Mississippi Code
General Provisions
§ 71-3-63. Fees for legal and other services

In no instance shall the amount recovered by an attorney for an appearance before the commission exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total award of compensation. Such limitations, however, shall not be construed as applying to a fee awarded for additional services by any superior court. Legal services rendered where no motion to controvert has been filed by either employer or employee shall be considered as consultation, and that factor shall be taken into consideration in awarding a fee. Attorneys may not recover attorney's fees based upon benefits voluntarily paid to an injured employee for temporary or permanent disability. Any settlement negotiated by an attorney shall not be considered a voluntary payment. In all instances, fees shall be awarded on the basis of fairness to both attorney and client. Although exceptions may be made in the interest of justice, it shall be deemed conducive to the best interest of all concerned for the commission to approve contracts for attorney's fees voluntarily entered into between attorney and client, within the limitations hereinabove set out.
When an award of compensation becomes final and an attorney's fee is outstanding, a partial lump-sum settlement sufficient to cover the attorney's fee approved therein by the commission shall be made immediately, from payments last to become due, and the deductions allowed by the law shall be borne equally by the attorney and the client.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 71 - Labor and Industry

Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation

General Provisions

§ 71-3-3. Definitions

§ 71-3-5. Application

§ 71-3-9. Exclusiveness of liability

§ 71-3-9. Exclusiveness of liability

§ 71-3-11. Waiting period

§ 71-3-17. Compensation for disability

§ 71-3-19. Maintenance while undergoing vocational rehabilitation

§ 71-3-21. Temporary partial disability

§ 71-3-23. Hernia

§ 71-3-25. Compensation for death

§ 71-3-27. Aliens

§ 71-3-29. Compromise, commutation, and lump sum payments

§ 71-3-31. Determination of wages

§ 71-3-33. Guardian for minor or incompetent

§ 71-3-38. Special workers' compensation account for payment

§ 71-3-39. Recording and reporting of payments

§ 71-3-41. Invalid agreements

§ 71-3-43. Assignment and exemption from claims of creditors

§ 71-3-45. Compensation a lien against assets

§ 71-3-47. Determination for claims for compensation

§ 71-3-51. Court review of compensation award

§ 71-3-53. Continuing jurisdiction of the commission

§ 71-3-57. Witnesses and their fees

§ 71-3-63. Fees for legal and other services

§ 71-3-65. Record of injury or death

§ 71-3-66. Confidentiality of records

§ 71-3-67. Reports of injuries

§ 71-3-69. Penalty for misrepresentation

§ 71-3-71. Compensation for injuries where third parties are liable

§ 71-3-73. Second Injury Trust Fund

§ 71-3-77. Insurance policy regulations

§ 71-3-79. Acceptance of premium by carrier and estoppel

§ 71-3-81. Notice of coverage

§ 71-3-85. Workers' compensation commission

§ 71-3-87. Official bond

§ 71-3-89. Seal

§ 71-3-91. Traveling expenses

§ 71-3-93. Administrative staff

§ 71-3-97. Collection of civil penalties authorized by chapter; deposit of civil penalties into State General Fund

§ 71-3-100. Payment and deposit in State General Fund of funds received by Workers' Compensation Commission; funding of commission expenses

§ 71-3-101. Registration of insurance companies

§ 71-3-103. Annual report

§ 71-3-105. Rehabilitation

§ 71-3-107. Compensation and death benefits for minors illegally employed

§ 71-3-111. Mississippi Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Plan; commissioner's duties and responsibilities; temporary joint underwriting association

§ 71-3-123. Report of commissioner on assigned risk plan and safety programs

§ 71-3-125. Workers' compensation claims offices; provision of same services by contract; waiver

§ 71-3-127. Use of arbitrators to resolve disputes