Effective - 31 Jul 2021
302.205. Medical alert notation on driver's license or nondriver's identification card, when — procedure — rulemaking authority. — 1. Any resident of this state may elect to have a medical alert notation placed on the person's driver's license or nondriver's identification card. The following conditions, illnesses, and disorders may be recorded on a driver's license or nondriver's identification card as medical alert information at the request of the applicant:
(1) Posttraumatic stress disorder;
(2) Diabetes;
(3) Heart conditions;
(4) Epilepsy;
(5) Drug allergies;
(6) Alzheimer's or dementia;
(7) Schizophrenia;
(8) Autism; or
(9) Other conditions as approved by the director of the department of revenue or his or her designee.
2. Any person requesting the inclusion of a medical alert notation on his or her driver's license or nondriver's identification card shall submit an application form to include a waiver of liability for the release of any medical information to the department, any person who is eligible for access to such medical information as recorded on the person's driving record under this chapter, and any other person who may view or receive notice of such medical information by virtue of having seen such person's driver's license or nondriver's identification card. Such application shall advise the person that he or she will be consenting to the release of such medical information to anyone who sees or copies his or her driver's license or nondriver's identification card, even if such person is otherwise ineligible to access such medical information under state or federal law.
3. Such application shall include space for a person requesting the inclusion of a medical alert notation on his or her driver's license or nondriver's identification card to obtain a sworn statement from a person licensed to practice medicine or psychology in this state verifying such diagnosis.
4. Any person who has been issued a driver's license or nondriver's identification card bearing medical alert information may be issued a replacement driver's license or nondriver's identification card excluding such medical alert information at his or her request and upon payment of the fee provided in this chapter for replacement of lost licenses or identification cards.
5. No medical alert information shall be printed on or removed from a driver's license or nondriver's identification card without the express consent of the licensee. If the licensee is a child under the age of eighteen, consent for the printing of medical alert information shall be provided by the parent or guardian of the child when he or she signs the application for the driver's license or nondriver's identification card. If the licensee is an incapacitated adult, consent for the printing of medical alert information shall be given by the guardian of such adult as appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
6. The director of the department of revenue may promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for the administration of this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable, and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2020, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 2020 H.B. 1963)
Effective 7-31-21
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIX - Motor Vehicles, Watercraft and Aviation
Chapter 302 - Drivers' and Commercial Drivers' Licenses
Section 302.010 - Definitions.
Section 302.011 - Lawfully present defined.
Section 302.015 - License classification system, director to establish — categories.
Section 302.025 - Driver training programs, instruction on traffic stops.
Section 302.041 - License by municipality not required.
Section 302.051 - Government-owned vehicles, who may operate.
Section 302.060 - License not to be issued to whom, exceptions — reinstatement requirements.
Section 302.067 - Lawful presence or citizenship, proof of to be presented once — exceptions.
Section 302.080 - Exemptions from license law.
Section 302.110 - List of licensed drivers.
Section 302.120 - Applications for license, accident reports and court convictions to be filed, how.
Section 302.133 - Definitions.
Section 302.140 - Instruction permit, fee.
Section 302.172 - Exchange of drivers' licenses, foreign countries, reciprocal agreements, content.
Section 302.176 - First-time licenses, information to receive — rulemaking authority.
Section 302.177 - Licenses, issuance and renewal, duration, fees.
Section 302.179 - Notice of expiration of license.
Section 302.185 - Duplicate license, REAL ID compliant license — how obtained — fee.
Section 302.187 - Municipalities and counties to pay replacement costs of driver's license, when.
Section 302.190 - Duration of suspension of license — new license, when.
Section 302.200 - Effect of revocation — penalty.
Section 302.220 - Prohibited uses of license.
Section 302.228 - Fees, how deposited.
Section 302.230 - Penalty for false statement or affidavit.
Section 302.233 - Fraud in obtaining a license or permit, penalty.
Section 302.250 - Children forbidden to operate motor vehicle.
Section 302.260 - Unlicensed person operating motor vehicle prohibited.
Section 302.273 - Federal rule compliance for bus drivers.
Section 302.281 - Suspension for unsatisfied judgment.
Section 302.301 - Restricted licenses.
Section 302.306 - Reduction of point value charged after period of safe driving.
Section 302.308 - Effect of conviction prior to enactment.
Section 302.311 - Suspension or revocation — appeals from — procedure.
Section 302.340 - Penalty for violations.
Section 302.345 - Diversion program participation prohibited, when.
Section 302.347 - Federal record-keeping rule to be adopted.
Section 302.415 - Failure to surrender licenses, certain law enforcement officer may seize.
Section 302.426 - Department of revenue — rules and regulations.
Section 302.440 - Devices, use of, when.
Section 302.441 - Employment exemption variance, permitted when — restrictions.
Section 302.454 - Use of device shall be required, when.
Section 302.456 - Court shall send order to department of revenue — record keeping required.
Section 302.460 - Manufacturer warning required.
Section 302.500 - Definitions.
Section 302.536 - Department to pay court costs and attorney fees, when.
Section 302.545 - Expungement of records, when.
Section 302.584 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 302.600 - Driver license compact.
Section 302.700 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 302.710 - Suspension, revocation or cancellation of license, notice to employer, when.
Section 302.725 - Driving without commercial driver's license, penalty.
Section 302.727 - Driving a commercial motor vehicle while revoked, crime of, penalty.
Section 302.730 - Nonresident may operate commercial motor vehicles, when.
Section 302.750 - Refusal to consent to test, effect — procedures — hearing allowed, when.
Section 302.760 - Nonresidents, action against license, notice to licensing state, when.
Section 302.769 - Contingent effective date.
Section 302.770 - Cooperation with other jurisdictions.