Mississippi Code
Chapter 133 - Technical Institutes
§ 37-133-3. Declaration of public policy

It is hereby declared that the state public welfare demands and the state public policy requires:
That some program be immediately initiated to rectify the presently existing critical condition of lack of a resident labor force within the State of Mississippi capable of holding positions requiring particular skills in the technical, scientific and engineering fields demanded by heavy and aero-space industry and installations;
That the present and prospective health, safety, morals, pursuit of happiness, right of gainful employment, and general welfare of the citizens of the State of Mississippi demand, as a public purpose, the immediate correction of the deficient and incomplete training programs and facilities by the state institutions of higher learning to quickly increase and thereafter maintain an adequate source of skilled engineering technicians demanded by heavy and aero-space industry and installations;
That the means and measures authorized in the Mississippi Technical Institute Law of 1964 to promote engineering, commercial, industrial, agricultural, manufacturing and aero-space enterprises and installations, are, as a matter of public policy, for the public purposes of increasing the gainful employment, business activity, and for the proper development of the State of Mississippi; and
That the accomplishment of the things herein authorized will stimulate and provide ready and attractive employment for skilled engineering technician residents of the State of Mississippi through the proper increase of the skilled engineering technician labor force available, which will further develop the engineering, agricultural, commercial, industrial and other resources of the State of Mississippi for the general welfare.