Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 4 histories
162.720. Gifted children, district to establish programs for — teacher certification required, when — state board to approve — immunity from liability, when — rulemaking authority. — 1. (1) This subdivision shall apply to all school years ending before July 1, 2024. Where a sufficient number of children are identified as gifted and their development requires programs or services beyond the level of those ordinarily provided in regular public school programs, districts may establish special programs for such gifted children.
(2) For school year 2024-25 and all subsequent school years, if three percent or more of students enrolled in a school district are identified as gifted and their development requires programs or services beyond the level of those ordinarily provided in regular public school programs, the district shall establish a state-approved gifted program for gifted children.
2. For school year 2024-25 and all subsequent school years, any teacher providing gifted services to students in districts with an average daily attendance of more than three hundred fifty students shall be certificated in gifted education. In districts with an average daily attendance of three hundred fifty students or fewer, any teacher providing gifted services shall not be required to be certificated to teach gifted education but such teacher shall annually participate in at least six clock hours of professional development focused on gifted services. The school district shall pay for such professional development focused on gifted services.
3. The state board of education shall determine standards for such gifted programs and gifted services. Approval of gifted programs shall be made by the state department of elementary and secondary education based upon project applications submitted at a time and in a form determined by the department of elementary and secondary education.
4. No district shall identify a child as gifted based on the child's participation in an advanced placement course or international baccalaureate course. Districts shall identify a child as gifted only if the child meets the definition of gifted children as provided in section 162.675.
5. Any district with a gifted education program approved under subsection 3 of this section shall have a policy, approved by the board of education of the district, that establishes a process that outlines the procedures and conditions under which parents or guardians may request a review of the decision that their child did not qualify to receive services through the district's gifted education program.
6. School districts and school district employees shall be immune from liability for any and all acts or omissions relating to the decision that a child did not qualify to receive services through the district's gifted education program.
7. The department of elementary and secondary education may promulgate all necessary rules and regulations for the implementation and administration of this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2022, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 11, A.L. 1974 S.B. 571, A.L. 2016 S.B. 638, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1606 merged with S.B. 743, A.L. 2022 S.B. 681 & 662)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 162 - School Districts
Section 162.014 - Registered sex offenders prohibited from being school board candidates.
Section 162.031 - Division or addition to district — apportionment of property and obligations.
Section 162.051 - Special board meetings, how called — notice.
Section 162.058 - Community engagement policy, requirements.
Section 162.063 - School districts may provide hospital and medical coverage for students, when.
Section 162.064 - Bus drivers, medical endorsement required, when.
Section 162.065 - Bus driver training required.
Section 162.073 - Definitions.
Section 162.085 - Lapse of district upon withdrawal of provisional accreditation.
Section 162.152 - Section of district reorganization created — duties.
Section 162.171 - Reorganization plans may be proposed.
Section 162.181 - Reorganization, procedure.
Section 162.191 - Election in proposed district.
Section 162.201 - Certification of election results.
Section 162.202 - Consolidation of two or more school districts, tax rate ceiling how calculated.
Section 162.204 - Permanent records, digital or electronic format permitted.
Section 162.208 - Internet websites, required postings.
Section 162.211 - Seven-director district, who may establish.
Section 162.212 - Six-director school district to be known as seven-director school district.
Section 162.215 - School officers may be commissioned to enforce certain criminal laws.
Section 162.221 - Seven-director district, procedure to organize.
Section 162.231 - Failure to approve proposed district — effect.
Section 162.241 - Election of directors in newly formed district — costs of election, how paid.
Section 162.281 - Candidate to declare for term of specific number of years, when.
Section 162.291 - Directors — election — qualifications.
Section 162.301 - Organization of board — quorum — officers.
Section 162.311 - Name of district adopted, when — seal required.
Section 162.321 - Change of district name — effect.
Section 162.341 - Annual election, when held.
Section 162.351 - Election commissioners to conduct elections in certain districts.
Section 162.371 - Secretary to issue certificates.
Section 162.381 - Conduct of special elections.
Section 162.401 - Treasurer's bond.
Section 162.411 - Board may employ attorney.
Section 162.441 - Annexation — procedure, alternative — form of ballot.
Section 162.451 - Dissolution of district.
Section 162.461 - Corporate powers of urban districts.
Section 162.471 - Board of directors — qualifications, terms, vacancies.
Section 162.501 - Secretary to issue certificates of election.
Section 162.511 - Duties, restrictions and liabilities of the board — quorum — seal.
Section 162.521 - Selection of officers of the board — terms — removal.
Section 162.531 - Duties of the secretary — bond.
Section 162.541 - Bond of treasurer.
Section 162.551 - Compensation of treasurer and secretary.
Section 162.571 - Corporate powers of metropolitan district — board of education, powers.
Section 162.591 - Organization of board — board to appoint acting superintendent, when.
Section 162.603 - Nominations — procedure.
Section 162.611 - Failure to attend board meetings, effect — vacancies, how filled.
Section 162.621 - Powers and duties of board of education — special administrative board.
Section 162.631 - Jurisdiction of circuit court over board — how exercised.
Section 162.641 - Treasurer, duties — bond.
Section 162.651 - Testimony taken in board's investigations to be under oath.
Section 162.661 - Annual report of the board.
Section 162.666 - St. Louis students' bill of rights.
Section 162.670 - Statement of policy.
Section 162.675 - Definitions.
Section 162.680 - Disabled children to be educated with others whenever possible.
Section 162.685 - Hearings by state board on adoption of standards and regulations.
Section 162.686 - Audio recording of meetings not to be prohibited — violation, penalty.
Section 162.690 - Advisory committees authorized — how appointed.
Section 162.710 - Transportation, how provided.
Section 162.722 - Acceleration of students, subject or whole grade, when.
Section 162.740 - District of residence to pay toward cost, when — amount, how calculated.
Section 162.756 - Transportation by common carriers for students of schools for the blind and deaf.
Section 162.760 - Additional personnel of state board, appointment of.
Section 162.770 - Reports by superintendents of state schools for deaf and blind required, when.
Section 162.785 - State board authorized to acquire property and to receive and administer grants.
Section 162.795 - Boards of advisors, terms, appointment, duties, meetings.
Section 162.800 - Board of advisors — compensation and expenses of members.
Section 162.805 - State and area advisory committees, how appointed — tenure.
Section 162.810 - Employees not to have interest in sales to schools, penalty.
Section 162.820 - Preexisting special districts covered by sections 162.670 to 162.995.
Section 162.821 - District secretary, duties of — report, contents of.
Section 162.825 - Special district, procedure to establish.
Section 162.830 - Special district may include one or more school districts.
Section 162.840 - Form of ballot.
Section 162.841 - Records to be kept — changes to be reported.
Section 162.845 - Organization election results, how determined — election of directors, when.
Section 162.855 - Board of education of a special school district, duties and powers.
Section 162.859 - Board members to file financial interest statements.
Section 162.860 - Candidates for board, qualifications — filing for office, where.
Section 162.865 - Election at large — terms of office.
Section 162.870 - Results, how certified.
Section 162.875 - District a body corporate and a political subdivision — powers granted.
Section 162.880 - Establishment of schools, when.
Section 162.885 - Determination of eligibility of child, how made.
Section 162.895 - Vocational training to be provided.
Section 162.900 - Transportation of students required — state transportation aid authorized.
Section 162.905 - Cooperative activities authorized.
Section 162.910 - Election of board members — term — declarations of.
Section 162.915 - Acquisition of property — condemnation powers — sites, how selected.
Section 162.920 - Tax rate — how increased.
Section 162.930 - Approval for state aid, how obtained.
Section 162.935 - State aid, how computed.
Section 162.940 - Tuition fees, how set — who shall pay.
Section 162.945 - Notice to parent or guardian of diagnosis — contents of notice.
Section 162.958 - Law in effect at time of request to be utilized.
Section 162.962 - Decision subject to review, when, procedure.
Section 162.963 - Rights of parties — record of proceedings, how kept — costs, how paid.
Section 162.974 - Reimbursement for education costs of high-need children.
Section 162.997 - Surrogates appointed, when — state board of education, duties — definitions.
Section 162.998 - Board of education to be notified of need of surrogate, when, appointment, when.
Section 162.1040 - Citation of law — not applicable to certain districts.
Section 162.1042 - Definitions.
Section 162.1045 - State board of education to develop guidelines for enrollment option plan.
Section 162.1049 - Nonresident district and resident district to accept each other's credits.
Section 162.1052 - Rejection of admission of a nonresident by nonresident district, when.
Section 162.1059 - Federal court ordering desegregation court order to govern enrollment option.
Section 162.1061 - Transfer corporations (metropolitan schools), computation of state aid.
Section 162.1130 - Definitions.
Section 162.1139 - Joint referral service developed, rehabilitation services.
Section 162.1142 - Blindness skills specialist fund created.
Section 162.1195 - Fine arts, professional development education assistance.
Section 162.1255 - Funding for competency-based courses — amount.