Effective - 28 Aug 2010
250.233. Charges for sewer services — notice and public hearing required. — Any city, town, village, or sewer district operating a sewerage system or waterworks may establish, make and collect charges for sewerage services, including tap-on fees. The charges may be set as a flat fee or based upon the amount of water supplied to the premises and shall be in addition to those charges which may be levied and collected for maintenance, repair and administration, including debt service expenses. Any private water company or public water supply district supplying water to the premises located within said city, town, village, or sewer district shall, at reasonable charge upon reasonable request, make available to such city, town, village, or sewer district its records and books so that such city, town, village, or sewer district may obtain therefrom such data as may be necessary to calculate the charges for sewer service. Prior to establishing any such sewer charges, public hearings shall be held thereon and at least thirty days' notice shall be given thereof.
(L. 1983 H.B. 371, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1612 merged with S.B. 791)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply
Chapter 250 - Sewerage Systems and Waterworks — City or District
Section 250.010 - Authority to construct and maintain sewerage system — sewerage system defined.
Section 250.020 - Combined waterworks and sewerage system — authority for.
Section 250.025 - City board of public works may manage combined system, when.
Section 250.030 - Ordinance combining waterworks and sewerage system to be adopted.
Section 250.040 - Cost of system, how financed by cities.
Section 250.050 - Cost of system, how financed by sewer district.
Section 250.070 - Revenue bonds — election — vote required — form of ballot.
Section 250.090 - Revenue bonds — how payable.
Section 250.100 - Revenue bonds to improve or extend for particular locality — how payable (cities).
Section 250.120 - Revenue bonds — rates charged to be sufficient to pay principal and interest.
Section 250.150 - Revenues to be kept separate — order of payments — records — transfers.
Section 250.160 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds — classification of accounts.
Section 250.170 - Action by bondholder against city or district for neglect of duty.
Section 250.190 - Services outside corporate limits — rates.
Section 250.200 - Rates and charges when city and district systems overlap.
Section 250.210 - Sewer districts may contribute funds to city, when.
Section 250.220 - Two or more municipalities may cooperate to furnish services.
Section 250.230 - City may contract with industrial establishment to abate stream pollution.
Section 250.233 - Charges for sewer services — notice and public hearing required.
Section 250.236 - Termination of water services for nonpayment of sewer charges, allowed when.