Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 122A — Teachers And Other Educators
Section 122A.55 — Staff Exchange Program.

Subdivision 1. Establishment. A staff exchange program is established to allow local districts to arrange temporary and voluntary exchanges among members of their kindergarten through grade 12 instructional and administrative staffs. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with an understanding of the educational concerns of other local school districts, including concerns of class organization, curriculum development, instructional practices, and characteristics of the student population.
The educational needs and interests of the host district and the training, experience, and interests of the participants must determine the assignments of the participants in the host district. Participants may teach courses, provide counseling and tutorial services, work with teachers to better prepare students for future educational experiences, serve an underserved population in the district, or assist with administrative functions. The assignments participants perform for the host district must be comparable to the assignments the participants perform for the district employing the participants. Participation in the exchange program need not be limited to one school or one school district and may involve other education organizations including education districts and SCs.
Subd. 2. Program requirements. All staff exchanges made under this section are subject to the requirements in this subdivision.
(a) A school district employing a participating staff member must not adversely affect the staff member's salary, seniority, or other employment benefits, or otherwise penalize the staff member for participating in the program.
(b) Upon completion or termination of an exchange, a district employing a participating staff member must permit the staff member to return to the same assignment the staff member performed in the district before the exchange, if available, or, if not, a similar assignment.
(c) A district employing a participating staff member must continue to provide the staff member's salary and other employment benefits during the period of the exchange.
(d) A participant must be licensed and tenured.
(e) Participation in the program must be voluntary.
(f) The length of participation in the program must be no less than one-half of a school year and no more than one school year, and any premature termination of participation must be upon the mutual agreement of the participant and the participating district.
(g) A participant is responsible for transportation to and from the host district.
(h) This subdivision does not abrogate or change rights of staff members participating in the staff exchange program or the terms of an agreement between the exclusive representative of the school district employees and the district.
(i) Participating districts may enter into supplementary agreements with the exclusive representative of the school district employees to accomplish the purpose of this section.
Subd. 3. Application procedures. The school board of a district must decide by resolution to participate in the staff exchange program. A staff member wishing to participate in the exchange program must submit an application to the school district employing the staff member. The district must, in a timely and appropriate manner, provide to the exclusive bargaining representatives of teachers in the state the number and names of prospective participants within the district, the assignments available within the district, and the length of time for each exchange. The exclusive bargaining representatives are requested to cooperatively participate in the coordination of exchanges to facilitate exchanges across all geographical regions of the state. Prospective participants must contact teachers and districts with whom they are interested in making an exchange. The prospective participants must make all arrangements to accomplish their exchange and the superintendents of the participating districts must approve the arrangements for the exchange in writing.
1991 c 265 art 9 s 49; 1996 c 305 art 1 s 138; 1998 c 397 art 8 s 36,101

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 120 - 129C — Education Code: Prekindergarten - Grade 12

Chapter 122A — Teachers And Other Educators

Section 122A.01 — Definitions.

Section 122A.05 — Professional Practices; Intent.

Section 122A.06 — Definitions.

Section 122A.07 — Professional Educator Licensing And Standards Board Membership.

Section 122A.08 — Meetings.

Section 122A.09 — Duties.

Section 122A.091 — Reports.

Section 122A.092 — Teacher Preparation Programs.

Section 122A.093 — Fraud; Gross Misdemeanor.

Section 122A.11 — Definitions.

Section 122A.12 — Board Of School Administrators.

Section 122A.13 — Meetings.

Section 122A.14 — Duties Of Board Of School Administrators.

Section 122A.15 — Teachers, Supervisory And Support Personnel, Definitions, Licensure.

Section 122A.16 — Qualified Teacher Defined.

Section 122A.17 — Validity Of Certificates Or Licenses.

Section 122A.18 — Board To Issue Licenses.

Section 122A.181 — Tier 1 License.

Section 122A.182 — Tier 2 License.

Section 122A.183 — Tier 3 License.

Section 122A.184 — Tier 4 License.

Section 122A.185 — Teacher Licensure Assessment.

Section 122A.187 — Expiration And Renewal.

Section 122A.188 — Licensure Denial; Appeal.

Section 122A.19 — Bilingual And English As A Second Language Teachers; Licenses.

Section 122A.20 — Suspension Or Revocation Of Licenses.

Section 122A.21 — Teachers' And Administrators' Licenses; Fees.

Section 122A.22 — District Verification Of Teacher Licenses.

Section 122A.23 — Applicants Trained In Other States.

Section 122A.2451 — Alternative Teacher Preparation Providers And Programs.

Section 122A.26 — Community Education Teachers; Licensure Requirements.

Section 122A.27 — Alternative Preparation Licensing For Administrators.

Section 122A.28 — Teachers Of Deaf And Hard-of-hearing Students; Licensure Requirements.

Section 122A.29 — Teachers Of Blind And Visually Impaired Students; Licensure Requirements.

Section 122A.31 — American Sign Language/english Interpreters.

Section 122A.33 — License And Degree Exemption For Head Coach.

Section 122A.40 — Employment; Contracts; Termination.

Section 122A.41 — Teacher Tenure Act; Cities Of The First Class; Definitions.

Section 122A.414 — Alternative Teacher Pay.

Section 122A.4144 — Supplemental Agreements; Alternative Teacher Pay.

Section 122A.415 — Alternative Compensation Revenue.

Section 122A.4155 — Alternative Compensation Rural District Application Assistance.

Section 122A.416 — Alternative Teacher Compensation Revenue For Perpich Center For Arts Education And Multidistrict Integration Collaboratives.

Section 122A.417 — Alternative Teacher Compensation Revenue For St. Croix River Education District.

Section 122A.42 — General Control Of Schools.

Section 122A.43 — Short-term, Limited Contracts.

Section 122A.44 — Contracting With Teachers; Substitute Teachers.

Section 122A.45 — Teacher Contracts For Summer School.

Section 122A.46 — Extended Leaves Of Absence.

Section 122A.47 — Return To Full-time Work.

Section 122A.48 — Teacher Early Retirement Incentive Program.

Section 122A.49 — Sabbatical Leave For Teachers.

Section 122A.50 — Preparation Time.

Section 122A.51 — Teacher Lunch Period.

Section 122A.54 — Exchange Teachers.

Section 122A.55 — Staff Exchange Program.

Section 122A.56 — Faculty Exchange And Temporary Assignment Program.

Section 122A.57 — Exchanges Between Education Faculty.

Section 122A.58 — Coaches, Termination Of Duties.

Section 122A.59 — Come Teach In Minnesota Hiring Bonuses.

Section 122A.60 — Staff Development Program.

Section 122A.61 — Reserved Revenue For Staff Development.

Section 122A.624 — Educational Effectiveness Program.

Section 122A.625 — Educational Effectiveness Plan.

Section 122A.627 — Positive Behavioral Interventions And Supports.

Section 122A.63 — Grants To Prepare Indian Teachers.

Section 122A.635 — Collaborative Urban And Greater Minnesota Educators Of Color Grant Program.

Section 122A.66 — Teacher Training; Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol.

Section 122A.68 — Teaching Residency Program.

Section 122A.69 — Practice Or Student Teachers.

Section 122A.695 — Best Practices.

Section 122A.70 — Teacher Mentorship And Retention Of Effective Teachers.

Section 122A.71 — Research On Program Effectiveness.

Section 122A.72 — Teacher Centers.

Section 122A.73 — Grants For Grow Your Own Programs.

Section 122A.74 — Principals' Leadership Institute.

Section 122A.76 — Statewide Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Training Program.

Section 122A.90 — Interstate Agreement On Qualifications Of Educational Personnel.

Section 122A.91 — Designated State Official.

Section 122A.92 — Record Of Contracts.