Effective - 28 Aug 2008, 2 histories
138.010. Membership of county board of equalization — annual meetings. — 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, in every county in this state there shall be a county board of equalization consisting of the commissioners of the county commission, the county assessor as a nonvoting member, the county surveyor, and the county clerk who shall be secretary of the board without a vote. The county commissioners shall also appoint two additional members to the board who shall be citizens of the county, but not officers of the county and, for such additional members appointed after August 28, 2007, not related to any member of the county board of equalization within the third degree of consanguinity, who shall have some level of experience as determined by the county commission as a real estate broker, real estate appraiser, home builder, property developer, lending officer, or investor in real estate before such member's appointment to the board. The assessor or a member of the assessor's staff shall be present at all board of equalization hearings, and shall have the right to present evidence pertaining to any assessment matter before the board.
2. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, this board shall meet at the office of the county clerk on the third Monday of July of each year.
3. Upon a finding by the board that it is necessary in order to fairly hear all cases arising from a general reassessment, the board may begin meeting after July first in any applicable year to timely consider any appeal or complaint resulting from an evaluation made during a general reassessment of all taxable real property and possessory interests in the county.
(RSMo 1939 § 11001, A.L. 1945 p. 1011, A.L. 1945 p. 1775, A.L. 1957 p. 789, A.L. 1965 p. 258, A.L. 1981 H.B. 114 & 146, A.L. 1983 S.B. 63, et al., A.L. 2002 H.B. 1580, A.L. 2007 H.B. 616, A.L. 2008 S.B. 711)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9811; 1919 § 12820; 1909 § 11402
County auditor in second class counties a member of board of equalization, 55.161
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title X - Taxation and Revenue
Chapter 138 - Equalization and Review of Tax Assessments
Section 138.010 - Membership of county board of equalization — annual meetings.
Section 138.030 - Oath of members — powers and duties.
Section 138.040 - Power to send for persons and papers — quorum.
Section 138.050 - Rules to be observed.
Section 138.070 - Assessment of property omitted from assessor's books — notice — hearings.
Section 138.080 - Adjustment of tax books.
Section 138.085 - County board of equalization, certain first and second class counties.
Section 138.090 - Meetings of board (first class counties).
Section 138.100 - Rules — hearings (first classification counties).
Section 138.110 - Complaints to be filed with state tax commission, when (first class counties).
Section 138.130 - Extension of taxes — delivery of books (first class counties).
Section 138.140 - Board of equalization — members — oath — compensation — vacancies, how filled.
Section 138.150 - Powers and duties — notice of increase.
Section 138.170 - Length and period of meetings — subpoena witnesses — hearings.
Section 138.180 - Appeal to board of equalization, how taken.
Section 138.190 - Creation of state tax commission — term of office.
Section 138.210 - Oath of office.
Section 138.220 - Bond — amount.
Section 138.230 - Compensation and expenses.
Section 138.240 - Quorums — hearings — decisions.
Section 138.250 - Location of office.
Section 138.260 - Secretary, appointment, duties — compensation, how set.
Section 138.280 - Employment of clerical help.
Section 138.290 - Agents, appointed, when — compensation, how provided.
Section 138.300 - Powers of agents.
Section 138.310 - Agent to conduct investigations — advisory recommendations.
Section 138.320 - Forms and instructions.
Section 138.330 - Seal for commission — attestation of records — evidence — custodian of seal.
Section 138.340 - Commission cannot fix rate of levy.
Section 138.350 - Public meetings — access to records — certification of documents.
Section 138.360 - Issuance of subpoenas — fees — costs.
Section 138.370 - Examination of witnesses and books.
Section 138.380 - Duties and powers of commission.
Section 138.390 - To classify and equalize property.
Section 138.400 - Certification of valuation changes — adjustments.
Section 138.415 - Official visits to counties.
Section 138.420 - Power of original assessment — notification — modification of decision.
Section 138.433 - Pleadings, when deemed filed.
Section 138.440 - Annual report — content — compensation for extra duties.
Section 138.450 - Annual meeting of assessors — expenses — warrant in payment.