Effective - 28 Aug 1992
103.047. Board members to have one vote — six members to be quorum — majority vote of trustees present for official actions — meeting not required, procedure to determine will of board. — Each trustee shall be entitled to one vote. Six trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and any official action of the board shall be based on the majority vote of the trustees present. Unless otherwise expressly provided in sections 103.003 to 103.175, a meeting need not be called or held to make any decision on a matter before the board. Each member must be sent by the executive director a copy of the matter to be decided with full information on the question from the files of the plan. The concurring decisions of six trustees may decide the issue by signing a document declaring their decision and sending the written document to the executive director within fifteen days after the document and information was mailed to the trustee. If any trustee is not in agreement with the six trustees, the matter is to be passed on at a regular board meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 § 1 subsec. 20)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 103 - Health Plan for State Employees
Section 103.003 - Definitions.
Section 103.014 - Executive director appointed by board, not to be board member — powers and duties.
Section 103.019 - Staff salaries to be set by board.
Section 103.020 - Summons and writs to be served on executive director.
Section 103.023 - Actuary or actuarial firm to give technical advice.
Section 103.025 - Annual audit of records and accounts by CPA.
Section 103.029 - Attorney at law may be employed for legal advice and representation.
Section 103.045 - Meetings of board, held where and how set — notice to board members.
Section 103.057 - False statement or falsifying record of plan, penalty.
Section 103.059 - Rules authorized, duties of board.
Section 103.064 - Subpoena of witnesses or production of records, powers of board.
Section 103.070 - Tax exemptions for plan's assets.
Section 103.078 - Foster parents permitted to purchase, when.
Section 103.089 - Medicare benefits participants, effect.
Section 103.141 - Participating agencies and political subdivisions, persons eligible for plan.
Section 103.158 - Premiums to be paid by participating agencies — deposit into fund.