Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 302 - Drivers' and Commercial Drivers' Licenses
Section 302.140 - Instruction permit, fee.

Effective - 28 Aug 1995
302.140. Instruction permit, fee. — 1. Every application for an instruction permit shall be made upon a form furnished by the director, which application shall be certified by the applicant to be true and correct, and every such application shall be accompanied by a fee of one dollar.
2. In addition to the fee prescribed in subsection 1 of this section, applicants for a motorcycle instruction permit under section 302.132 shall pay a special motorcycle safety education fee of two dollars and seventy-five cents.
(RSMo 1939 § 8449, A.L. 1951 p. 678, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1045, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1153, A.L. 1995 H.B. 717)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XIX - Motor Vehicles, Watercraft and Aviation

Chapter 302 - Drivers' and Commercial Drivers' Licenses

Section 302.010 - Definitions.

Section 302.011 - Lawfully present defined.

Section 302.015 - License classification system, director to establish — categories.

Section 302.020 - Operation of motor vehicle without proper license prohibited, penalty — motorcycles — special license — protective headgear, failure to wear, fine, amount — no points to be assessed.

Section 302.025 - Driver training programs, instruction on traffic stops.

Section 302.026 - Motorcycle operators twenty-six years of age or older, no protective headgear required, when — proof of insurance coverage required.

Section 302.041 - License by municipality not required.

Section 302.051 - Government-owned vehicles, who may operate.

Section 302.060 - License not to be issued to whom, exceptions — reinstatement requirements.

Section 302.063 - No issuance of a driver's license to illegal aliens or persons who cannot prove lawful presence.

Section 302.067 - Lawful presence or citizenship, proof of to be presented once — exceptions.

Section 302.080 - Exemptions from license law.

Section 302.110 - List of licensed drivers.

Section 302.120 - Applications for license, accident reports and court convictions to be filed, how.

Section 302.130 - Issuance of temporary instruction permit, when — requirements — duration — permit driver sticker or sign issued, when — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.132 - Minimum age and requirements to apply for temporary motorcycle instruction permit, restrictions.

Section 302.133 - Definitions.

Section 302.134 - Motorcycle safety education program, commission to establish and set standards, program to include certain subjects — authority to adopt rules, procedure to adopt, suspend and revoke.

Section 302.135 - Private or public institutions may also conduct motorcycle training courses, tuition fee may be charged — certificate to be issued — sticker on driver's license as evidence of completed course.

Section 302.137 - Motorcycle safety trust fund established, purpose — operators of motorcycles or motortricycles in violation of laws or ordinances to be assessed surcharge, collection, distribution.

Section 302.140 - Instruction permit, fee.

Section 302.150 - Driving privilege of nonresident subject to suspension, revocation or disqualification — conviction records sent to other states.

Section 302.160 - Assessment of points and suspension or revocation of license, notice of conviction outside Missouri.

Section 302.169 - Selective Service System registration at time of application for driver's license, procedure.

Section 302.170 - Federal REAL ID Act, compliance with — definitions — retention of documents — inapplicability, when — issuance of compliant licenses and ID cards, procedure — biometric data restrictions — privacy — violations, civil damages and cri...

Section 302.171 - Application for license — form — content — educational materials to be provided to applicants under twenty-one — voluntary contribution to certain programs and fund — denial of driving privilege, when — exemption from requirement to...

Section 302.172 - Exchange of drivers' licenses, foreign countries, reciprocal agreements, content.

Section 302.173 - Driver's examination required, when — exceptions — procedure — military motorcycle rider training, no further driving test required.

Section 302.174 - Deaf or hard of hearing, driver's license special notation, definitions — ASL informational video — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.175 - Vision requirements — examination — license may be issued with conditions, limitations, restrictions.

Section 302.176 - First-time licenses, information to receive — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.177 - Licenses, issuance and renewal, duration, fees.

Section 302.178 - Intermediate driver's license, issued to whom, requirements, limitations, fee, duration, point assessment — penalty, application for full driving privileges, requirements — exceptions — penalty — rulemaking authority, procedure.

Section 302.179 - Notice of expiration of license.

Section 302.180 - Photo identification for election purpose, nondriver identification card not compliant with federal REAL ID Act to be issued.

Section 302.181 - Form of license — information shown — digital image required, exception — temporary license — nondriver's license, fee, duration — exception — digital driver's license program, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.182 - Permanent disability notation on driver's and nondriver's licenses — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.184 - Boater identification card, notation for compliance with boating safety requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.185 - Duplicate license, REAL ID compliant license — how obtained — fee.

Section 302.186 - Active military duty, expiration of driver's license during, renewal without examination, when — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.187 - Municipalities and counties to pay replacement costs of driver's license, when.

Section 302.188 - Veteran designation on driver's licensed or ID card, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.190 - Duration of suspension of license — new license, when.

Section 302.200 - Effect of revocation — penalty.

Section 302.205 - Medical alert notation on driver's license or nondriver's identification card, when — procedure — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.220 - Prohibited uses of license.

Section 302.225 - Surrender of license — record of convictions, kept where, by whom — revocation by city officials prohibited.

Section 302.228 - Fees, how deposited.

Section 302.230 - Penalty for false statement or affidavit.

Section 302.233 - Fraud in obtaining a license or permit, penalty.

Section 302.250 - Children forbidden to operate motor vehicle.

Section 302.260 - Unlicensed person operating motor vehicle prohibited.

Section 302.272 - School bus endorsement, qualifications — grounds for refusal to issue or renew endorsement — rulemaking authority — reciprocity.

Section 302.273 - Federal rule compliance for bus drivers.

Section 302.274 - Central depository concerning certain bus drivers, to be maintained by director of revenue.

Section 302.275 - Notification by employer of school bus driver to director of revenue, when, penalty for noncompliance, by an employer.

Section 302.276 - Suspension of school bus permit, when, penalty for noncompliance by driver with suspended permit.

Section 302.281 - Suspension for unsatisfied judgment.

Section 302.286 - Theft of motor fuel punishable by suspension of driver's license — reinstatement fee required.

Section 302.291 - Incompetent or unqualified operators, director may require examination, when — report permitted, when, by whom, contents, immunity from liability — confidentiality, penalty — rules — appeal — reinstatement.

Section 302.292 - Medical/vision advisory board established, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancy, how filled — expenses — meetings — no liability for board, when.

Section 302.301 - Restricted licenses.

Section 302.302 - Point system — assessment for violation — assessment of points stayed, when, procedure.

Section 302.303 - Conviction for failure to maintain financial responsibility or court-ordered supervision, court to forward to revenue, failure to appear in court — procedure — revenue to maintain records of court reports.

Section 302.304 - Notice of points — suspension or revocation of license, when, duration — reinstatement, condition, point reduction, fee — failure to maintain proof of financial responsibility, effect — point reduction prior to conviction, effect —...

Section 302.306 - Reduction of point value charged after period of safe driving.

Section 302.308 - Effect of conviction prior to enactment.

Section 302.309 - Return of license, when — limited driving privilege, when granted, application, when denied — judicial review of denial by director of revenue — rulemaking.

Section 302.311 - Suspension or revocation — appeals from — procedure.

Section 302.312 - Department of revenue and department of health and senior services, bureau of vital statistics, records, admissible in evidence, when — computer terminal printout of individual driving record admissible as evidence, printout availab...

Section 302.321 - Driving while license or driving privilege is cancelled, suspended or revoked, penalty — enhanced penalty for repeat offenders — imprisonment, mandatory, exception.

Section 302.340 - Penalty for violations.

Section 302.341 - Moving traffic violation, failure to prepay fine or appear in court, license suspended, procedure.

Section 302.342 - Suspended or revoked license, person changing state of residence, cleared of requirements.

Section 302.345 - Diversion program participation prohibited, when.

Section 302.347 - Federal record-keeping rule to be adopted.

Section 302.400 - Suspension or revocation of driving privileges, persons under twenty-one years of age — violation of certain laws — surrender of licenses — court to forward to director of revenue — period of suspension.

Section 302.405 - Revocation of driving privileges, persons over twenty-one years of age — possession or use of drug in motor vehicle — surrender of licenses — court shall forward order to department of revenue.

Section 302.410 - Director of revenue to suspend or revoke license, when — hardship driving privileges may be granted, procedure — temporary instruction permits allowed, when.

Section 302.415 - Failure to surrender licenses, certain law enforcement officer may seize.

Section 302.420 - License reinstatement, substance abuse traffic offender program — professional assessment — supplemental fee, disposition, failure to remit, penalty.

Section 302.425 - Completion of substance abuse traffic offender program, persons under twenty-one years of age, required, when, standards by department of mental health.

Section 302.426 - Department of revenue — rules and regulations.

Section 302.440 - Devices, use of, when.

Section 302.441 - Employment exemption variance, permitted when — restrictions.

Section 302.442 - Cost of interlock device may reduce amount of fine — vehicles affected — proof of compliance, when, report — maintenance cost — calibration checks.

Section 302.454 - Use of device shall be required, when.

Section 302.456 - Court shall send order to department of revenue — record keeping required.

Section 302.458 - Commission to certify devices, adopt guidelines — certification information, standards — consultation before certification.

Section 302.460 - Manufacturer warning required.

Section 302.462 - Revocation, automatic, period — notification to department — reinstatement fee — limitation.

Section 302.500 - Definitions.

Section 302.505 - Determination by department to suspend or revoke license, when made, basis — final, when.

Section 302.510 - Arresting officer, duties — certain arrests not to be basis for administrative suspension or revocation.

Section 302.515 - Notice of suspension or revocation by department — deemed received, when — contents.

Section 302.520 - Arresting officer to serve notice of suspension or revocation, when — to possess license, issue temporary permit, give written notice of driver's rights and responsibilities — application for hearing.

Section 302.525 - Suspension or revocation, when effective, duration — restricted driving privilege — effect of suspension or revocation by court on charges arising out of same occurrence — revocation due to alcohol-related offenses, requirements.

Section 302.530 - Request for administrative review, when made — temporary permit, duration — telephone hearings permitted, when — hearing, venue, conduct — decision, notice, final when — appeal for judicial review — rulemaking authority.

Section 302.535 - Trial de novo, conduct, venue, what judge may hear, when — restricted driving privilege, when, duration of.

Section 302.536 - Department to pay court costs and attorney fees, when.

Section 302.540 - Reinstatement of license — completion of substance abuse traffic offender program a condition — individual assessment, judicial review — fees and cost, distribution of — treatment demonstration project may be created.

Section 302.541 - Additional reinstatement fee, license to operate motor vehicle, when — proof of financial responsibility, not required, when.

Section 302.545 - Expungement of records, when.

Section 302.574 - Temporary permit issued by officer, when — report required, contents — revocation of license, procedure — reinstatement, when — fees — proof of interlock device, when — violations, penalty.

Section 302.580 - Substance abuse traffic offender program, court may order participation in, when — professional assessment — supplemental fees, deposition — failure to remit, penalty.

Section 302.584 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.

Section 302.592 - Missouri uniform law enforcement system records, information entered by highway patrol, when, made available, to whom — failure to furnish records to patrol, penalty.

Section 302.600 - Driver license compact.

Section 302.605 - Driver license compact — definitions — applicability of — reports to director of revenue, when, by whom.

Section 302.700 - Citation of law — definitions.

Section 302.705 - Commercial motor vehicle operator, only one license — age requirements — notice to employer and director upon conviction for motor vehicle violation, when.

Section 302.710 - Suspension, revocation or cancellation of license, notice to employer, when.

Section 302.720 - Operation without license prohibited, exceptions — instruction permit, use, duration, fee — license, test required, contents, fee — certification of third-party testers — certain persons prohibited from obtaining license, exceptions...

Section 302.721 - Third-party commercial driver license examination program created, purpose, funding — rules.

Section 302.723 - Deaf and hard of hearing, accommodations for training and application process — null and void, when.

Section 302.725 - Driving without commercial driver's license, penalty.

Section 302.727 - Driving a commercial motor vehicle while revoked, crime of, penalty.

Section 302.730 - Nonresident may operate commercial motor vehicles, when.

Section 302.735 - Application for commercial license, contents, expiration, duration, fees — new resident, application dates — falsification of information, ineligibility for license, when — nondomiciled commercial license issued, when.

Section 302.740 - License, manufacture of, requirements — driving information to be obtained prior to issue of license, notice to commercial driver license information system, when.

Section 302.745 - Chemical tests, requirements — implied consent given, limits — use as evidence, test results.

Section 302.750 - Refusal to consent to test, effect — procedures — hearing allowed, when.

Section 302.755 - Violations, disqualification from driving, duration, penalties — reapplication procedure.

Section 302.756 - Violation of out-of-service order by driver or employer knowing driver is in violation, civil penalties.

Section 302.760 - Nonresidents, action against license, notice to licensing state, when.

Section 302.765 - Rules and regulations, promulgation of, procedure — driving instruction programs of state colleges and universities to be approved.

Section 302.768 - Compliance with federal law, certification required — application requirements, procedure.

Section 302.769 - Contingent effective date.

Section 302.770 - Cooperation with other jurisdictions.

Section 302.775 - Provisions of law not applicable, when.

Section 302.780 - Unlawful acts, penalty.