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§ 75-21-1. Trust and combine; defined - A trust or combine is a combination, contract, understanding or...
§ 75-21-3. Additional contracts or combinations not allowed by law - Any corporation, domestic or foreign, or individual, partnership, or association...
§ 75-21-5. Agricultural and other organizations not forbidden - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to forbid...
§ 75-21-7. Penalty for violation of anti-trust laws - Any person, corporation, partnership, firm or association of persons and...
§ 75-21-9. Private persons and corporations may sue - Any person, natural or artificial, injured or damaged by a...
§ 75-21-11. Contracts void - Every contract or agreement to enter into or pursue any...
§ 75-21-13. Corporations not to purchase competing one - No corporation shall acquire directly or indirectly, the whole or...
§ 75-21-15. To defraud in public contracts - If any person, association, firm or corporation shall combine with...
§ 75-21-17. Moneys not collectible - All sums of money to be paid on any contract...
§ 75-21-19. Proceedings for forfeiture of charter and right to do business - Proceedings of any and every kind for forfeiture of charter,...
§ 75-21-21. Proceedings may be brought in county where trust and combine formed - Like proceedings against any two or more of any number...
§ 75-21-23. Proceedings may be brought in county where violation of law occurred - Criminal prosecutions, under the antitrust laws of this state, may...
§ 75-21-25. Witness not to be excused from testifying - No person called as a witness in any prosecution or...
§ 75-21-27. Witness not liable to indictment or prosecution - But the testimony so given shall not be used in...
§ 75-21-29. Books, records to be produced in court - Any corporation may be required under a subpoena duces tecum...
§ 75-21-31. Penalty for failure to comply - Any corporation failing or refusing to comply with the order...
§ 75-21-33. Right to examine books, records and accounts of corporations - The state or any person, natural or artificial, in the...
§ 75-21-35. Corporations answerable for unlawful act - Every corporation shall be answerable for any unlawful act, contract,...
§ 75-21-37. Duties of district attorneys - It shall be the duty of the district attorneys in...
§ 75-21-39. Application of chapter - No right, liability, pain, penalty, forfeiture, prosecution or suit under...