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Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 49-15-1. Public policy of the state as to seafood laws - As a guide to the interpretation and application of this...
§ 49-15-1.1. Assent to Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act - The State of Mississippi hereby assents to the provisions of...
§ 49-15-2. Standards for fishery conservation and management; fishery management plans - Any fishery management plan, and any regulation promulgated to implement...
§ 49-15-3. Definitions - As used in this chapter, the term: "Commission" means the...
§ 49-15-5. All seafoods initially the property of the state - All seafoods existing or living in waters within the territorial...
§ 49-15-7. Oyster, clam, cay shells and other shells declared to be property of state - All shells of dead oysters, clams and other shellfish; and...
§ 49-15-9. Rights of riparian owners on Gulf Coast defined - The sole right of planting, cultivating in racks or other...
§ 49-15-11. Mississippi Department of Marine Resources; transfer of certain powers and duties from Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; Executive Director of the Department of Marine Resources; definition of terms; composition of department;... - Each office shall be composed of the administrative units as...
§ 49-15-16. Limited entry fisheries management program - The commission may develop a limited entry fisheries management program...
§ 49-15-18. Distribution of chapter - The executive director of the department shall publish an abstract...
§ 49-15-19. Attorney General; designation of deputies or assistants; legal advisors to commission and department - The Attorney General shall be counsel and attorney for the...
§ 49-15-21. Enforcement officers; reserve unit - Members oftheimmediate family of enforcement officers shall not be eligibleforthe...
§ 49-15-22. Marine patrol officers of Department of Marine Resources permitted to keep side arm upon retirement - Each person employed as a marine patrol officer by the...
§ 49-15-25. Advisory council may be appointed by commission - The commission may appoint an advisory council of persons who...
§ 49-15-27. Commission granted authority to lease bottoms - The commission is hereby granted full and complete authority to...
§ 49-15-35. Authority to regulate taking and catching of menhaden - Upon the request of the boards of supervisors of the...
§ 49-15-37. Cultivation of oyster reefs; removal of oysters from restricted areas - By order of the commission, the director, under the direction...
§ 49-15-41. Oysters not to be caught at night - It shall be unlawful for any person to fish, catch...
§ 49-15-43. Packaging of oysters; containers - Oysters for sale either wholesale or retail may be packaged...
§ 49-15-44. Sale or possession of illegal oysters prohibited; penalties - The commission shall prohibit the sale or possession of illegal...
§ 49-15-46. Licensing and fees for vessels engaged in catching, taking, carrying or transporting oysters; license requirement for captain of commercial oyster vessel; designation of alternate captain for each license; transfer of vessel license; tagg... - Funds received from the shell retention fee shall be paid...
§ 49-15-49. Pass Christian Harbor oyster check station named the Colonel George J. Wright, Sr., building - The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources' oyster check station located...
§ 49-15-61. Marine museum - The governing body of any municipality or county on the...
§ 49-15-64. Shrimping during closed season prohibited; penalties; promulgation of rules and regulations - Any operator, firm or corporation engaged in commercial shrimping during...
§ 49-15-64.1. Shrimp season: waters closed to shrimping - Begin at green buoy or beacon number 1 which is...
§ 49-15-64.2. Shrimping permitted with cast net - Any person shall be allowed to take shrimp in the...
§ 49-15-65. Jurisdiction of courts; appeals - The justice courts of the respective counties or county courts...
§ 49-15-73. Use of aircraft to assist in harvesting of redfish; penalties - It shall be unlawful for any person to use or...
§ 49-15-74. Open season for menhaden - The commission shall establish open season for menhaden not later...
§ 49-15-83. Interpretation and application of Sections 49-15-71 through 49-15-81 - Nothing in Sections 49-15-71 through 49-15-81 shall be interpreted to...
§ 49-15-87. "Peeler crab" and "soft-shell crab" defined - "Peeler crab" means a blue crab having a new soft...
§ 49-15-89. Unlawful to catch, destroy, confine, hold or have in possession certain crabs - It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, destroy,...
§ 49-15-91. Regulatory authority for maximum number of crab pots allowable per licensee - The commission may establish a maximum number of crab pots...
§ 49-15-93. Penalties - Any person violating any provision of Sections 49-15-83 through 49-15-91...
§ 49-15-94. Use of purse seine to catch mullet during roe mullet season; penalties - It is unlawful for any person to use a purse...
§ 49-15-96. Keeping of certain fish caught in shrimp nets for personal consumption - Vessels licensed under Section 49-15-64.5 may keep in whole, for...
§ 49-15-97. Requirement that commercial fishing vessels use approved lights; penalties - Any fine or sentence, or both, imposed upon a person...
§ 49-15-100.1. Forfeiture of vessels, motors and equipment used in violation of Section 49-15-100 - It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to...
§ 49-15-100.3. Prima facie evidence of use of prohibited equipment - The possession of a gill net, trammel net or like...
Article 3 - Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact
§ 49-15-101. Form of compact - The Governor of this state is hereby authorized and directed...
§ 49-15-103. Membership of Gulf States Marine Commission - In pursuance of Article III of said compact there shall...
§ 49-15-105. Cooperation of state officers and agencies - All officers of the State of Mississippi are hereby authorized...
§ 49-15-107. Powers of commission - There is hereby granted to the commission and the commissioners...
§ 49-15-109. Records and reports - The commissioner shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and...
Article 4 - Procedures for Forfeiture of Property Seized in Marine Violations
§ 49-15-205. Liquidation of forfeited property; distribution of proceeds from forfeited property; maintenance, repair, use and operation of forfeited property by law enforcement agencies or Department of Marine Resources - The Department of Marine Resources may maintain, repair, use and...
Article 5 - Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources
§ 49-15-303. Powers and duties of commission - The commission shall have the following powers and duties: To...
§ 49-15-304. Promulgation of regulations regarding marine resources - The commission may adopt, modify or repeal rules or regulations...
§ 49-15-307. Powers and duties of department - The department shall have the following powers and duties: To...
§ 49-15-311. Authority of department to purchase physical loss and liability coverage insurance - The department may obtain and pay on coverage for physical...
§ 49-15-317. Certain charter or recreational fishing boats authorized to fillet certain fish at sea - Any charter or recreational fishing boat in the Gulf of...
§ 49-15-321. Commission authorized to establish sanctuaries and nursery grounds; unlawful to engage in prohibited activity in designated sanctuary or nursery area - The commission is hereby authorized to establish sanctuaries to protect...
§ 49-15-323. Commission to have jurisdiction over certain violations of marine resources law or regulations committed in the Gulf of Mexico outside state's territorial waters - If any violation of any marine resources law or regulation...
Article 7 - Administrative Hearing Procedure for Commission on Marine Resources
§ 49-15-401. Purpose; commission not to seek both administrative and criminal penalties except under limited circumstances; commission to notify Department of Marine Resources of violations for administrative penalty processing - It is the purpose of this article to establish an...
§ 49-15-407. Waiver of right to hearing - Failure of the alleged violator to request an informal settlement...
§ 49-15-409. Jurisdiction; rules and regulations - The commission shall have jurisdiction over all persons and property...
§ 49-15-413. Civil penalties for violations - Each violation of the rules and regulations of the commission...
§ 49-15-417. Criminal immunity for witnesses subpoenaed by commission - No person shall be subject to criminal prosecution or to...