Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 2 histories
162.281. Candidate to declare for term of specific number of years, when. — Except as provided in section 162.563, in all seven-director districts, including urban districts, when directors are to be elected for terms of different lengths, each candidate shall declare for a term of a specific number of years and the different terms shall be voted upon as separate propositions.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-28, A.L. 2022 S.B. 681 & 662)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 162 - School Districts
Section 162.014 - Registered sex offenders prohibited from being school board candidates.
Section 162.031 - Division or addition to district — apportionment of property and obligations.
Section 162.051 - Special board meetings, how called — notice.
Section 162.058 - Community engagement policy, requirements.
Section 162.063 - School districts may provide hospital and medical coverage for students, when.
Section 162.064 - Bus drivers, medical endorsement required, when.
Section 162.065 - Bus driver training required.
Section 162.073 - Definitions.
Section 162.085 - Lapse of district upon withdrawal of provisional accreditation.
Section 162.152 - Section of district reorganization created — duties.
Section 162.171 - Reorganization plans may be proposed.
Section 162.181 - Reorganization, procedure.
Section 162.191 - Election in proposed district.
Section 162.201 - Certification of election results.
Section 162.202 - Consolidation of two or more school districts, tax rate ceiling how calculated.
Section 162.204 - Permanent records, digital or electronic format permitted.
Section 162.208 - Internet websites, required postings.
Section 162.211 - Seven-director district, who may establish.
Section 162.212 - Six-director school district to be known as seven-director school district.
Section 162.215 - School officers may be commissioned to enforce certain criminal laws.
Section 162.221 - Seven-director district, procedure to organize.
Section 162.231 - Failure to approve proposed district — effect.
Section 162.241 - Election of directors in newly formed district — costs of election, how paid.
Section 162.281 - Candidate to declare for term of specific number of years, when.
Section 162.291 - Directors — election — qualifications.
Section 162.301 - Organization of board — quorum — officers.
Section 162.311 - Name of district adopted, when — seal required.
Section 162.321 - Change of district name — effect.
Section 162.341 - Annual election, when held.
Section 162.351 - Election commissioners to conduct elections in certain districts.
Section 162.371 - Secretary to issue certificates.
Section 162.381 - Conduct of special elections.
Section 162.401 - Treasurer's bond.
Section 162.411 - Board may employ attorney.
Section 162.441 - Annexation — procedure, alternative — form of ballot.
Section 162.451 - Dissolution of district.
Section 162.461 - Corporate powers of urban districts.
Section 162.471 - Board of directors — qualifications, terms, vacancies.
Section 162.501 - Secretary to issue certificates of election.
Section 162.511 - Duties, restrictions and liabilities of the board — quorum — seal.
Section 162.521 - Selection of officers of the board — terms — removal.
Section 162.531 - Duties of the secretary — bond.
Section 162.541 - Bond of treasurer.
Section 162.551 - Compensation of treasurer and secretary.
Section 162.571 - Corporate powers of metropolitan district — board of education, powers.
Section 162.591 - Organization of board — board to appoint acting superintendent, when.
Section 162.603 - Nominations — procedure.
Section 162.611 - Failure to attend board meetings, effect — vacancies, how filled.
Section 162.621 - Powers and duties of board of education — special administrative board.
Section 162.631 - Jurisdiction of circuit court over board — how exercised.
Section 162.641 - Treasurer, duties — bond.
Section 162.651 - Testimony taken in board's investigations to be under oath.
Section 162.661 - Annual report of the board.
Section 162.666 - St. Louis students' bill of rights.
Section 162.670 - Statement of policy.
Section 162.675 - Definitions.
Section 162.680 - Disabled children to be educated with others whenever possible.
Section 162.685 - Hearings by state board on adoption of standards and regulations.
Section 162.686 - Audio recording of meetings not to be prohibited — violation, penalty.
Section 162.690 - Advisory committees authorized — how appointed.
Section 162.710 - Transportation, how provided.
Section 162.722 - Acceleration of students, subject or whole grade, when.
Section 162.740 - District of residence to pay toward cost, when — amount, how calculated.
Section 162.756 - Transportation by common carriers for students of schools for the blind and deaf.
Section 162.760 - Additional personnel of state board, appointment of.
Section 162.770 - Reports by superintendents of state schools for deaf and blind required, when.
Section 162.785 - State board authorized to acquire property and to receive and administer grants.
Section 162.795 - Boards of advisors, terms, appointment, duties, meetings.
Section 162.800 - Board of advisors — compensation and expenses of members.
Section 162.805 - State and area advisory committees, how appointed — tenure.
Section 162.810 - Employees not to have interest in sales to schools, penalty.
Section 162.820 - Preexisting special districts covered by sections 162.670 to 162.995.
Section 162.821 - District secretary, duties of — report, contents of.
Section 162.825 - Special district, procedure to establish.
Section 162.830 - Special district may include one or more school districts.
Section 162.840 - Form of ballot.
Section 162.841 - Records to be kept — changes to be reported.
Section 162.845 - Organization election results, how determined — election of directors, when.
Section 162.855 - Board of education of a special school district, duties and powers.
Section 162.859 - Board members to file financial interest statements.
Section 162.860 - Candidates for board, qualifications — filing for office, where.
Section 162.865 - Election at large — terms of office.
Section 162.870 - Results, how certified.
Section 162.875 - District a body corporate and a political subdivision — powers granted.
Section 162.880 - Establishment of schools, when.
Section 162.885 - Determination of eligibility of child, how made.
Section 162.895 - Vocational training to be provided.
Section 162.900 - Transportation of students required — state transportation aid authorized.
Section 162.905 - Cooperative activities authorized.
Section 162.910 - Election of board members — term — declarations of.
Section 162.915 - Acquisition of property — condemnation powers — sites, how selected.
Section 162.920 - Tax rate — how increased.
Section 162.930 - Approval for state aid, how obtained.
Section 162.935 - State aid, how computed.
Section 162.940 - Tuition fees, how set — who shall pay.
Section 162.945 - Notice to parent or guardian of diagnosis — contents of notice.
Section 162.958 - Law in effect at time of request to be utilized.
Section 162.962 - Decision subject to review, when, procedure.
Section 162.963 - Rights of parties — record of proceedings, how kept — costs, how paid.
Section 162.974 - Reimbursement for education costs of high-need children.
Section 162.997 - Surrogates appointed, when — state board of education, duties — definitions.
Section 162.998 - Board of education to be notified of need of surrogate, when, appointment, when.
Section 162.1040 - Citation of law — not applicable to certain districts.
Section 162.1042 - Definitions.
Section 162.1045 - State board of education to develop guidelines for enrollment option plan.
Section 162.1049 - Nonresident district and resident district to accept each other's credits.
Section 162.1052 - Rejection of admission of a nonresident by nonresident district, when.
Section 162.1059 - Federal court ordering desegregation court order to govern enrollment option.
Section 162.1061 - Transfer corporations (metropolitan schools), computation of state aid.
Section 162.1130 - Definitions.
Section 162.1139 - Joint referral service developed, rehabilitation services.
Section 162.1142 - Blindness skills specialist fund created.
Section 162.1195 - Fine arts, professional development education assistance.
Section 162.1255 - Funding for competency-based courses — amount.