Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers
Section 337.033 - Limitations on areas of practice — relevant professional education and training, defined — criteria for program of graduate study — health service provider certification, requirements for certain persons — automatic certification fo...

Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
337.033. Limitations on areas of practice — relevant professional education and training, defined — criteria for program of graduate study — health service provider certification, requirements for certain persons — automatic certification for certain persons. — 1. A licensed psychologist shall limit his or her practice to demonstrated areas of competence as documented by relevant professional education, training, and experience. A psychologist trained in one area shall not practice in another area without obtaining additional relevant professional education, training, and experience through an acceptable program of respecialization.
2. A psychologist may not represent or hold himself or herself out as a state-certified or -registered psychological health service provider unless the psychologist has first received the psychologist health service provider certification from the committee; provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or prevent a licensed, whether temporary, provisional or permanent, psychologist who does not hold a health service provider certificate from providing psychological services so long as such services are consistent with subsection 1 of this section.
3. "Relevant professional education and training" for health service provider certification, except those entitled to certification pursuant to subsection 5 or 6 of this section, shall be defined as a licensed psychologist whose graduate psychology degree from a recognized educational institution is in an area designated by the American Psychological Association as pertaining to health service delivery or a psychologist who subsequent to receipt of his or her graduate degree in psychology has either completed a respecialization program from a recognized educational institution in one or more of the American Psychological Association recognized clinical health service provider areas and who in addition has completed at least one year of postdegree supervised experience in such clinical area or a psychologist who has obtained comparable education and training acceptable to the committee through completion of postdoctoral fellowships or otherwise.
4. The degree or respecialization program certificate shall be obtained from a recognized program of graduate study in one or more of the health service delivery areas designated by the American Psychological Association as pertaining to health service delivery, which shall meet one of the criteria established by subdivisions (1) to (3) of this subsection:
(1) A doctoral degree or completion of a recognized respecialization program in one or more of the American Psychological Association designated health service provider delivery areas which is accredited, or provisionally accredited, either by the American Psychological Association or the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System; or
(2) A clinical or counseling psychology doctoral degree program or respecialization program designated, or provisionally approved, by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards or the Council for the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, or both; or
(3) A doctoral degree or completion of a respecialization program in one or more of the American Psychological Association designated health service provider delivery areas that meets the following criteria:
(a) The program, wherever it may be administratively housed, shall be clearly identified and labeled as being in one or more of the American Psychological Association designated health service provider delivery areas;
(b) Such a program shall specify in pertinent institutional catalogues and brochures its intent to educate and train professional psychologists in one or more of the American Psychological Association designated health service provider delivery areas.
5. A person who is lawfully licensed as a psychologist pursuant to the provisions of this chapter on August 28, 1989, or who has been approved to sit for examination prior to August 28, 1989, and who subsequently passes the examination shall be deemed to have met all requirements for health service provider certification; provided, however, that such person shall be governed by the provisions of subsection 1 of this section with respect to limitation of practice.
6. Any person who is lawfully licensed as a psychologist in this state and who meets one or more of the following criteria shall automatically, upon payment of the requisite fee, be entitled to receive a health service provider certification from the committee:
(1) Is a diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology in one or more of the specialties recognized by the American Board of Professional Psychology as pertaining to health service delivery; or
(2) Is a member of the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.
(L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. merged with S.B. 732, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1719 merged with S.B. 660 merged with S.B. 718 merged with S.B. 951)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXII - Occupations and Professions

Chapter 337 - Psychologists — Professional Counselors — Social Workers

Section 337.010 - Definitions.

Section 337.015 - Practice of psychology regulated — practice of psychology, defined.

Section 337.020 - Temporary, provisional or permanent licenses, application, qualifications, examinations, fees.

Section 337.021 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.

Section 337.025 - Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.

Section 337.027 - Educational requirements deemed met, when.

Section 337.029 - Licenses based on reciprocity to be issued, when — health service provider certification eligibility.

Section 337.030 - License renewal, registration fee, proof of compliance — late registration, penalty — lost certificate, how replaced — fees, amount, how set — inactive license issued, when.

Section 337.033 - Limitations on areas of practice — relevant professional education and training, defined — criteria for program of graduate study — health service provider certification, requirements for certain persons — automatic certification fo...

Section 337.035 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for — interested third party, defined.

Section 337.041 - Discrimination prohibited.

Section 337.045 - Exempted professions and occupations — temporary practice authorized.

Section 337.050 - State committee of psychologists created — members, qualifications, compensation, removal — rules, procedure — seal — continuing education, proof for license renewal, types of continuing education.

Section 337.055 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.060 - Licensed psychologists not to practice medicine.

Section 337.065 - Violations, penalty, refund of fees — duties of committee — injunctions — civil immunity, when — venue.

Section 337.068 - Complaints of prisoners — disposition of certain records.

Section 337.070 - Local governments prohibited from taxing or licensing psychologists.

Section 337.085 - Fees, collection, disposition, use.

Section 337.090 - License or directory not to include degree on which license was issued.

Section 337.093 - Application of law.

Section 337.100 - Citation of law — findings — purpose.

Section 337.105 - Definitions.

Section 337.110 - Home state licensure.

Section 337.115 - Compact privilege to practice telepsychology.

Section 337.120 - Compact temporary authorization to practice.

Section 337.125 - Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state.

Section 337.130 - Adverse actions.

Section 337.135 - Additional authorities invested in a compact state's psychology regulatory authority.

Section 337.140 - Coordinated licensure information system.

Section 337.145 - Establishment of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission.

Section 337.150 - Rulemaking.

Section 337.155 - Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.

Section 337.160 - Date of implementation of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission and associated rules, withdrawal, and amendment.

Section 337.165 - Construction and severability.

Section 337.170 - Contingent effective date.

Section 337.300 - Definitions.

Section 337.305 - Advisory board created, members, terms, meetings, vacancies.

Section 337.310 - Board powers and duties.

Section 337.315 - Intervention requirements — licensure requirements — temporary licenses — provisional license — practice of applied behavior analysis — violation, penalty.

Section 337.320 - Renewal of licensure, procedure.

Section 337.325 - Limitation on practice.

Section 337.330 - Refusal of licensure — complaint procedure.

Section 337.335 - Violations, penalty.

Section 337.340 - Fees — collection and deposit.

Section 337.347 - Reimbursement and billing for provisionally and temporary licensed analysts.

Section 337.500 - Definitions.

Section 337.503 - Discrimination in promulgation of regulations prohibited.

Section 337.505 - License required — exempted professions and occupations.

Section 337.507 - Applications, contents, fees — failure to renew, effect — replacement of certificates, when — fund established — examination, when, notice.

Section 337.510 - Requirements for licensure — reciprocity — provisional professional counselor license issued, when, requirements — renewal license fee.

Section 337.515 - License expiration, renewal, fees.

Section 337.520 - Rules and regulations, procedure.

Section 337.525 - Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license — civil immunity, when — procedure upon filing complaint.

Section 337.528 - Confidentiality of complaint documentation, when — destruction of information permitted, when.

Section 337.530 - Violations, penalty — refund of fees for services — duties of department — injunctions, grounds for — venue.

Section 337.535 - Committee established — qualifications of members, terms — compensation — meetings, quorum — removal of members.

Section 337.540 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.600 - Definitions.

Section 337.603 - License required — exemptions from licensure.

Section 337.604 - Title of social worker, requirements to use title.

Section 337.612 - Applications, contents, fee — fund established — renewal, fee — lost certificate, how replaced.

Section 337.615 - Education, experience requirements — reciprocity — licenses issued, when.

Section 337.618 - License expiration, renewal, fees, continuing education requirements.

Section 337.621 - Temporary permits.

Section 337.622 - State committee for social workers — membership, removal and vacancies.

Section 337.627 - Rules and regulations, procedure.

Section 337.630 - Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license — civil immunity, when — procedure upon filing complaint.

Section 337.633 - Violations, penalty — refund of fees for service — duties of department — injunctions, grounds for — venue.

Section 337.636 - Privileged communications, when.

Section 337.642 - Discrimination against social workers in promulgation of rules prohibited.

Section 337.643 - Licensure required for use of title — practice authorized.

Section 337.644 - Application, contents — issuance of license, when.

Section 337.645 - Application information required — issuance of license, when.

Section 337.646 - License required for use of title.

Section 337.647 - Verification and acknowledgment of completion, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 337.649 - Documentation and disciplinary action prohibited, when — request to destroy documentation permitted, when — disclosure of complaint not required, when.

Section 337.653 - Baccalaureate social workers, license required, permitted activities.

Section 337.662 - Application for licensure, contents — renewal notices — replacement certificates provided, when — fees set by committee.

Section 337.665 - Information required to be furnished committee — certificate to practice independently issued, when.

Section 337.671 - Temporary permits issued, when.

Section 337.683 - Violations, penalty — committee may sue, when — actions permitted to be enjoined.

Section 337.689 - Licensees may be compelled to testify.

Section 337.700 - Definitions.

Section 337.703 - License required, exceptions.

Section 337.705 - Discrimination prohibited, when.

Section 337.706 - License required, exception for persons licensed in other state.

Section 337.709 - Laws not to be construed to require employment of marital and family therapists.

Section 337.712 - Licenses, application, oath, fee — lost certificates — fund.

Section 337.715 - Qualifications for licensure, exceptions.

Section 337.718 - License expiration, renewal fee — temporary permits.

Section 337.727 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 337.730 - Refusal to issue or renew, grounds, notice, rights of applicant — complaints filed with administrative hearing commission.

Section 337.733 - Violations of marital and family therapists law, penalty — attorney general, duties — injunctions — venue.

Section 337.736 - Confidentiality, exceptions.

Section 337.739 - Committee, members, qualifications, terms, meetings, expenses, removal.