Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - State Department of Education
§ 37-3-11. General duties of state superintendent

The State Superintendent of Public Education shall perform the duties assigned to him by the State Board of Education, and he shall have the following duties:
To serve as secretary for the State Board of Education;
To be the chief administrative officer of the State Department of Education;
To recommend to the State Board of Education, for its consideration, rules and regulations for the supervision of the public schools and agricultural high schools of the school districts throughout the state and for the efficient organization and conduct of the same;
To collect data and make it available to the state board for determining the proper distribution of the state common school funds;
To keep a complete record of all official acts of the State Superintendent and the acts of the State Board of Education;
To prepare, have printed and furnish all officers charged with the administration of the laws pertaining to the public schools, such blank forms and books as may be necessary to the proper discharge of their duties, which printing is to be paid for out of funds provided by the Legislature;
To have printed in pamphlet form the laws pertaining to the public schools and publish therein forms for conducting school business, the rules and regulations for the government of schools that the State Superintendent or the State Board of Education may recommend, and such other matters as may be deemed worthy of public interest pertaining to the public schools, which printing is to be paid for out of funds provided by the Legislature;
To meet all superintendents annually at such time and place as the State Superintendent shall appoint for the purpose of accumulating facts relative to schools, to review the educational progress made in the various sections of the state, to compare views, discuss problems, hear discussions and suggestions relative to examinations and qualifications of teachers, methods of instruction, textbooks, summer schools for teachers, visitation of schools, consolidation of schools, health work in the schools, vocational education and other matters pertaining to the public school system;
To advise all superintendents upon all matters involving the welfare of the schools, and at the request of any superintendent, to give an opinion upon a written statement of facts on all questions and controversies arising out of the interpretation and construction of the school laws, in regard to rights, powers and duties of school officers and superintendents, and to keep a record of all such decisions. Before giving any opinion, the superintendent may submit the statement of facts to the Attorney General, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General forthwith to examine such statement and suggest the proper decision to be made upon such fact;
To require annually, and as often as the State Superintendent may deem proper, of all superintendents, detailed reports on the educational business of the various districts;
On or before January 10 in each year to prepare, under the direction of the State Board of Education, the annual information report of the State Department of Education as described in Section 37-151-97;
To determine the number of educable children in the several school districts under rules and regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education; and
To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the State Board of Education.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 3 - State Department of Education

§ 37-3-2. Certification of teachers and administrators

§ 37-3-3. Office and seal of department

§ 37-3-3.1. State Department of Education board room designated the Senator Grey Ferris Board Room

§ 37-3-4. School Executive Management Institute; basic and continuing education courses for school board members; additional required training for local school board members and the local superintendent; exemption of certain school administrators

§ 37-3-5. General duties of department; grants of property to public and agricultural high schools; administration of department

§ 37-3-8. Studies and reports by department of education relating to teaching out of fields and mastery of subject matters

§ 37-3-11. General duties of state superintendent

§ 37-3-12. Responsibility of state superintendent for planning functions of department

§ 37-3-39. Custody and disbursement of funds of department

§ 37-3-61. Alliance for Families programs; authorization; objectives

§ 37-3-63. Alliance for Families program; procedure for establishment

§ 37-3-65. Alliance for Families program; purpose

§ 37-3-67. Alliance for Families program; components

§ 37-3-69. Alliance for Families program; measurement of success

§ 37-3-71. Alliance for Families program; participation by students and school districts; evaluation and report by State Board of Education

§ 37-3-73. Rewarding of parents for involvement in school improvement; parent of year awards

§ 37-3-75. Awards for exemplary performing public schools and school programs

§ 37-3-79. Curriculum Coordinator of Music and Art Education

§ 37-3-81. School Safety Center

§ 37-3-82.1. Schools unable to meet financial requirements for participation in MCOPS program authorized to develop alternative plans for student security

§ 37-3-85. After-school mentoring programs

§ 37-3-89. School discipline and classroom management courses; requirement; approval

§ 37-3-103. In-service training on suicide prevention education for newly employed school district employees

§ 37-3-105. In-service training for all licensed grades K through 3 public school district teachers to include intensive, comprehensive, research-based reading methods

§ 37-3-107. Curriculum guidelines for implementation of school bus safety curriculum for grades K through 3