Mississippi Code
Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools
§ 37-27-71. Declaration of intention to borrow; issuance of notes; repayment

In any such case the board of trustees of such agricultural high school, by resolution or order, shall declare its intention to borrow any sum not in excess of the limitation fixed in Section 37-27-69, and shall recite in said resolution or order with reasonable particulars the purpose for which said funds are to be borrowed, and shall fix a schedule of amounts and dates of maturities by which such loans shall be repaid. Such resolution or order shall be duly recorded in the permanent minutes of the board of trustees of such institution. All such loans shall be fully repaid within six (6) years, and they shall be evidenced by notes signed by the president and secretary of the board of trustees, which shall bear appropriate reference to the resolution or order of the board of trustees authorizing such loan. Such loan shall be retired in installments of not less than one-fifth (1/5) the amount thereof on the first day of April of the year next succeeding the date of such loan and an equal amount on the same date of each and every year thereafter until said loan is paid.
Notes issued in evidence of such loans shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed four percent (4%) per annum, all interest payable semi-annually, and no such note shall be sold or negotiated by said institution for less than par and accrued interest. Funds received by such institution from the sale or negotiation of any such notes shall be paid into the treasury of the institution and disbursed as other funds thereof are disbursed, but for no other purpose than that authorized by Section 37-27-69. Such notes shall be lithographed, or engraved, and printed in two (2) or more colors to prevent counterfeiting. Such notes shall bear the signature of the agricultural high school issuing the same, by the president and secretary of the board of trustees thereof. They shall be impressed with the seal of such institution. Interest coupons attached may bear the facsimile signatures of the aforesaid officers of the board of trustees. Before negotiation or sale and delivery thereof, said notes shall be registered in a book kept in the business office of such institution.
All indebtedness so created shall be paid from first funds derived from tax levies for maintenance and operation of said school coming into the treasury thereof and from fees, rentals and other charges as provided in Section 37-27-73. In order to secure the prompt payment of any and all indebtedness, whether of principal or interest incurred hereunder, a special fund shall be established in the depository of the funds of said institution, the style of which shall be, "debt retirement fund of_______________agricultural high school," and immediately upon receipt of the distribution of said first funds derived from such tax levies, annually hereafter in advance of the due date of each and every installment of said indebtedness, a sufficient sum from said taxes shall be paid into said special fund for the retirement of all principal and interest coming due within said year equal to the difference, if any, between such principal and interest and the amount collected from fees, rentals and other charges, as provided in Section 37-27-73. Said debt retirement fund shall be used for no other purpose than for the payment of principal and interest of indebtedness incurred hereunder.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools

§ 37-27-1. Establishing county agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-3. Tax levy for support and maintenance of school; election

§ 37-27-5. Levy of tax for building, repair, and equipment of school, and purchase of lands or buildings

§ 37-27-6. Tax to retire debt service on agricultural high school bonds

§ 37-27-7. Appointment of trustees

§ 37-27-9. Joint schools may be established by two or more counties

§ 37-27-11. Trustees of joint agricultural high schools; levy of taxes

§ 37-27-13. Ownership of joint schools

§ 37-27-15. General powers and duties of trustees; compensation

§ 37-27-17. Inspection of school by state superintendent of public education; state funds

§ 37-27-21. Legislature shall make appropriations

§ 37-27-23. Trustees shall be sole judges of eligibility of applicants

§ 37-27-25. Trustees shall make detailed statements of receipts and disbursements

§ 37-27-27. Trustees of certain vocational-agricultural high schools may contract to supply water to municipality

§ 37-27-29. Oil, gas and mineral leases

§ 37-27-31. Lease of school buildings, equipment and lands

§ 37-27-33. Trustees may lease facilities for industrial training of students

§ 37-27-35. Trustees may acquire private educational institution outside of county

§ 37-27-37. Establishment of junior college in connection with agricultural high school outside county

§ 37-27-39. Trustees may exchange certain lands

§ 37-27-41. Agricultural high schools and public schools may be authorized to acquire each other's property

§ 37-27-43. Trustees may sell property not needed for school purposes

§ 37-27-45. Resolution required for sale

§ 37-27-47. Advertising of sale; conduct of sale

§ 37-27-49. All sales to be for cash; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-51. Trustees may contract with school districts for attendance of pupils at agricultural high school

§ 37-27-53. Pupils entitled to transportation

§ 37-27-55. Pupils reported for allocation of minimum education funds and building funds

§ 37-27-57. Payment of additional or supplemental expenses

§ 37-27-59. Applicability of laws

§ 37-27-61. County superintendent may provide for attendance out of the county

§ 37-27-63. Municipalities and municipal separate school districts may issue bonds to support agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-65. Boards of supervisors may issue bonds for agricultural high schools, and agricultural high school-junior colleges

§ 37-27-67. Election on issuance of bonds by boards of supervisors

§ 37-27-69. Agricultural high school may borrow not to exceed $50,000 for housing facilities

§ 37-27-71. Declaration of intention to borrow; issuance of notes; repayment

§ 37-27-73. Board of trustees to fix and collect fees, rents and charges; disposition of monies; limitations

§ 37-27-75. Foregoing sections as cumulative

§ 37-27-77. Purchase of bus for benefit of agricultural high schools in certain counties

§ 37-27-81. Sale of school property upon abolition of school pursuant to petition and election; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-83. Disposal of school property when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-85. Donated lands may be reconveyed when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-87. Transfer of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-89. Distribution and use of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-91. Abolition of school not operated in four years