Effective - 28 Aug 1972
169.585. Certain retired teachers to be employed by retirement system as special school advisors and supervisors, when — actuarially unsound, effect of. — 1. Any retired teacher now receiving retirement benefits, who served five years or more as a teacher in the public schools of this state and who retired after June 30, 1957, and prior to January 1, 1971, under the provisions of this chapter, shall, upon application to the retirement system from which he is receiving retirement benefits be employed by that retirement system as a special school advisor and supervisor. Any person so employed shall perform such duties as the board of trustees of the retirement system of which he becomes an employee directs, and shall receive a salary of five dollars per month for each year of teaching service not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month, payable by the retirement system as part of its administrative costs, but the payment to the retired person for such services, together with the retirement benefits he receives under this chapter, shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars per month. The employment provided for by this section shall in no way affect any person's eligibility for retirement benefits under this chapter.
2. Annually, immediately after the close of the fiscal year of each teacher retirement system, the actuary for the system shall determine if the payments made pursuant to the provisions of this section have impaired the actuarial soundness of the plan, and upon his certification that the soundness has been so impaired, the system shall bill each of the school districts which last employed each of these retired persons on a full-time basis for reimbursement of the amount paid to that person during the preceding fiscal year. The school districts shall forthwith accordingly reimburse the appropriate retirement system.
(L. 1972 H.B. 613 § 1)
(1975) Constitutionality upheld as not violating art. III, § 39, or art. IV, § 25, of the constitution of Missouri. State ex rel. Dreer v. Public School Retirement System (Mo.), 519 S.W.2d 290.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 169 - Teacher and School Employee Retirement Systems
Section 169.010 - Definitions.
Section 169.021 - Transfer of teachers from urban district to state retirement system — procedure.
Section 169.022 - Board of education in sections 169.020 and 169.021 defined.
Section 169.035 - Additional deposits by members, when.
Section 169.045 - Bank deposits of system, how secured.
Section 169.050 - Membership — prior service credit, withdrawal — reinstatement contributions.
Section 169.060 - Retirement and disability.
Section 169.080 - Correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.
Section 169.090 - Funds not subject to execution, garnishment, attachment.
Section 169.100 - Gifts accepted.
Section 169.110 - Appropriations made by general assembly to be repaid in two-year period.
Section 169.270 - Definitions.
Section 169.295 - Board of trustees, powers and duties.
Section 169.311 - One year creditable service, how computed.
Section 169.320 - Member may retire, when.
Section 169.326 - Optional plans for payment of benefits — limitations — waiver.
Section 169.380 - Immunity from execution, garnishment or attachment.
Section 169.390 - Limitation of state contributions.
Section 169.400 - Correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.
Section 169.410 - Definitions.
Section 169.420 - Retirement system — how managed.
Section 169.430 - Who shall be members.
Section 169.466 - Annual pension increase, when.
Section 169.476 - Insurance for retired members may be provided — rules and regulations.
Section 169.510 - Obligations of system paid how — effect of change in law.
Section 169.530 - False statement, misdemeanor — correction of records — adjustment.
Section 169.540 - State shall contribute no funds — exceptions.
Section 169.560 - Retirees may be employed, when — salary amount, effect on benefits, exception.
Section 169.566 - School retirement systems to conduct study.
Section 169.569 - Joint rules promulgated, procedure.
Section 169.573 - Plan for utilization of minority professionals, report.
Section 169.574 - Members may designate trust as beneficiary.
Section 169.587 - Benefits exempted from taxation and creditors — benefits not assignable.
Section 169.597 - Hancock amendment standing — certain statutes void, when.
Section 169.600 - Definitions.
Section 169.610 - System established — board of trustees to administer — funds to be kept separate.
Section 169.640 - Bank deposits of system, how secured.
Section 169.650 - Membership — prior service credit — reinstatement — procedure.
Section 169.670 - Benefits, how computed — beneficiary benefits, options, election of.
Section 169.680 - Penalty for false statements — correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.
Section 169.690 - Funds not subject to execution, garnishment, attachment.
Section 169.700 - Gifts accepted.
Section 169.750 - Indemnification permitted, when — insurance or indemnity policies authorized.