - Board powers and duties.
Section 337.320 - Renewal of licensure, procedure.
Section 337.325 - Limitation on practice.
Section 337.330 - Refusal of licensure — complaint procedure.
Section 337.335 - Violations, penalty.
Section 337.340 - Fees — collection and deposit.
Section 337.347 - Reimbursement and billing for provisionally and temporary licensed analysts.
Section 337.500 - Definitions.
Section 337.503 - Discrimination in promulgation of regulations prohibited.
Section 337.505 - License required — exempted professions and occupations.
Section 337.515 - License expiration, renewal, fees.
Section 337.520 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 337.540 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.600 - Definitions.
Section 337.603 - License required — exemptions from licensure.
Section 337.604 - Title of social worker, requirements to use title.
Section 337.615 - Education, experience requirements — reciprocity — licenses issued, when.
Section 337.618 - License expiration, renewal, fees, continuing education requirements.
Section 337.621 - Temporary permits.
Section 337.622 - State committee for social workers — membership, removal and vacancies.
Section 337.627 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 337.636 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.642 - Discrimination against social workers in promulgation of rules prohibited.
Section 337.643 - Licensure required for use of title — practice authorized.
Section 337.644 - Application, contents — issuance of license, when.
Section 337.645 - Application information required — issuance of license, when.
Section 337.646 - License required for use of title.
Section 337.653 - Baccalaureate social workers, license required, permitted activities.
Section 337.671 - Temporary permits issued, when.
Section 337.683 - Violations, penalty — committee may sue, when — actions permitted to be enjoined.
Section 337.689 - Licensees may be compelled to testify.
Section 337.700 - Definitions.
Section 337.703 - License required, exceptions.
Section 337.705 - Discrimination prohibited, when.
Section 337.706 - License required, exception for persons licensed in other state.
Section 337.709 - Laws not to be construed to require employment of marital and family therapists.
Section 337.712 - Licenses, application, oath, fee — lost certificates — fund.
Section 337.715 - Qualifications for licensure, exceptions.
Section 337.718 - License expiration, renewal fee — temporary permits.
Section 337.727 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 337.736 - Confidentiality, exceptions.
Section 337.739 - Committee, members, qualifications, terms, meetings, expenses, removal.