If any person, association, firm or corporation shall combine with any other person, association, firm or corporation, or if either of them combine with one or more of the others to prevent, by pooling, any or either of said persons, associations, firms or corporations from separately or individually bidding for the performance of a public work for the state, or any county, municipality, or levee board thereof; or if any person, association, firm or corporation shall prevent, by persuasion or reward, any other person, association, firm or corporation, or any one or more of them, from bidding for the performance of such public work, they, and each of them, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 75 - Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments
Chapter 21 - Trusts and Combines in Restraint or Hindrance of Trade
§ 75-21-1. Trust and combine; defined
§ 75-21-3. Additional contracts or combinations not allowed by law
§ 75-21-5. Agricultural and other organizations not forbidden
§ 75-21-7. Penalty for violation of anti-trust laws
§ 75-21-9. Private persons and corporations may sue
§ 75-21-13. Corporations not to purchase competing one
§ 75-21-15. To defraud in public contracts
§ 75-21-17. Moneys not collectible
§ 75-21-19. Proceedings for forfeiture of charter and right to do business
§ 75-21-21. Proceedings may be brought in county where trust and combine formed
§ 75-21-23. Proceedings may be brought in county where violation of law occurred
§ 75-21-25. Witness not to be excused from testifying
§ 75-21-27. Witness not liable to indictment or prosecution
§ 75-21-29. Books, records to be produced in court
§ 75-21-31. Penalty for failure to comply
§ 75-21-33. Right to examine books, records and accounts of corporations
§ 75-21-35. Corporations answerable for unlawful act