Any corporation, domestic or foreign, or individual, partnership, or association of persons whatsoever, who, with intent to accomplish the results herein prohibited or without such intent, shall accomplish such results to a degree inimical to public welfare, and shall thus:
Restrain or attempt to restrain the freedom of trade or production;
Or shall monopolize or attempt to monopolize the production, control or sale of any commodity, or the prosecution, management or control of any kind, class or description of business;
Or shall engross forestall or attempt to engross or forestall any commodity;
Or shall destroy or attempt to destroy competition in the manufacture or sale of a commodity, by selling or offering the same for sale at a lower price at one place in the state than another or buying or offering to buy a commodity at a higher price at one place in the state than another, differences of freight and other necessary expenses of sale and delivery considered;
Or shall destroy or attempt to destroy competition by rendering any service or manipulating, handling or storing any commodity for a less price in one locality than in another, the differences in the necessary expenses of carrying on the business considered, shall be deemed and held a trust and combine within the meaning and purpose of this section, and shall be liable to the pains, penalties, fines, forfeitures, judgments, and recoveries denounced against trusts and combines and shall be proceeded against in manner and form herein provided, as in case of other trusts and combines.
It shall be sufficient to make out a prima facie case of a violation of subdivision (e) of this section to show lower charge for the service therein mentioned in one locality than another, or to show a higher price paid for a commodity in one locality than another, differences of freight and other necessary expenses of operating business considered.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 75 - Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments
Chapter 21 - Trusts and Combines in Restraint or Hindrance of Trade
§ 75-21-1. Trust and combine; defined
§ 75-21-3. Additional contracts or combinations not allowed by law
§ 75-21-5. Agricultural and other organizations not forbidden
§ 75-21-7. Penalty for violation of anti-trust laws
§ 75-21-9. Private persons and corporations may sue
§ 75-21-13. Corporations not to purchase competing one
§ 75-21-15. To defraud in public contracts
§ 75-21-17. Moneys not collectible
§ 75-21-19. Proceedings for forfeiture of charter and right to do business
§ 75-21-21. Proceedings may be brought in county where trust and combine formed
§ 75-21-23. Proceedings may be brought in county where violation of law occurred
§ 75-21-25. Witness not to be excused from testifying
§ 75-21-27. Witness not liable to indictment or prosecution
§ 75-21-29. Books, records to be produced in court
§ 75-21-31. Penalty for failure to comply
§ 75-21-33. Right to examine books, records and accounts of corporations
§ 75-21-35. Corporations answerable for unlawful act