Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 169 - Teacher and School Employee Retirement Systems
Section 169.022 - Board of education in sections 169.020 and 169.021 defined.

Effective - 28 Aug 1953
169.022. Board of education in sections 169.020 and 169.021 defined. — For the purpose of sections 169.020 and 169.021, as amended, the phrase "board of education" shall with respect to school districts having a population of more than two hundred thousand be deemed to mean and refer to the board of directors of such school district.
(L. 1953 p. 467 § 3)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 169 - Teacher and School Employee Retirement Systems

Section 169.010 - Definitions.

Section 169.020 - System created, what districts included — trustees, appointment, terms, qualifications, election, duties — venue — audit, when — interest.

Section 169.021 - Transfer of teachers from urban district to state retirement system — procedure.

Section 169.022 - Board of education in sections 169.020 and 169.021 defined.

Section 169.030 - Contributions by members and employees, exceptions — rate — withholding required — board to fix rate, conditions.

Section 169.033 - Contributions by members may be required to be credited to members' accounts by employer, board may adopt plan.

Section 169.035 - Additional deposits by members, when.

Section 169.040 - Funds of retirement system, how invested — delegation of investment authority — investments, manner of making, form — designated depository — electronic funds transfer required — closed meetings authorized, when.

Section 169.045 - Bank deposits of system, how secured.

Section 169.050 - Membership — prior service credit, withdrawal — reinstatement contributions.

Section 169.055 - Purchase of equivalent service, leave of absence — part-time teachers may receive creditable service, when.

Section 169.056 - Private school, defined — membership credit for service in private school, purchase, payment, requirements.

Section 169.060 - Retirement and disability.

Section 169.070 - Retirement allowances, how computed, election allowed, time period — options — effect of federal O.A.S.I. coverage — cost-of-living adjustment authorized — limitation of benefits — employment of special consultant, compensation, min...

Section 169.073 - Partial lump sum distribution, when — options — calculation for changes in distribution amount — death, effect of.

Section 169.075 - Survivors' benefits, options — purchase of prior service credits for previous service in another Missouri public school retirement system, cost — monthly retirement allowance — special consultant qualification, compensation, duties...

Section 169.076 - Death without a valid designated beneficiary, effect of — most recent valid designation of beneficiary revokes previous designations.

Section 169.080 - Correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.

Section 169.090 - Funds not subject to execution, garnishment, attachment.

Section 169.100 - Gifts accepted.

Section 169.110 - Appropriations made by general assembly to be repaid in two-year period.

Section 169.130 - Teachers at state institutions prior to August 13, 1986, to be members — teachers employed by teachers' association to be members — contributions.

Section 169.140 - Community college, public, full-time employee may be member of retirement system, exception.

Section 169.141 - Successor beneficiary may be nominated by person receiving reduced allowance, when, procedure — allowance increase, when.

Section 169.270 - Definitions.

Section 169.280 - Retirement system created — system, how managed — federal qualified plan, intent as, administration of plan, effect on.

Section 169.291 - Board of trustees, qualifications, terms — superintendent of school district to be member — vacancies — lapse of corporate organization, effect of — oaths — officers — expenses — powers and duties — medical board, appointment — actu...

Section 169.295 - Board of trustees, powers and duties.

Section 169.296 - Indemnity and protection of trustee or employee, limitations — insurance — notice required, when.

Section 169.301 - Retirement benefits to vest, when — amount, how computed — option of certain members to transfer plans, requirements — retirant becoming active member, effect on benefits — termination of system, effect of — military service, effect...

Section 169.311 - One year creditable service, how computed.

Section 169.315 - Rules, regulations to permit purchase of creditable service, requirements — eligibility.

Section 169.320 - Member may retire, when.

Section 169.322 - Retirement for disability — periodic examination — subsequent reemployment and retirement.

Section 169.324 - Retirement allowances, amounts — retirants may substitute without affecting allowance, limitation — annual determination of ability to provide benefits, standards — action plan for use of minority and women money managers, brokers a...

Section 169.326 - Optional plans for payment of benefits — limitations — waiver.

Section 169.328 - Accumulated contributions returned to member, when — eligible rollover distributions, election for distribution.

Section 169.331 - Retired teachers may teach full time without loss of benefits, when — school district requirements.

Section 169.350 - Assets held in two funds — source and disbursement — deductions — contributions, employer may elect to pay part or all of employee's contribution, procedure — rate of contributions to be calculated.

Section 169.360 - Trustees shall report annually to employers district's contribution, certification — transfer of funds.

Section 169.370 - Obligations chargeable to general revenue fund — alteration of existing rights prohibited.

Section 169.380 - Immunity from execution, garnishment or attachment.

Section 169.390 - Limitation of state contributions.

Section 169.395 - Procedural requirements waived for members, retirants and beneficiaries, by board of trustees, when.

Section 169.400 - Correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.

Section 169.410 - Definitions.

Section 169.420 - Retirement system — how managed.

Section 169.430 - Who shall be members.

Section 169.435 - Revocation of election of coverage made on or ninety days after October 13, 1961, procedure, effect on creditable service.

Section 169.440 - Years of service, how determined — purchase of credit for service, limitations and conditions.

Section 169.450 - Trustees — selection, qualifications, powers and duties — circuit court's jurisdiction over board — board's authority to make rules for administering assets of system.

Section 169.460 - Retirement, when — pensions, how computed — early retirement, when, pensions, how computed — disability retirement, when, pensions, how computed — death before retirement, effect of — beneficiary defined, benefits, how computed — re...

Section 169.466 - Annual pension increase, when.

Section 169.471 - Board of education authorized to increase retirement benefits, adopt and implement additional plans.

Section 169.475 - Retired member, employment as special advisor, duties, compensation — district to reimburse system, when.

Section 169.476 - Insurance for retired members may be provided — rules and regulations.

Section 169.480 - Board to be trustees of funds — investment — income credited — payments, how made — current funds kept — duties of trustees.

Section 169.490 - Assets of system to be held as one fund — contribution, rate, how collected — employer's contribution rate to be calculated annually.

Section 169.500 - Certification of amount to be paid to retirement system, inclusion in annual budget estimates.

Section 169.510 - Obligations of system paid how — effect of change in law.

Section 169.520 - Funds not subject to execution, garnishment or attachment and not assignable — exceptions.

Section 169.530 - False statement, misdemeanor — correction of records — adjustment.

Section 169.540 - State shall contribute no funds — exceptions.

Section 169.560 - Retirees may be employed, when — salary amount, effect on benefits, exception.

Section 169.561 - Retirees return to work considered new membership in applicable retirement system — vesting period, contributions, service credit — termination, withdrawal of contributions, when.

Section 169.563 - Retirement in certain systems at fifty-five or older with five years service, procedure, computation of benefits.

Section 169.566 - School retirement systems to conduct study.

Section 169.569 - Joint rules promulgated, procedure.

Section 169.570 - Employment of person having rights in more than one retirement system, may purchase membership credit — purchase of equivalent credit, when, requirements.

Section 169.572 - Dissolution of marriage, court not to divide retirement benefits or Social Security benefits.

Section 169.573 - Plan for utilization of minority professionals, report.

Section 169.574 - Members may designate trust as beneficiary.

Section 169.576 - Authorizes board to provide for reciprocal creditable service transfers with other states.

Section 169.577 - Purchase of additional creditable service to achieve minimum time required for allowance — request, form, purchase, requirements, term.

Section 169.585 - Certain retired teachers to be employed by retirement system as special school advisors and supervisors, when — actuarially unsound, effect of.

Section 169.587 - Benefits exempted from taxation and creditors — benefits not assignable.

Section 169.589 - Discharge from Armed Forces, defined — members may elect to pay contribution to system for service time — reemployment by school district, contribution by district to be paid, when.

Section 169.590 - Health plans for school district employees to include retirees, families of retirees and survivors.

Section 169.595 - Sick leave or under workers' compensation, employee may receive creditable service for leave time, requirements.

Section 169.596 - Retired teacher may teach full time without loss of retirement benefits, when — school district requirements.

Section 169.597 - Hancock amendment standing — certain statutes void, when.

Section 169.600 - Definitions.

Section 169.610 - System established — board of trustees to administer — funds to be kept separate.

Section 169.611 - Community college district retirement system may merge with public education employees' retirement system.

Section 169.620 - Contributions by members and employers — rate — penalty for failure to remit — benefits to be reduced, when — purchase of service credit, certain members, how.

Section 169.625 - Board of trustees may adopt plan requiring all contributions by employee to be paid directly to retirement system.

Section 169.630 - Funds of system, how invested, how accounted for — bank or trust company to serve as depository and intermediary in investment of funds — title to securities, form — electronic funds transfer — closed meetings authorized, when.

Section 169.640 - Bank deposits of system, how secured.

Section 169.650 - Membership — prior service credit — reinstatement — procedure.

Section 169.655 - Purchase of membership credit for service to organization supporting education or research — limitations, requirements — transfer of funds.

Section 169.660 - Eligibility for retirement, when — temporary-substitute service for retiree authorized, limitation, no contribution from retiree required.

Section 169.663 - Disability retirement, when — return to duty, effect of disability payments — disability defined.

Section 169.670 - Benefits, how computed — beneficiary benefits, options, election of.

Section 169.673 - Partial lump sum distribution, when — changes in distribution amount, formula — death, effect of.

Section 169.676 - Death without a valid beneficiary designation, effect of — most recent valid designation of beneficiary revokes previous designations.

Section 169.680 - Penalty for false statements — correction of errors in benefits — adjustment.

Section 169.690 - Funds not subject to execution, garnishment, attachment.

Section 169.700 - Gifts accepted.

Section 169.712 - Transfer to public school retirement system, certain public education employees, procedure.

Section 169.715 - Successor beneficiary may be nominated by person receiving reduced allowance, when, procedure — increase permitted, when.

Section 169.750 - Indemnification permitted, when — insurance or indemnity policies authorized.