Mississippi Code
Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities
§ 37-47-15. Approval of use of grants; surveys and plans

No grants accruing to any school district shall be expended for any purpose unless such expenditure has been approved by the commission. In order to guide the commission in passing upon requests for the use of grants, the school boards of the respective school districts are directed to prepare a survey of necessary capital improvements and/or a plan for tax relief on school indebtedness within each school district. Such surveys shall show existing facilities, desirable consolidations, the new construction and new facilities necessary and desirable for the efficient operation of the public schools of the school districts, proper compliance with state energy conservation standards, and the plan of tax reduction in the school districts by use of such funds in retiring any outstanding indebtedness for school facilities. The commission shall not approve any application for the use of funds of the said public school building fund from the school board of any school district until such time as an acceptable and reasonably satisfactory plan, looking particularly to efficiency through consolidations of school attendance centers, has been submitted by the school board.
Furthermore, the commission shall not approve any application for the use of funds of the public school building fund until such time as an acceptable plan has been submitted by the appropriate board which complies with improved design, heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, insulation and architectural standards provided by the State of Mississippi to promote maximum energy conservation in new and existing public buildings.
All applications from school districts shall conform to the plan of the school board.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities

§ 37-47-1. Administration of chapter

§ 37-47-3. "School district" defined

§ 37-47-5. "Capital improvement" defined

§ 37-47-7. State public school building fund created

§ 37-47-9. Annual grants by state

§ 37-47-11. Order of priority of disposition of funds

§ 37-47-13. Certificates of credit

§ 37-47-15. Approval of use of grants; surveys and plans

§ 37-47-17. Applications for expenditures

§ 37-47-19. Withdrawal of funds from public school building fund upon approval of expenditures

§ 37-47-21. Disposition of funds credited to school district which fails to apply for expenditure

§ 37-47-23. Effect of insufficient funds in public school building fund

§ 37-47-25. Loans for capital improvements

§ 37-47-27. Requirement of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-29. Awarding of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-31. Continuation and functions of state bond commission

§ 37-47-33. Authorization of issuance of bonds by state bond commission; limitation on amount of bonds

§ 37-47-35. Request for issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-37. Prerequisites to issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-39. Full faith and credit of state pledged to pay bonds

§ 37-47-41. Execution of bonds; form, terms and conditions; redemption

§ 37-47-43. Printing of bonds; denominations; interest

§ 37-47-45. Maturity of bonds

§ 37-47-47. Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 37-47-49. Interim certificates; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-51. Negotiability of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-53. Exemption from taxation of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-55. Duties of state treasurer

§ 37-47-57. Payment of expenses of bond commission

§ 37-47-59. Validation of bond issues

§ 37-47-61. Sinking fund

§ 37-47-63. Construction of chapter; contract between bondholders and state

§ 37-47-65. Construction of chapter; power of school districts to raise funds

§ 37-47-67. Appeals