Mississippi Code
Chapter 45 - State Aid to Public Schools
§ 37-45-33. Procedure upon failure or refusal to comply with subpoena

In case of the failure or refusal on the part of any person to comply with any subpoena issued as authorized in Section 37-45-31, or in case of the refusal of any witness to testify or answer to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, the chancellor or the chancery court of the county of the residence of such person, or the chancellor or the chancery court of the county in which the hearing to which the subpoena is returnable is being conducted may, on application of the commission or the chairman thereof, in term time or vacation, issue an attachment for such person and compel him to comply with such subpoena and to attend before the commission and produce the documents specified in any subpoena duces tecum and give his testimony upon such matters as he may be lawfully required. Said chancery court shall have the power to punish for contempt as in case of disobedience of like process issued by or from such chancery court, or as in case of the refusal to testify therein in response to such process.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 45 - State Aid to Public Schools

§ 37-45-1. Declaration of policy

§ 37-45-5. Appointment and term of members

§ 37-45-7. Surety bond; voting

§ 37-45-9. Compensation and expenses

§ 37-45-11. Adoption and use of seal

§ 37-45-13. Meetings; organization

§ 37-45-15. Minutes; recess of meetings and hearings

§ 37-45-17. Executive secretary and other employees

§ 37-45-19. Promulgation of rules and regulations

§ 37-45-21. Distribution of school facility funds

§ 37-45-23. Formulation of policies and approval of plans for location and construction of noncharter public school buildings

§ 37-45-25. Supervision and approval of surveys of educational needs

§ 37-45-27. Hearings

§ 37-45-29. Service of notices and other process

§ 37-45-31. Issuance of subpoenas

§ 37-45-33. Procedure upon failure or refusal to comply with subpoena

§ 37-45-35. Fees and mileage of witnesses

§ 37-45-37. Designation of official reporter; compensation; duties

§ 37-45-39. Preservation of reporter's notes and transcription thereof

§ 37-45-41. Certification and filing of transcript of reporter's notes; corrections

§ 37-45-43. Fees of reporter

§ 37-45-45. Costs of administrative proceedings; schedule; taxation

§ 37-45-47. Time for payment of costs; procedure in case of nonpayment

§ 37-45-49. Payment of fees and costs of school authorities and commission

§ 37-45-51. Appeals to chancery court

§ 37-45-53. Appeal bonds

§ 37-45-55. Payment of premium on appeal bond of school authorities

§ 37-45-57. Preparation of record on appeal

§ 37-45-59. Record on appeal to be bound, indexed and compiled

§ 37-45-61. Appeals to supreme court

§ 37-45-63. Construction of chapter