Effective - 28 Aug 1995
103.110. Certification of costs of providing recommended options — premium amounts, payment — deposit in fund. — Before each October first, the board shall certify to the state division of budget and planning an actuarially determined amount which will be necessary during the next plan year to pay all the liabilities, including the cost of administration, and any necessary actuarial reserves which shall exist or accrue pursuant to providing the medical benefits options as recommended by the entity. All such premium amounts shall be paid to the executive director at the time that each employee's wages or salary would normally be paid, but not later than the fifteenth day of the month following. The premium amounts so remitted will be promptly placed by the executive director in the benefit trust fund account. In lieu of the availability of premium deductions the board may establish alternative methods for the collection of premium amounts.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 § 3 subsec. 4, A.L. 1995 S.B. 410)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 103 - Health Plan for State Employees
Section 103.003 - Definitions.
Section 103.014 - Executive director appointed by board, not to be board member — powers and duties.
Section 103.019 - Staff salaries to be set by board.
Section 103.020 - Summons and writs to be served on executive director.
Section 103.023 - Actuary or actuarial firm to give technical advice.
Section 103.025 - Annual audit of records and accounts by CPA.
Section 103.029 - Attorney at law may be employed for legal advice and representation.
Section 103.045 - Meetings of board, held where and how set — notice to board members.
Section 103.057 - False statement or falsifying record of plan, penalty.
Section 103.059 - Rules authorized, duties of board.
Section 103.064 - Subpoena of witnesses or production of records, powers of board.
Section 103.070 - Tax exemptions for plan's assets.
Section 103.078 - Foster parents permitted to purchase, when.
Section 103.089 - Medicare benefits participants, effect.
Section 103.141 - Participating agencies and political subdivisions, persons eligible for plan.
Section 103.158 - Premiums to be paid by participating agencies — deposit into fund.