Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 336 of 1947 - Public Employment Relations (423.201 - 423.217)
Section 423.201a - Provisions Subject to Certain Acts.

Sec. 1a.
The provisions of this act are subject to all of the following:
(a) The municipal partnership act.
(b) 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 8, MCL 124.531 to 124.536.
(c) The urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512.
(d) 1988 PA 57, MCL 124.601 to 124.614.
History: Add. 2011, Act 259, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 2011 Popular Name: Public Employment Relations

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 423 - Labor Disputes and Employment Relations

Act 336 of 1947 - Public Employment Relations (423.201 - 423.217)

Section 423.201 - Definitions; Rights of Public Employees.

Section 423.201a - Provisions Subject to Certain Acts.

Section 423.202 - Strike by Public Employee; Lockout by Public School Employer.

Section 423.202a - Allegation of Strike by Public School Employees or Lockout by Public School Employer; Notice to Commission; Hearing; Notification of Name and Home Address of Each Public School Employee Participating in Strike; Serving or Mailing N...

Section 423.203 - Public Employees; Persons in Authority Approving or Consenting to Strike Prohibited; Participating in Submittal of Grievance.

Section 423.204 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965.

Section 423.204a - Application of Act to State Civil Service Employees.

Section 423.205 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965.

Section 423.206 - Public Employee; Conduct Considered to Be on Strike; Proceeding to Determine Violation of Act; Time; Decision; Review; Applicability of Subsection (2) to Penalty Imposed Under MCL 423.202a.

Section 423.207 - Request for Mediation of Grievances; Powers of Commission; Notice of Status of Negotiations; Appointment of Mediator.

Section 423.207a - Additional Mediation.

Section 423.208 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965.

Section 423.209 - Public Employees; Rights; Prohibited Conduct; Violation; Civil Fine.

Section 423.210 - Prohibited Conduct by Public Employer or Officer or Agent; Prohibited Conduct by Labor Organization; Conduct Not Required as Condition for Obtaining or Continuing Public Employment; Exception; Enforceability of Agreement, Contract,...

Section 423.211 - Public Employees; Designation of Bargaining Representatives; Grievances of Individual Employees.

Section 423.212 - Collective Bargaining Representative; Petition; Investigation; Notice; Hearing; Election by Secret Ballot; Certification of Results; Consent Election.

Section 423.213 - Decision as to Appropriate Collective Bargaining Unit; Supervisor of Fire Fighting Personnel.

Section 423.214 - Elections; Eligibility to Vote; Rules; Runoff Election; Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Bargaining Unit of Public Employer Consisting of Individuals Not Public Employees as Invalid and Void.

Section 423.215 - Collective Bargaining; Duties of Employer, Public School Employer, and Employees' Representative; Prohibited Subjects Between Public School Employer and Bargaining Representative of Employee; Placement of Public School in State Scho...

Section 423.215a - Right of Employee of Public Fire Department to Volunteer or Accept Employment With Another Fire Department.

Section 423.215b - Expiration Date of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Wages and Benefits; Levels and Amounts; Retroactive Levels and Amounts Prohibited; Provisions Applicable to Labor Disputes Submitted to Compulsory Arbitration; Definitions.

Section 423.216 - Violations of MCL 423.210 as Unfair Labor Practices; Remedies; Procedures.

Section 423.217 - Bargaining Representative or Education Association; Prohibited Conduct; Violation of Section; “Education Association” Defined.