Mississippi Code
Chapter 133 - Technical Institutes
§ 37-133-5. Establishment of technical institutes

In addition to all other powers and duties now vested by law in the board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning of the State of Mississippi, said board is hereby empowered and required to permit the establishment of technical institutes, as branches within the framework of the existing state institutions of higher learning, that have an ongoing program in the areas concerned, adequately staffed and equipped to offer a curriculum designed and intended to immediately initiate training (extending beyond the junior college level) in the field of vocational, scientific, engineering, technical, and aero-space education and the necessary supporting studies, so that the demands of heavy and aero-space industry and installations for skilled engineering technicians may be satisfied and maintained. The board shall require the curriculum of any technical institute established under the provisions of the Mississippi Technical Institute Law of 1964 to be complementary and supplementary to public junior college curriculums so that the full advantage of the educational resources of the State of Mississippi may be realized. The board shall permit the establishment of such technical institutes anywhere within the State of Mississippi, in the areas of most urgent need, on any land or facility presently, or hereafter, under the jurisdiction and control of the board and on such terms and conditions as shall seem appropriate. The state building commission shall, at its discretion, provide new buildings, facilities, and necessary repairs, renovations and remodeling of any facility designated by the board as a technical institute from funds made available for such purposes.