Mississippi Code
Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools
§ 37-27-47. Advertising of sale; conduct of sale

All such land, buildings or other property to be sold pursuant to the authority granted in Section 37-27-43, shall be sold only after the receipt of sealed bids therefor after the time and place of making such sale shall have been duly advertised in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county in which the property is located once each week for three consecutive weeks with the first publication to be made not less than fifteen days prior to the date upon which such bids are to be received and opened. The property shall be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, but the board of trustees shall have the right to reject any and all bids. If the property be not sold pursuant to such advertisement, the board of trustees may, by resolution, set a date for an open meeting of said board of trustees to be held within sixty days after the date upon which the bids were opened. At the meeting held pursuant to such resolution the board of trustees may sell by auction the said property for a consideration not less than the highest sealed bid previously received pursuant to said advertisement. At the meeting called pursuant to said resolution any interested party may bid for cash and the property shall be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, but the board of trustees shall have the right to reject any and all bids. The board of trustees may require a written confirmation of bids received at such called meeting before selling the property at auction, but it shall not be necessary that sealed bids be received before conducting the auction. When the sale of such property shall be authorized and approved by the board of trustees the president of the board of trustees shall be authorized and empowered to execute a conveyance of said property upon the terms and for the consideration fixed by the board. Said board of trustees shall reserve unto said agricultural high school at least an undivided one-half nonparticipating royalty interest in all oil, gas and minerals in, on or under said land, and all proceeds derived from royalties upon said reserved mineral interests shall be used as provided by Section 37-27-49. If the mineral interests of the school shall be less than the full and undivided ownership, the undivided royalty interest reserved shall be reduced proportionately.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools

§ 37-27-1. Establishing county agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-3. Tax levy for support and maintenance of school; election

§ 37-27-5. Levy of tax for building, repair, and equipment of school, and purchase of lands or buildings

§ 37-27-6. Tax to retire debt service on agricultural high school bonds

§ 37-27-7. Appointment of trustees

§ 37-27-9. Joint schools may be established by two or more counties

§ 37-27-11. Trustees of joint agricultural high schools; levy of taxes

§ 37-27-13. Ownership of joint schools

§ 37-27-15. General powers and duties of trustees; compensation

§ 37-27-17. Inspection of school by state superintendent of public education; state funds

§ 37-27-21. Legislature shall make appropriations

§ 37-27-23. Trustees shall be sole judges of eligibility of applicants

§ 37-27-25. Trustees shall make detailed statements of receipts and disbursements

§ 37-27-27. Trustees of certain vocational-agricultural high schools may contract to supply water to municipality

§ 37-27-29. Oil, gas and mineral leases

§ 37-27-31. Lease of school buildings, equipment and lands

§ 37-27-33. Trustees may lease facilities for industrial training of students

§ 37-27-35. Trustees may acquire private educational institution outside of county

§ 37-27-37. Establishment of junior college in connection with agricultural high school outside county

§ 37-27-39. Trustees may exchange certain lands

§ 37-27-41. Agricultural high schools and public schools may be authorized to acquire each other's property

§ 37-27-43. Trustees may sell property not needed for school purposes

§ 37-27-45. Resolution required for sale

§ 37-27-47. Advertising of sale; conduct of sale

§ 37-27-49. All sales to be for cash; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-51. Trustees may contract with school districts for attendance of pupils at agricultural high school

§ 37-27-53. Pupils entitled to transportation

§ 37-27-55. Pupils reported for allocation of minimum education funds and building funds

§ 37-27-57. Payment of additional or supplemental expenses

§ 37-27-59. Applicability of laws

§ 37-27-61. County superintendent may provide for attendance out of the county

§ 37-27-63. Municipalities and municipal separate school districts may issue bonds to support agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-65. Boards of supervisors may issue bonds for agricultural high schools, and agricultural high school-junior colleges

§ 37-27-67. Election on issuance of bonds by boards of supervisors

§ 37-27-69. Agricultural high school may borrow not to exceed $50,000 for housing facilities

§ 37-27-71. Declaration of intention to borrow; issuance of notes; repayment

§ 37-27-73. Board of trustees to fix and collect fees, rents and charges; disposition of monies; limitations

§ 37-27-75. Foregoing sections as cumulative

§ 37-27-77. Purchase of bus for benefit of agricultural high schools in certain counties

§ 37-27-81. Sale of school property upon abolition of school pursuant to petition and election; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-83. Disposal of school property when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-85. Donated lands may be reconveyed when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-87. Transfer of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-89. Distribution and use of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-91. Abolition of school not operated in four years