Mississippi Code
Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools
§ 37-27-21. Legislature shall make appropriations

It shall be the duty of the legislature to make appropriations to meet the conditions of this chapter.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 27 - Agricultural High Schools

§ 37-27-1. Establishing county agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-3. Tax levy for support and maintenance of school; election

§ 37-27-5. Levy of tax for building, repair, and equipment of school, and purchase of lands or buildings

§ 37-27-6. Tax to retire debt service on agricultural high school bonds

§ 37-27-7. Appointment of trustees

§ 37-27-9. Joint schools may be established by two or more counties

§ 37-27-11. Trustees of joint agricultural high schools; levy of taxes

§ 37-27-13. Ownership of joint schools

§ 37-27-15. General powers and duties of trustees; compensation

§ 37-27-17. Inspection of school by state superintendent of public education; state funds

§ 37-27-21. Legislature shall make appropriations

§ 37-27-23. Trustees shall be sole judges of eligibility of applicants

§ 37-27-25. Trustees shall make detailed statements of receipts and disbursements

§ 37-27-27. Trustees of certain vocational-agricultural high schools may contract to supply water to municipality

§ 37-27-29. Oil, gas and mineral leases

§ 37-27-31. Lease of school buildings, equipment and lands

§ 37-27-33. Trustees may lease facilities for industrial training of students

§ 37-27-35. Trustees may acquire private educational institution outside of county

§ 37-27-37. Establishment of junior college in connection with agricultural high school outside county

§ 37-27-39. Trustees may exchange certain lands

§ 37-27-41. Agricultural high schools and public schools may be authorized to acquire each other's property

§ 37-27-43. Trustees may sell property not needed for school purposes

§ 37-27-45. Resolution required for sale

§ 37-27-47. Advertising of sale; conduct of sale

§ 37-27-49. All sales to be for cash; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-51. Trustees may contract with school districts for attendance of pupils at agricultural high school

§ 37-27-53. Pupils entitled to transportation

§ 37-27-55. Pupils reported for allocation of minimum education funds and building funds

§ 37-27-57. Payment of additional or supplemental expenses

§ 37-27-59. Applicability of laws

§ 37-27-61. County superintendent may provide for attendance out of the county

§ 37-27-63. Municipalities and municipal separate school districts may issue bonds to support agricultural high schools

§ 37-27-65. Boards of supervisors may issue bonds for agricultural high schools, and agricultural high school-junior colleges

§ 37-27-67. Election on issuance of bonds by boards of supervisors

§ 37-27-69. Agricultural high school may borrow not to exceed $50,000 for housing facilities

§ 37-27-71. Declaration of intention to borrow; issuance of notes; repayment

§ 37-27-73. Board of trustees to fix and collect fees, rents and charges; disposition of monies; limitations

§ 37-27-75. Foregoing sections as cumulative

§ 37-27-77. Purchase of bus for benefit of agricultural high schools in certain counties

§ 37-27-81. Sale of school property upon abolition of school pursuant to petition and election; disposition of proceeds

§ 37-27-83. Disposal of school property when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-85. Donated lands may be reconveyed when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-87. Transfer of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-89. Distribution and use of funds when school is discontinued

§ 37-27-91. Abolition of school not operated in four years