Mississippi Code
Chapter 45 - State Aid to Public Schools
§ 37-45-51. Appeals to chancery court

Any school board of a school district aggrieved by any final rule, regulation or order of the commission shall have the right of appeal to the chancery court of the county in which said school district or any part thereof may be located or situated, which appeal shall be taken and perfected as hereinafter provided within thirty (30) days from the date of such final rule, regulation or order. The said chancery court may modify or affirm such rule, regulation or order or reverse or remand the same for further proceedings as justice may require. All such appeals shall be taken and perfected, heard and determined, either in term time or in vacation, on the record, including a transcript of any evidence, pleadings or testimony filed and heard before said commission. Such appeal shall be heard and disposed of promptly by the chancery court as a preference cause. In perfecting any appeal provided by this chapter, the provisions of law respecting notice to the reporter and the allowance of bills of exception, now or hereafter in force respecting appeals from the chancery court to the Supreme Court shall be applicable. The reporter shall transcribe his notes and file the transcript of the record with the commission within thirty (30) days after approval of the appeal bond.
Upon the filing with the commission of a petition for appeal to the chancery court, it shall be the duty of the commission, as promptly as possible and in any event within sixty (60) days after approval of the appeal bond, to file with the clerk of the chancery court a copy of the petition for appeal and of the rule, regulation or order appealed from, and a transcript of the record of the pleadings and evidence before the commission. After the filing of said petition, the appeal shall be perfected by the filing of bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) with two (2) sufficient sureties or with a surety company qualified to do business in Mississippi as the surety, conditioned to pay the cost of such appeal. Said bond shall be approved by the clerk of the court. The perfection of an appeal shall not stay or suspend the operation of any rule, regulation or order of the commission, but the judge of the said chancery court may award a writ of supersedeas to any rule, regulation or order of the commission after five (5) days' notice to the commission and after hearing. Any order or judgment staying the operation of any rule, regulation or order of the commission shall contain a specific finding, based upon evidence submitted to the chancellor and identified by reference thereto, that great or irreparable damage would result to the appellant if he is denied relief, and the stay shall not become effective until a supersedeas bond shall have been executed and filed with and approved by the clerk of the court or the chancellor, payable to the state. The bond shall be in an amount fixed by the chancellor and conditioned as said chancellor may direct in the order granting the supersedeas.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 45 - State Aid to Public Schools

§ 37-45-1. Declaration of policy

§ 37-45-5. Appointment and term of members

§ 37-45-7. Surety bond; voting

§ 37-45-9. Compensation and expenses

§ 37-45-11. Adoption and use of seal

§ 37-45-13. Meetings; organization

§ 37-45-15. Minutes; recess of meetings and hearings

§ 37-45-17. Executive secretary and other employees

§ 37-45-19. Promulgation of rules and regulations

§ 37-45-21. Distribution of school facility funds

§ 37-45-23. Formulation of policies and approval of plans for location and construction of noncharter public school buildings

§ 37-45-25. Supervision and approval of surveys of educational needs

§ 37-45-27. Hearings

§ 37-45-29. Service of notices and other process

§ 37-45-31. Issuance of subpoenas

§ 37-45-33. Procedure upon failure or refusal to comply with subpoena

§ 37-45-35. Fees and mileage of witnesses

§ 37-45-37. Designation of official reporter; compensation; duties

§ 37-45-39. Preservation of reporter's notes and transcription thereof

§ 37-45-41. Certification and filing of transcript of reporter's notes; corrections

§ 37-45-43. Fees of reporter

§ 37-45-45. Costs of administrative proceedings; schedule; taxation

§ 37-45-47. Time for payment of costs; procedure in case of nonpayment

§ 37-45-49. Payment of fees and costs of school authorities and commission

§ 37-45-51. Appeals to chancery court

§ 37-45-53. Appeal bonds

§ 37-45-55. Payment of premium on appeal bond of school authorities

§ 37-45-57. Preparation of record on appeal

§ 37-45-59. Record on appeal to be bound, indexed and compiled

§ 37-45-61. Appeals to supreme court

§ 37-45-63. Construction of chapter