Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - Construction of Statutes
§ 1-3-9. Established

The term "established" or "hereafter established" when used in any legislative act or municipal ordinance or resolution shall mean with reference to time the date at which the plant, building or structure referred to has progressed to that degree of completion as to be ready for the use intended.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 1 - Laws and Statutes

Chapter 3 - Construction of Statutes

§ 1-3-1. Application of chapter

§ 1-3-3. Bond

§ 1-3-4. Capital case, capital offense, capital crime, and capital murder

§ 1-3-5. Crime

§ 1-3-7. Drugs

§ 1-3-9. Established

§ 1-3-11. Felony

§ 1-3-13. Fertilizers

§ 1-3-15. Food

§ 1-3-17. Gender, masculine to embrace the feminine

§ 1-3-19. Infamous crime

§ 1-3-21. Infant

§ 1-3-23. Insurrection

§ 1-3-24. Intellectual disability

§ 1-3-25. Land

§ 1-3-26. Minimum education program, minimum program, minimum foundation program

§ 1-3-27. Minor

§ 1-3-29. Month

§ 1-3-31. Navigable waters

§ 1-3-33. Number, singular and plural

§ 1-3-35. Oath

§ 1-3-37. Offense

§ 1-3-39. Person

§ 1-3-41. Personal property

§ 1-3-43. Promissory note

§ 1-3-45. Property

§ 1-3-47. Railroad

§ 1-3-49. State

§ 1-3-51. Stationery

§ 1-3-53. Sworn

§ 1-3-55. United States

§ 1-3-57. Unsound mind

§ 1-3-58. Ward

§ 1-3-59. Will

§ 1-3-61. Written

§ 1-3-63. Year

§ 1-3-65. Construction of terms generally

§ 1-3-67. How time computed when a number of days is prescribed

§ 1-3-69. When a number of weeks is prescribed

§ 1-3-71. Civil law to control computation of relationship unless otherwise provided

§ 1-3-73. Civil law to apply in construing

§ 1-3-75. Petitions must be signed personally by petitioners

§ 1-3-76. Procedures for contesting disqualification of signatures on petition requesting vote on matter affecting county or municipality

§ 1-3-77. General severability provision