Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 103 - Health Plan for State Employees
Section 103.027 - Records to be open to public — annual report on financial condition of plan, content.

Effective - 28 Aug 1992
103.027. Records to be open to public — annual report on financial condition of plan, content. — The board shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection. The board shall prepare annually and make available a report showing the financial condition of the plan which shall contain, but not be limited to, a financial balance sheet, a statement of income and disbursements, a detailed statement of investments acquired and disposed of during the year, together with a detailed statement of the annual rates on investment return from all assets and from each type of investment, a listing of all advisors and consultants retained by the board and such other data as the board shall deem necessary or desirable for a proper understanding of the condition of the plan.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 § 1 subsec. 13)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records

Chapter 103 - Health Plan for State Employees

Section 103.003 - Definitions.

Section 103.005 - Missouri consolidated health care plan established, purpose — powers to carry out plan.

Section 103.008 - Administration to be by board of trustees — members, qualifications, appointment, terms — vacancies.

Section 103.010 - MOSERS medical staff will serve jointly on both boards — rates and services, decisions prior to January 1, 1994, to be made by MOSERS board.

Section 103.012 - Board chairman and vice chairman elected annually by secret ballot — powers and duties.

Section 103.014 - Executive director appointed by board, not to be board member — powers and duties.

Section 103.016 - Executive director and staff to be state employees — board members not to be employed by plan for four years after leaving board, exception.

Section 103.019 - Staff salaries to be set by board.

Section 103.020 - Summons and writs to be served on executive director.

Section 103.023 - Actuary or actuarial firm to give technical advice.

Section 103.025 - Annual audit of records and accounts by CPA.

Section 103.027 - Records to be open to public — annual report on financial condition of plan, content.

Section 103.029 - Attorney at law may be employed for legal advice and representation.

Section 103.032 - Investment counselors may be employed for investment advice, qualifications, duties.

Section 103.036 - Benefit trust fund account to be established by board, purpose — powers of board to carry out duties.

Section 103.039 - Deposit of funds — commingling of funds prohibited — executive director to be responsible, bond required.

Section 103.042 - Board to serve without compensation — expenses authorized — board members performing duties not to suffer loss of their regular compensation.

Section 103.045 - Meetings of board, held where and how set — notice to board members.

Section 103.047 - Board members to have one vote — six members to be quorum — majority vote of trustees present for official actions — meeting not required, procedure to determine will of board.

Section 103.050 - Principal office for plan to be in Jefferson City, seal — courts to take judicial notice.

Section 103.055 - Errors in members or providers receiving more or less than entitled to — board's power to correct or recover overpayments.

Section 103.057 - False statement or falsifying record of plan, penalty.

Section 103.059 - Rules authorized, duties of board.

Section 103.061 - Inspection by board of accounts and records of participants in plan or requesting participants.

Section 103.064 - Subpoena of witnesses or production of records, powers of board.

Section 103.067 - Trustees and employees not to profit from plan transactions — acceptance of gratuity or compensation to influence investment, penalties.

Section 103.070 - Tax exemptions for plan's assets.

Section 103.075 - Plan to become effective on January 1, 1994 — prior to effective date employees' retirement medical care plan to remain in effect.

Section 103.078 - Foster parents permitted to purchase, when.

Section 103.079 - Health care programs sponsored by other state agencies may become part of consolidated plan, procedure — departments may review plan and withdraw, when — higher education entities may become part of consolidated plan, procedure.

Section 103.080 - High deductible plans and health savings accounts to be offered — definitions — premiums — consumer-driven health care plans — rulemaking authority.

Section 103.083 - Medical benefit coverage, board's authority to contract for — comparable benefits for employees relying on spiritual healing.

Section 103.084 - Recommendation to change to an October first plan year for health care provider contracts.

Section 103.085 - Termination of coverage, when, exceptions, certain persons may choose to continue coverage, requirements.

Section 103.089 - Medicare benefits participants, effect.

Section 103.095 - General assembly members, elected officials and employees who cease to hold office may continue coverage — time limitation to elect coverage.

Section 103.098 - Thirty-day enrollment period for state employees, retirees and dependents — preexisting condition not covered for twelve months.

Section 103.100 - Cost of medical benefit program, estimated amount, how computed — notification of authorized medical benefit options — recommendation of portion to be paid by employees — appropriations requested.

Section 103.105 - Participating member agencies to pay executive director monthly — payment deposited in health fund.

Section 103.110 - Certification of costs of providing recommended options — premium amounts, payment — deposit in fund.

Section 103.115 - Consultants, former employees from certain state agencies, judges or teachers to be compensated for advice which will be paid toward medical benefits, amount.

Section 103.130 - Agencies joining plan to be by majority vote of governing body, procedure — coverage to be effective, when — must be offered to all eligible employees, retirees and dependents of agency.

Section 103.133 - Withdrawal from plan — participating agencies and political subdivisions, procedure — termination of plan effective, when.

Section 103.136 - Agencies and political subdivisions, coverage by plan after termination, two-year period, exception, board action.

Section 103.138 - Plan not responsible for liabilities prior to effective date — for participating agencies and political subdivisions.

Section 103.141 - Participating agencies and political subdivisions, persons eligible for plan.

Section 103.145 - Enrollment period of thirty days for employees, retirees and dependents of participating member agency.

Section 103.150 - Coverage to terminate when person no longer employee of participating member agency — exceptions.

Section 103.155 - Reimbursement by participating member agency of start-up costs incurred solely for member agency.

Section 103.158 - Premiums to be paid by participating agencies — deposit into fund.

Section 103.163 - Delinquent participating member agency, effect — first lien on member agency's fund — writ of mandamus for payment.

Section 103.165 - Termination of agency's participation in plan for failure to pay — no payment of claims during period of nonpayment.

Section 103.170 - Deficiency in year participating member agencies withdraw to be prorated by the actuary.

Section 103.175 - Feasibility of agencies and school district retirees not having joined plan to join — board to study and report.

Section 103.178 - Alternative system of benefits for treatment of chemical dependency, pilot project — design of project, report.