Effective - 28 Aug 1992
103.150. Coverage to terminate when person no longer employee of participating member agency — exceptions. — Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary and with the exception of a retiree of the participating member agency or a former employee of the participating member agency who is entitled to retirement benefits from the participating member agency, when a person is no longer an employee of a participating member agency covered by the plan, that person and his dependents shall thereupon cease to be covered by the plan.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 § 4 subsec. 7)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 103 - Health Plan for State Employees
Section 103.003 - Definitions.
Section 103.014 - Executive director appointed by board, not to be board member — powers and duties.
Section 103.019 - Staff salaries to be set by board.
Section 103.020 - Summons and writs to be served on executive director.
Section 103.023 - Actuary or actuarial firm to give technical advice.
Section 103.025 - Annual audit of records and accounts by CPA.
Section 103.029 - Attorney at law may be employed for legal advice and representation.
Section 103.045 - Meetings of board, held where and how set — notice to board members.
Section 103.057 - False statement or falsifying record of plan, penalty.
Section 103.059 - Rules authorized, duties of board.
Section 103.064 - Subpoena of witnesses or production of records, powers of board.
Section 103.070 - Tax exemptions for plan's assets.
Section 103.078 - Foster parents permitted to purchase, when.
Section 103.089 - Medicare benefits participants, effect.
Section 103.141 - Participating agencies and political subdivisions, persons eligible for plan.
Section 103.150 - Coverage to terminate when person no longer employee of participating member agency — exceptions.
Section 103.158 - Premiums to be paid by participating agencies — deposit into fund.