Effective - 22 Dec 2020
337.135. Additional authorities invested in a compact state's psychology regulatory authority. — 1. In addition to any other powers granted under state law, a compact state's psychology regulatory authority shall have the authority under this compact to:
(1) Issue subpoenas, for both hearings and investigations, which require the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence. Subpoenas issued by a compact state's psychology regulatory authority for the attendance and testimony of witnesses, or the production of evidence from another compact state shall be enforced in the latter state by any court of competent jurisdiction, according to that court's practice and procedure in considering subpoenas issued in its own proceedings. The issuing state psychology regulatory authority shall pay any witness fees, travel expenses, mileage and other fees required by the service statutes of the state where the witnesses or evidence are located; and
(2) Issue cease and desist or injunctive relief orders to revoke a psychologist's authority to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology or temporary authorization to practice.
2. During the course of any investigation, a psychologist may not change his or her home state licensure. A home state psychology regulatory authority is authorized to complete any pending investigations of a psychologist and to take any actions appropriate under its law. The home state psychology regulatory authority shall promptly report the conclusions of such investigations to the commission. Once an investigation has been completed, and pending the outcome of said investigation, the psychologist may change his or her home state licensure. The commission shall promptly notify the new home state of any such decisions as provided in the rules of the commission. All information provided to the commission or distributed by compact states pursuant to the psychologist shall be confidential, filed under seal and used for investigatory or disciplinary matters. The commission may create additional rules for mandated or discretionary sharing of information by compact states.
(L. 2018 H.B. 1719 merged with S.B. 660)
Effective 12-22-20, see § 337.170
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers
Section 337.010 - Definitions.
Section 337.015 - Practice of psychology regulated — practice of psychology, defined.
Section 337.021 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
Section 337.025 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
Section 337.027 - Educational requirements deemed met, when.
Section 337.041 - Discrimination prohibited.
Section 337.045 - Exempted professions and occupations — temporary practice authorized.
Section 337.055 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.060 - Licensed psychologists not to practice medicine.
Section 337.068 - Complaints of prisoners — disposition of certain records.
Section 337.070 - Local governments prohibited from taxing or licensing psychologists.
Section 337.085 - Fees, collection, disposition, use.
Section 337.090 - License or directory not to include degree on which license was issued.
Section 337.093 - Application of law.
Section 337.100 - Citation of law — findings — purpose.
Section 337.105 - Definitions.
Section 337.110 - Home state licensure.
Section 337.115 - Compact privilege to practice telepsychology.
Section 337.120 - Compact temporary authorization to practice.
Section 337.125 - Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state.
Section 337.130 - Adverse actions.
Section 337.140 - Coordinated licensure information system.
Section 337.145 - Establishment of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission.
Section 337.155 - Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.
Section 337.165 - Construction and severability.
Section 337.170 - Contingent effective date.
Section 337.300 - Definitions.
Section 337.305 - Advisory board created, members, terms, meetings, vacancies.
Section 337.310 - Board powers and duties.
Section 337.320 - Renewal of licensure, procedure.
Section 337.325 - Limitation on practice.
Section 337.330 - Refusal of licensure — complaint procedure.
Section 337.335 - Violations, penalty.
Section 337.340 - Fees — collection and deposit.
Section 337.347 - Reimbursement and billing for provisionally and temporary licensed analysts.
Section 337.500 - Definitions.
Section 337.503 - Discrimination in promulgation of regulations prohibited.
Section 337.505 - License required — exempted professions and occupations.
Section 337.515 - License expiration, renewal, fees.
Section 337.520 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 337.540 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.600 - Definitions.
Section 337.603 - License required — exemptions from licensure.
Section 337.604 - Title of social worker, requirements to use title.
Section 337.615 - Education, experience requirements — reciprocity — licenses issued, when.
Section 337.618 - License expiration, renewal, fees, continuing education requirements.
Section 337.621 - Temporary permits.
Section 337.622 - State committee for social workers — membership, removal and vacancies.
Section 337.627 - Rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 337.636 - Privileged communications, when.
Section 337.642 - Discrimination against social workers in promulgation of rules prohibited.
Section 337.643 - Licensure required for use of title — practice authorized.
Section 337.644 - Application, contents — issuance of license, when.
Section 337.645 - Application information required — issuance of license, when.
Section 337.646 - License required for use of title.
Section 337.653 - Baccalaureate social workers, license required, permitted activities.
Section 337.671 - Temporary permits issued, when.
Section 337.683 - Violations, penalty — committee may sue, when — actions permitted to be enjoined.
Section 337.689 - Licensees may be compelled to testify.
Section 337.700 - Definitions.
Section 337.703 - License required, exceptions.
Section 337.705 - Discrimination prohibited, when.
Section 337.706 - License required, exception for persons licensed in other state.
Section 337.709 - Laws not to be construed to require employment of marital and family therapists.
Section 337.712 - Licenses, application, oath, fee — lost certificates — fund.
Section 337.715 - Qualifications for licensure, exceptions.
Section 337.718 - License expiration, renewal fee — temporary permits.
Section 337.727 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 337.736 - Confidentiality, exceptions.
Section 337.739 - Committee, members, qualifications, terms, meetings, expenses, removal.