Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - Construction of Statutes
§ 1-3-59. Will

The term "will," when used in any statute, shall include codicils.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 1 - Laws and Statutes

Chapter 3 - Construction of Statutes

§ 1-3-1. Application of chapter

§ 1-3-3. Bond

§ 1-3-4. Capital case, capital offense, capital crime, and capital murder

§ 1-3-5. Crime

§ 1-3-7. Drugs

§ 1-3-9. Established

§ 1-3-11. Felony

§ 1-3-13. Fertilizers

§ 1-3-15. Food

§ 1-3-17. Gender, masculine to embrace the feminine

§ 1-3-19. Infamous crime

§ 1-3-21. Infant

§ 1-3-23. Insurrection

§ 1-3-24. Intellectual disability

§ 1-3-25. Land

§ 1-3-26. Minimum education program, minimum program, minimum foundation program

§ 1-3-27. Minor

§ 1-3-29. Month

§ 1-3-31. Navigable waters

§ 1-3-33. Number, singular and plural

§ 1-3-35. Oath

§ 1-3-37. Offense

§ 1-3-39. Person

§ 1-3-41. Personal property

§ 1-3-43. Promissory note

§ 1-3-45. Property

§ 1-3-47. Railroad

§ 1-3-49. State

§ 1-3-51. Stationery

§ 1-3-53. Sworn

§ 1-3-55. United States

§ 1-3-57. Unsound mind

§ 1-3-58. Ward

§ 1-3-59. Will

§ 1-3-61. Written

§ 1-3-63. Year

§ 1-3-65. Construction of terms generally

§ 1-3-67. How time computed when a number of days is prescribed

§ 1-3-69. When a number of weeks is prescribed

§ 1-3-71. Civil law to control computation of relationship unless otherwise provided

§ 1-3-73. Civil law to apply in construing

§ 1-3-75. Petitions must be signed personally by petitioners

§ 1-3-76. Procedures for contesting disqualification of signatures on petition requesting vote on matter affecting county or municipality

§ 1-3-77. General severability provision