Effective - 01 Jan 2015, 2 histories
319.026. Notice of excavator, form of — written record maintained — incorrect location of facility, duty of excavator — visible markings necessary to continue work — damage, dislocation, or disturbance, notification and reporting requirements — annual report of damages required, by whom. — 1. An excavator shall serve notice of intent to excavate to the notification center by toll-free telephone number operated on a twenty-four hour per-day, seven day per-week basis or by facsimile or by completing notice via the internet at least two working days, but not more than ten working days, before the expected date of commencing the excavation activity. The notification center receiving such notice shall inform the excavator of all notification center participants to whom such notice will be transmitted and shall promptly transmit all details of such notice provided under subsection 2 of this section to every notification center participant in the area of excavation.
2. Notices of intent to excavate given pursuant to this section shall contain the following information:
(1) The name and telephone number of the person filing the notice of excavation, if the telephone number is different than that of the excavator, and the name, address, telephone number of the excavator and whether the excavator's telephone is equipped with a recording device;
(2) The date the excavation activity is expected to commence, the depth of planned excavation and, if applicable, that the use of explosives is anticipated on the excavation site, and the type of excavation being planned, including whether the excavation involves trenchless excavation;
(3) The facsimile number, email address, and cellular telephone number of the excavator, if any;
(4) The name of the person primarily responsible for conducting the excavation or managing the excavation process, and if any of the information stated in subdivision (1) or (3) of this subsection is different for the person primarily responsible for the excavation, the notice shall also state the same information for that person;
(5) A detailed description accepted by the notification center sufficient for the location of the excavation by any one or more of the following means: by reference to a specific street address, or by description of location in relation to the nearest numbered, lettered, or named state or county road or city street for which a road sign is posted, or by latitude and longitude including the appropriate description in degrees, minutes, and seconds, or by state plane coordinates;
(6) A description of the site of excavation by approximate distance and direction from the nearest state or county road or city street or intersection of such roads or streets unless previously provided under subdivision (5) of this subsection, and the proximity of the site to any prominent landmarks;
(7) A description of the location or locations of the excavation at the site described by direction and approximate distance in relation to prominent features of the site, such as existing buildings or roadways;
(8) Directions as to how to reach the site of the excavation from the nearest such road, if the excavation is not on or near a posted numbered, lettered, or named state or county road or city street.
3. The notification center receiving such notice shall solicit all information required by subsection 2 of this section and shall require the excavator to provide all such information before notice by the excavator is deemed to be completed pursuant to sections 319.015 to 319.050. The notification center shall transmit all details of such notice as required by this section.
4. A record of each notice of intent to excavate shall be maintained by the notification center for a period of five years. The record shall include the date the notice was received and all information required by subsection 2 of this section which was provided by the excavator and a record of the underground facility owners notified by the notification center. If the notification center creates a record of the notice by telephonic recording, such record of the original notice shall be maintained for one year from the date of receipt. Records of notices to excavate maintained by the notification center in electronic form shall be deemed to be records under this subsection. Persons holding records of notices of intent to excavate and records of information provided to the excavator by the notification center or owner or operator of the facility shall make copies of such records available for a reasonable copying fee upon the request of the owner or operator of the underground facilities or the excavator filing the notice.
5. If in the course of excavation the person responsible for the excavation operations discovers that the owner or operator of the underground facility who is a participant in a notification center has incorrectly located the underground facility, he or she shall notify the notification center which shall inform the underground facility owner. The underground facility owner shall respond to the incorrect locate notification within two hours of receipt of the notification by contacting the person responsible for the excavation or by correctly locating their underground facility. The person responsible for maintaining records of the location of underground facilities for the notification center participant shall correct such records to show the actual location of such facilities, if current records are incorrect.
6. When markings have been provided in response to a notice of intent to excavate, excavators may commence or continue to work within the area described in the notice for so long as the markings are visible. If an excavator is unable to begin the excavation within ten working days as described in the request, the excavator shall make a relocate request before beginning the excavation. If markings become unusable due to weather, construction or other cause, the excavator shall contact the notification center to request remarking. Such notice shall be given in the same manner as original notice of intent to excavate, and the owner or operator shall remark the site in the same manner, within the same time, as required in response to an original notice of intent to excavate. Each excavator shall exercise reasonable care not to unnecessarily disturb or obliterate markings provided for location of underground facilities. If remarking is required due to the excavator's failure to exercise reasonable care, or if repeated unnecessary requests for remarking are made by an excavator even though the markings are visible and usable, the excavator may be liable to the owner or operator for the reasonable cost of such remarking. Nothing in this section shall allow any person other than the facility owner or their representative to mark or relocate any underground facility.
7. Before commencing excavation, the excavator shall determine best practices for confirming the horizontal and vertical location of facilities at the site of excavation considering conditions at the site including geology, access to the site, and the presence of paved surfaces. Hand digging or soft digging shall be used as a best practice when possible.
8. In the event of any damage, dislocation, or disturbance of any underground facility in connection with any excavation, the person responsible for the excavation operations shall notify the notification center. This subsection shall be deemed to require reporting of any damage, dislocation, or disturbance to trace wires, encasements, cathode protection, permanent above-ground stakes, or other such items utilized for protection of the underground facility. The excavator shall immediately contact 911 when any damage or contact with a pipeline results in a release from the pipeline of hazardous liquid or gas to occur.
9. In the event of any damage, dislocation, or disturbance to any underground facility or any protective devices required to be reported by the excavator under subsection 8 of this section in advance of or during the excavation work, the person responsible for the excavation operations shall not conceal or attempt to conceal such damage, dislocation, or disturbance, nor shall that person attempt to make repairs to the facility unless authorized by the underground facility owner. In the case of sewer lines or facilities, emergency temporary repairs may be made by the excavator after notification without the owners' or operators' authorization to prevent further damage to the facilities. Such emergency repairs shall not relieve the excavator of responsibility to make notification as required by subsection 8 of this section.
10. No later than April 1, 2015, and each year thereafter, each underground facility owner who owns or operates electric, gas, or pipeline facilities shall submit to a central repository designated by the notification center a report of damages experienced by its facilities for the prior calendar year. The notification center shall determine the minimum information to be reported. All data submitted shall be aggregated and anonymous. Information provided by the underground facility owner specific to damage data submitted shall be accessible only to the underground facility owner unless otherwise designated by the underground facility owner.
(L. 1991 S.B. 214 & 264, A.L. 2001 H.B. 425, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1779, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1867)
Effective 1-01-15
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals
Chapter 319 - General Safety Requirements
Section 319.010 - Short title.
Section 319.015 - Definitions.
Section 319.024 - Public notice of excavations, duties of owner and operator.
Section 319.027 - Design requests, how made — marking location required.
Section 319.031 - Sewer system owner duties upon notification of intent to excavate.
Section 319.033 - Public right-of-way, installation within, requirements.
Section 319.037 - Excavation sites included in requirements — equipment prohibited at such sites.
Section 319.042 - No abrogation of contractual obligations with railroads.
Section 319.046 - Arbitration of disputes, when.
Section 319.050 - Exemptions from requirement to obtain information.
Section 319.075 - Citation of law.
Section 319.078 - Definitions.
Section 319.080 - Activities within ten feet of power lines prohibited, exceptions.
Section 319.083 - Special devices and precautions required — costs.
Section 319.085 - Presumption of negligence, when, rebuttable.
Section 319.088 - Exemptions from law.
Section 319.090 - Violations, penalty.
Section 319.100 - Definitions.
Section 319.109 - Releases and corrective actions to be reported, standards — rules authorized.
Section 319.111 - Closure of tanks, requirements — notice — department to establish.
Section 319.125 - Certificate denied or invalidated by department, procedure, grounds.
Section 319.127 - Violations, procedure — penalty, disposition.
Section 319.135 - No liability for release of petroleum at direction of coordinator, exception.
Section 319.203 - Ordinance to apply to certain buildings, structures and state leases.
Section 319.205 - Notice to cities and counties required to adopt ordinance, contents.
Section 319.300 - Citation of law — purpose statement.
Section 319.303 - Definitions.
Section 319.321 - Inapplicability of law, when.
Section 319.324 - State blasting safety board created, members, terms, officers, meetings, duties.
Section 319.327 - Duties of the division — enforcement.
Section 319.330 - Missouri explosives safety act administration fund created, use of moneys.
Section 319.333 - Notice of violation, procedure.
Section 319.336 - Grievance procedure.
Section 319.339 - Notification of division prior to use of explosives required — exception.
Section 319.343 - Inapplicability of prohibition on local preemption, when.