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Article 1 - Inspection Requirements; Adulteration and Misbranding
§ 75-35-1. Short title - This chapter shall be designated as the "Mississippi Meat Inspection...
§ 75-35-3. Definitions - As used in this chapter, except as otherwise specified, the...
§ 75-35-5. Legislative finding - Meat and meat food products are an important source of...
§ 75-35-7. Inspection of cattle and other equine prior to entry into slaughtering establishments; separation and slaughtering of diseased animals; commissioner authorized to examine and inspect for methods of slaughtering and to provide for suspensio... - For the purpose of preventing the use in intrastate commerce,...
§ 75-35-9. Post-mortem examination and labeling of carcasses; destruction of condemned carcasses; reinspection - For the purposes hereinbefore set forth, the commissioner shall cause...
§ 75-35-11. Examination of carcasses brought into slaughtering or similar establishments, and of products issued therefrom or returned thereto; limitation on entry of carcasses or products into inspected establishments - The foregoing provisions shall apply to all carcasses or parts...
§ 75-35-13. Inspection of products in slaughtering or similar establishments; access; inspection marks or labels; destruction of condemned products - For the purposes hereinbefore set forth, the commissioner shall cause...
§ 75-35-17. Sanitary inspection and regulation of slaughtering or similar establishments; duty of commissioner with respect to adulterated meat or meat food products - The commissioner shall cause to be made, by experts in...
§ 75-35-19. Examination of animals and meat products thereof slaughtered or prepared during nighttime - The commissioner shall cause an examination and inspection of all...
§ 75-35-21. Prohibitions with respect to slaughtering, preparation, sale, transportation, adulteration or misbranding of carcasses or meat food products - No person, firm, or corporation shall, with respect to any...
§ 75-35-25. Labeling and preparation of carcasses of horses and mules - No person, firm, or corporation shall sell, transport, offer for...
§ 75-35-27. Appointment and duties of inspectors - The commissioner shall appoint from time to time inspectors to...
§ 75-35-29. Bribery of inspectors or other officers; acceptance of gifts - Any person, firm, or corporation, or any agent or employee...
§ 75-35-33. Regulations prescribing conditions for storage and handling - The commissioner may by regulations prescribe conditions under which carcasses,...
Article 3 - Meat Processors and Related Industries
§ 75-35-101. Inspection not to be provided for establishments preparing carcasses or products not intended for use as human food; denaturation or other identification of certain items - Inspection shall not be provided under Article 1 of this...
§ 75-35-105. Registration of name, business address and trade names with commissioner - No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in business, as...
§ 75-35-107. Regulation of transactions in, or transportation of, dead, dying or diseased animals to prevent use of parts or products as human food - No person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of...
Article 5 - Federal and State Cooperation -
Article 7 - Auxiliary Provisions
§ 75-35-301. Refusal or withdrawal of inspection services; grounds; judicial review of order and determination of commissioner - The commissioner may (for such period, or indefinitely, as he...
§ 75-35-303. Detention of carcasses or meat food products by representative of commissioner pending judicial action or notification of federal authorities; duration; release - Whenever any carcass, part of a carcass, meat or meat...
§ 75-35-307. Jurisdiction of chancery courts - Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this chapter, the...
§ 75-35-309. Punishment for assaulting, killing, resisting or impeding persons while in performance of their official duties - Any person who forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or...
§ 75-35-313. Power of commissioner to compile information, make investigations, and to require reports to be filed - The commissioner shall also have power: To gather and compile...
§ 75-35-319. Application of law to establishments, animals and products regulated by Federal Meat Inspection Act - The requirements of this chapter shall apply to persons, firms,...
§ 75-35-321. Appropriations - There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as...
§ 75-35-323. Repeal of existing statutes - Nothing in this chapter, except for the purpose of providing...
§ 75-35-325. Administrative procedures concerning fines and other penalties for violations of the meat inspection law - The commissioner may issue subpoenas to require the attendance of...