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Section 423.201 - Definitions; Rights of Public Employees. - Sec. 1. (1) As used in this act: (a) "Bargaining...
Section 423.201a - Provisions Subject to Certain Acts. - Sec. 1a. The provisions of this act are subject to...
Section 423.202 - Strike by Public Employee; Lockout by Public School Employer. - Sec. 2. A public employee shall not strike and a...
Section 423.202a - Allegation of Strike by Public School Employees or Lockout by Public School Employer; Notice to Commission; Hearing; Notification of Name and Home Address of Each Public School Employee Participating in Strike; Serving or Mailing N... - Sec. 2a. (1) Upon belief that conditions constituting a strike...
Section 423.203 - Public Employees; Persons in Authority Approving or Consenting to Strike Prohibited; Participating in Submittal of Grievance. - Sec. 3. No person exercising any authority, supervision or direction...
Section 423.204 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section declared that a public employee...
Section 423.204a - Application of Act to State Civil Service Employees. - Sec. 4a. The provisions of this act as to state...
Section 423.205 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to conditions upon which...
Section 423.206 - Public Employee; Conduct Considered to Be on Strike; Proceeding to Determine Violation of Act; Time; Decision; Review; Applicability of Subsection (2) to Penalty Imposed Under MCL 423.202a. - Sec. 6. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law,...
Section 423.207 - Request for Mediation of Grievances; Powers of Commission; Notice of Status of Negotiations; Appointment of Mediator. - Sec. 7. (1) Upon the request of the collective bargaining...
Section 423.207a - Additional Mediation. - Sec. 7a. (1) In addition to mediation conducted under section...
Section 423.208 - Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided penalties for inciting public...
Section 423.209 - Public Employees; Rights; Prohibited Conduct; Violation; Civil Fine. - Sec. 9. (1) Public employees may do any of the...
Section 423.210 - Prohibited Conduct by Public Employer or Officer or Agent; Prohibited Conduct by Labor Organization; Conduct Not Required as Condition for Obtaining or Continuing Public Employment; Exception; Enforceability of Agreement, Contract,... - Sec. 10. (1) A public employer or an officer or...
Section 423.211 - Public Employees; Designation of Bargaining Representatives; Grievances of Individual Employees. - Sec. 11. Representatives designated or selected for purposes of collective...
Section 423.212 - Collective Bargaining Representative; Petition; Investigation; Notice; Hearing; Election by Secret Ballot; Certification of Results; Consent Election. - Sec. 12. When a petition is filed, in accordance with...
Section 423.213 - Decision as to Appropriate Collective Bargaining Unit; Supervisor of Fire Fighting Personnel. - Sec. 13. The commission shall decide in each case, to...
Section 423.214 - Elections; Eligibility to Vote; Rules; Runoff Election; Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Bargaining Unit of Public Employer Consisting of Individuals Not Public Employees as Invalid and Void. - Sec. 14. (1) An election shall not be directed in...
Section 423.215 - Collective Bargaining; Duties of Employer, Public School Employer, and Employees' Representative; Prohibited Subjects Between Public School Employer and Bargaining Representative of Employee; Placement of Public School in State Scho... - Sec. 15. (1) A public employer shall bargain collectively with...
Section 423.215a - Right of Employee of Public Fire Department to Volunteer or Accept Employment With Another Fire Department. - Sec. 15a. An employee of a public fire department may...
Section 423.215b - Expiration Date of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Wages and Benefits; Levels and Amounts; Retroactive Levels and Amounts Prohibited; Provisions Applicable to Labor Disputes Submitted to Compulsory Arbitration; Definitions. - Sec. 15b. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 423.216 - Violations of MCL 423.210 as Unfair Labor Practices; Remedies; Procedures. - Sec. 16. Violations of the provisions of section 10 shall...
Section 423.217 - Bargaining Representative or Education Association; Prohibited Conduct; Violation of Section; “Education Association” Defined. - Sec. 17. (1) A bargaining representative or an education association...