Mississippi Code
Chapter 133 - Technical Institutes
§ 37-133-7. Technical institute fund created; gifts

There is hereby created in the state treasury a special fund to be known as the "technical institute fund." All sums of money received by the board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning to carry out the provisions of the Mississippi Technical Institute Law of 1964 shall be maintained in said special fund. All expenditures therefrom shall be for the purposes of carrying out the intents and purposes of said law, including the payment of salaries for qualified instructors as well as the equipping and staffing of the institute. Such expenditures shall be paid therefrom by the state treasurer on warrant of the auditor of public accounts. Said auditor shall issue his warrant upon requisition signed by the proper person, officer or officers, as authorized by law. The board is authorized to accept gifts, bequests of money, or other property, real or personal, to be used for the purpose of establishing or maintaining any technical institute which may be authorized under the provisions of said law and in accordance with the law of the State of Mississippi.