Mississippi Code
Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities
§ 37-47-41. Execution of bonds; form, terms and conditions; redemption

All state school bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be signed by the governor, or by his facsimile signature, and attested by the secretary of state. The great seal of the State of Mississippi shall be affixed to or impressed upon each of them. Coupons attached to such bonds may bear only the facsimile signatures of both the governor and secretary of state. Subject to the provisions of this chapter the state bond commission shall have full discretion in providing for the issuance of such bonds and in fixing the terms and details thereof. Said state bond commission may provide for the issuance of such bonds in such form, either coupon or registered, with such registration privileges, and executed in such manner and payable in such medium and at such place or places, and containing such terms, covenants and provisions as the state bond commission may, by resolution or resolutions, provide. All or any part of the bonds issued under the authority of this chapter may be made optional for redemption prior to maturity in the discretion of the state bond commission, and in such case such bonds shall specify the manner in and premiums at which the bonds shall be so redeemable. Such bonds shall not be redeemable before maturity unless same expressly so provide.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities

§ 37-47-1. Administration of chapter

§ 37-47-3. "School district" defined

§ 37-47-5. "Capital improvement" defined

§ 37-47-7. State public school building fund created

§ 37-47-9. Annual grants by state

§ 37-47-11. Order of priority of disposition of funds

§ 37-47-13. Certificates of credit

§ 37-47-15. Approval of use of grants; surveys and plans

§ 37-47-17. Applications for expenditures

§ 37-47-19. Withdrawal of funds from public school building fund upon approval of expenditures

§ 37-47-21. Disposition of funds credited to school district which fails to apply for expenditure

§ 37-47-23. Effect of insufficient funds in public school building fund

§ 37-47-25. Loans for capital improvements

§ 37-47-27. Requirement of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-29. Awarding of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-31. Continuation and functions of state bond commission

§ 37-47-33. Authorization of issuance of bonds by state bond commission; limitation on amount of bonds

§ 37-47-35. Request for issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-37. Prerequisites to issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-39. Full faith and credit of state pledged to pay bonds

§ 37-47-41. Execution of bonds; form, terms and conditions; redemption

§ 37-47-43. Printing of bonds; denominations; interest

§ 37-47-45. Maturity of bonds

§ 37-47-47. Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 37-47-49. Interim certificates; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-51. Negotiability of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-53. Exemption from taxation of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-55. Duties of state treasurer

§ 37-47-57. Payment of expenses of bond commission

§ 37-47-59. Validation of bond issues

§ 37-47-61. Sinking fund

§ 37-47-63. Construction of chapter; contract between bondholders and state

§ 37-47-65. Construction of chapter; power of school districts to raise funds

§ 37-47-67. Appeals