Mississippi Code
Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities
§ 37-47-33. Authorization of issuance of bonds by state bond commission; limitation on amount of bonds

For the purpose of (a) providing funds to enable the State Board of Education to make loans or advances to school districts as provided by Section 37-47-25, and for the purpose of (b) providing funds for the payment and redemption of certificates of credit issued to school districts under Section 37-47-23, when such funds are not otherwise available, or for the purpose of (c) providing funds in an amount not exceeding Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000.00) for the payment of allocations of Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds to school districts for capital expenditures approved by the State Board of Education which have not been pledged for debt by the school district, when such funds are not otherwise available, or for any of such purposes, the State Bond Commission is authorized and empowered to issue state school bonds under the conditions prescribed in this chapter. The aggregate principal amount of such bonds outstanding at any one (1) time, after deducting the amount of the sinking fund provided for the retirement of bonds issued for such purposes, shall never exceed the sum of One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000.00). Within such limits, however, state school bonds may be issued from time to time under the conditions prescribed in this chapter. None of such bonds so issued shall have a maturity date later than July 1, 2021.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 47 - State Aid for Construction of School Facilities

§ 37-47-1. Administration of chapter

§ 37-47-3. "School district" defined

§ 37-47-5. "Capital improvement" defined

§ 37-47-7. State public school building fund created

§ 37-47-9. Annual grants by state

§ 37-47-11. Order of priority of disposition of funds

§ 37-47-13. Certificates of credit

§ 37-47-15. Approval of use of grants; surveys and plans

§ 37-47-17. Applications for expenditures

§ 37-47-19. Withdrawal of funds from public school building fund upon approval of expenditures

§ 37-47-21. Disposition of funds credited to school district which fails to apply for expenditure

§ 37-47-23. Effect of insufficient funds in public school building fund

§ 37-47-25. Loans for capital improvements

§ 37-47-27. Requirement of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-29. Awarding of contracts for capital improvements

§ 37-47-31. Continuation and functions of state bond commission

§ 37-47-33. Authorization of issuance of bonds by state bond commission; limitation on amount of bonds

§ 37-47-35. Request for issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-37. Prerequisites to issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-39. Full faith and credit of state pledged to pay bonds

§ 37-47-41. Execution of bonds; form, terms and conditions; redemption

§ 37-47-43. Printing of bonds; denominations; interest

§ 37-47-45. Maturity of bonds

§ 37-47-47. Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 37-47-49. Interim certificates; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 37-47-51. Negotiability of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-53. Exemption from taxation of bonds and interim certificates

§ 37-47-55. Duties of state treasurer

§ 37-47-57. Payment of expenses of bond commission

§ 37-47-59. Validation of bond issues

§ 37-47-61. Sinking fund

§ 37-47-63. Construction of chapter; contract between bondholders and state

§ 37-47-65. Construction of chapter; power of school districts to raise funds

§ 37-47-67. Appeals