Michigan Compiled Laws
280-1939-COUNTY-DEPARTMENT-OF-SOCIAL-SERVICES - County Department of Social Services (400.45...400.122)
Section 400.57k - Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.

Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to individual account for postsecondary education, business capitalization, or first-time home purchase.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 400 - Social Services

Act 280 of 1939 - The Social Welfare Act (400.1 - 400.122)

280-1939-COUNTY-DEPARTMENT-OF-SOCIAL-SERVICES - County Department of Social Services (400.45...400.122)

Section 400.45 - Creation, Powers, Duties, and Composition of County Family Independence Agency; Powers and Duties of Family Independence Agency Board; Offices; Salary and Expenses; Prohibition; Appointment and Oath of Board Members; Appointment and...

Section 400.46 - County Social Services Board; Administration of Powers and Duties; Appointment and Terms of Members; Oath; Vacancies; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice; Quorum; Meetings; Chairperson; Effect of Failure to Attend Meetings;...

Section 400.47 - Organization of District Department of Social Welfare and Medical Relief; Powers and Duties Vested in District Social Welfare Board and Medical Advisory Council; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Applicability of Ref...

Section 400.48 - Organization of Counties Into Single Administrative Unit; Appointment of Director.

Section 400.49 - Director of County or District Board; Employment; Duties; Assistants; Requirements; Compensation and Expenses; Supplementary Salary.

Section 400.50 - County Employee; Unauthorized Transfer of Public Relief Recipient, Misdemeanor.

Section 400.51 - County Board; Executive Heads of Institutions and Assistants, Appointment, Compensation and Expenses.

Section 400.52 - County Department; Rules and Regulations; Review, Copies, Filing; Audit of Case Records; Withholding Fund.

Section 400.53 - County Board; Cooperation With State Department.

Section 400.54 - County Board; Prevention of Social Disabilities, Restoration of Individuals to Self Support.

Section 400.55 - Administration of Public Welfare Program by County Department.

Section 400.55a - General Assistance; Eligibility of Applicant; Determination; Failure of Employable Person to Participate in Approved Project or to Accept Employment.

Section 400.55b - Repealed. 1983, Act 213, Imd. Eff. Nov. 11, 1983.

Section 400.55c - Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.

Section 400.56 - Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.

Section 400.56a, 400.56b - Repealed. 1964, Act 3, Imd. Eff. Mar. 13, 1964.

Section 400.56c-400.56g - Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.

Section 400.56i - Individuals Having History of Domestic Violence; Establishment and Enforcement of Standards and Procedures; Certification by Governor; Collection and Compilation of Data; Annual Report.

Section 400.57 - Definitions.

Section 400.57a - Family Independence Program; Establishment and Administration; Purpose; Establishment of Certain Requirements by Department; Assistance to Certain Program Groups Prohibited; Determination of Financial Eligibility.

Section 400.57b - Family Independence Program Assistance; Eligibility Requirements Generally; Requirements Applicable to Minor Parent and Minor Parent's Child; Recipient Applying for Supplemental Security Income and Seeking Exemption From Path Progra...

Section 400.57c - Application for Assistance by Minor Parent; Duties of Department.

Section 400.57d - Conduct of Weekly Orientation Sessions; Development of Family Self-Sufficiency Plan; Compliance Required; Penalties; Reassessment of Recipient's Eligibility.

Section 400.57e - Family Self-Sufficiency Plan; Execution; Development; Contents; Identification of Goals; Monitoring Compliance With Plan.

Section 400.57f - Agreement With Michigan Economic Development Corporation or Successor Entity; Administration of Path Program; Eligibility; Exemptions; Temporary Exemption; Disabled Individual; Rules; Subsection (6) Inapplicable After December 31, 2...

Section 400.57g - Failure to Comply With Plan; Penalties; "Noncompliance" Defined; Notice; Good Cause; Period of Time Recipient Ineligible; Denial or Termination of Benefits; "Good Cause" Defined.

Section 400.57h - Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.

Section 400.57i - Rent Vendoring Program; Certification by Landlord That Requirements Met; Violation of Housing Code; Termination of Participation; Eviction Prohibited; Delinquency or Nonpayment of Property Taxes.

Section 400.57k - Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.

Section 400.57l - Feasibility of Substance Abuse Testing Program; Report.

Section 400.57o - Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.

Section 400.57p - Counting Certain Months Toward Cumulative Total of 48 Months; Exclusion.

Section 400.57q - Earned Income Disregard.

Section 400.57r - Family Independence Program Assistance; Limitation.

Section 400.57s - Repealed. 2015, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015.

Section 400.57t - Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.

Section 400.57u - Reports.

Section 400.57v - Automatic Teller Machines Located in Casinos, Casino Enterprises, Liquor Stores, or Adult Entertainment Establishments; Blocking Access to Cash Benefits From Michigan Bridge Cards; Definitions.

Section 400.57y - Suspicion-Based Substance Abuse Screening and Testing; Pilot Program; Use of Empirically Validated Substance Abuse Screening Tool; Requirement That Applicant or Recipient Take Substance Abuse Test; Refusal; Cost of Administering Te...

Section 400.57z - First Positive Test for Use of Controlled Substance; Referral to Department-Designated Community Mental Health Entity; Second or Subsequent Positive Test for Use of Controlled Substance; Applicant or Recipient Ineligible for Assista...

Section 400.58 - County Medical Care Facility; Program of Care and Treatment; Medical Treatment and Nursing Care; Special Treatment; Building; Review of Proposals and Plans; Inspection; Enforcement.

Section 400.58a - County Medical Care Facility; Admittance.

Section 400.58b - County Medical Care Facility; Eligibility for Care; State Aid Recipient; Admission of Patients; State and Federal Aid for Capital Expenditures; Special Tax.

Section 400.58c - County Medical Care Facility; Patients With Contagious Disease, Isolation.

Section 400.59 - Applications for Aid, Relief or Assistance; Forms, Ascertainment of Settlement, Charge to County of Domicile; Temporary Relief to Persons With No Settlement.

Section 400.59a - Return of Person to County of Residence; Deportation to Another Nation; Expense; Reimbursement From County of Residence.

Section 400.59b - Notification of County of Residence; Denial of Settlement, Notice.

Section 400.59c - Domicile and Legal Settlement Cases; Appeal, Determination by State Department.

Section 400.59d - Domicile and Legal Settlement Cases; Appeal; Insufficient Evidence.

Section 400.59e - Domicile and Legal Settlement Cases; Notices, Evidence, Bills for Aid; Rules and Regulations.

Section 400.59f - Joint Plan for Economic Rehabilitation of Aid Recipient; Removal From County of Settlement.

Section 400.59g - Joint Plan for Economic Rehabilitation of Aid Recipient; Disagreement, Appeal to Director.

Section 400.60 - Fraudulent Device to Obtain Relief; Liability; Misdemeanor; Penalty; Information to Be Provided by Recipients.

Section 400.60a - Program of Computer Data Matching; Development and Implementation; Report.

Section 400.61 - Violations; Penalties; Cessation of Payments During Imprisonment.

Section 400.62 - Relief or Assistance; Effect of Amendment or Repeal; No Claim for Compensation.

Section 400.63 - Aid, Relief, or Assistance; Nonassignability; Breach of Lease Agreement; Conveyance of Amount to Judgment Creditor; Federal Waiver; Processing Fee; Biennial Report; “Recipient” Defined.

Section 400.63a - Contract Awards to Specific Organizations.

Section 400.64 - Applications and Records Considered Public Records; Inspection; Public Access; Restriction; Uttering, Publishing, or Using Names, Addresses, or Other Information; Confidentiality; Alphabetical Index File; Inquiry as to Name or Amount...

Section 400.65 - Hearings Within County Department; Rules for Procedure; Review by Board.

Section 400.66 - Finality of Decision as to Relief or Medical Care; Investigation by Department.

Section 400.66a - Hospitalization for Recipient; Rules of Financial Eligibility; Reimbursement; “Hospitalization” Defined; Filing Agreement, Statement, or Schedule of Charges; Report of Treatment; Statement of Expenses; Charges for Special Nurses; Ex...

Section 400.66b - Hospitalization; Application; Emergency Care, Intercounty Payments; Arbitration of Payment Disputes.

Section 400.66c - Hospitalization; Reimbursement of County Expense.

Section 400.66d - Finality of Determination of Ineligibility for Hospitalization.

Section 400.66e - Receipt of Authorized Patients by University Hospital; Duties of Admitting Officer; Treatment; Compensation; Insurance; Affidavit of Expenses; Report on Condition of Patient and Expense Incurred.

Section 400.66f - Repealed. 1971, Act 146, Imd. Eff. Nov. 12, 1971.

Section 400.66g - Expenses of Medical or Surgical Treatment and Hospital Care of Child; Reimbursement of Health Care Provider.

Section 400.66h - Hospitalization; Consent to Surgical Operation, Medical Treatment; First Aid.

Section 400.66i - Reimbursement of Hospital and State; Reimbursement Principles; Eligibility Information as Basis of Reimbursement; County Reimbursement Rate; Annual Adjustment; Nonresidents; Rules of Financial Eligibility.

Section 400.66j - Patient Care Management System; Establishment; Certification; Procedures; Recertification; Rates of Reimbursement and Length of Hospital Stay; Contracts; Report; System.

Section 400.66k - Office; Creation; Purpose; Duties; Powers; Appeals Procedure.

Section 400.66l - Guidelines for Referrals to Substance Abuse Prevention Services or Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Services.

Section 400.66m - Invoices for Reimbursement.

Section 400.66n - Appropriations.

Section 400.67 - Relief Financed by Federal Funds; Denial or Revocation of Application, Appeal, Hearing, Investigation; Decision.

Section 400.68 - Application by County Board for State and Federal Moneys.

Section 400.68a - County of Settlement; Itemized Statement of Relief Expense; Items of Undetermined Value.

Section 400.69 - Estimate of Funds for Social Welfare; Accounting as to Receipts and Expenditures; District Department of Social Welfare.

Section 400.70 - Appropriation for Expenses by County Board of Supervisors.

Section 400.71 - Distinction Between Township, City, and County Poor; Abolition.

Section 400.72 - Repealed. 1968, Act 117, Imd. Eff. June 11, 1968.

Section 400.73 - Repealed. 1975, Act 237, Eff. Jan. 1, 1976.

Section 400.73a - County Treasurer as Custodian of Moneys; Creation of Social Welfare Fund; Deposits; Requirements; Financial Practices.

Section 400.74 - Child Care and Social Welfare Funds; Disbursement; Bond; Purchases Made Locally.

Section 400.75 - County Board of Auditors; Authority.

Section 400.76 - Liability of Relatives for Support; Action for Reimbursement of County Granting Aid; Duties of Prosecuting Attorney; Reciprocal Enforcement.

Section 400.77 - Reimbursement of County for Welfare Relief; Relatives or Estate; Agreements; Hospital Care, Exception; County Employees; Collection by Counties.

Section 400.77a - Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, Welfare Relief; Inconsequential Earnings.

Section 400.77b - Repealed. 1973, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Jan. 8, 1974.

Section 400.78 - Grants and Gifts; Acceptance by County Board; Use of Funds; Duty of Prosecuting Attorney.

Section 400.79 - Prosecuting Attorney; Duty to Give Counsel to Board or Director.

Section 400.80 - County Social Welfare Board; Reports to State Department.

Section 400.81 - County Board; Seal; Publication of Rules and Regulations; Records and Papers as Evidence; Body Corporate, Powers.

Section 400.82 - County Board; Case Examinations, Witnesses, Attendance and Testimony; Circuit Court Enforcement.

Section 400.83 - Obtaining Information From Financial Institution, Department of Treasury, Employment Security Commission, Employer, or Former Employer; Demand or Subpoena; Definition; Computer Data Matching System; Confidentiality.

Section 400.84 - State Department; Jurisdiction Over District and County Departments, Rules and Regulations.

Section 400.85 - County Superintendents of Poor; Transfer of Powers and Duties to County Department of Social Welfare.

Section 400.86 - County Departments; Powers and Duties Transferred.

Section 400.87 - Veterans' Relief Act Not Repealed.

Section 400.88 - Repealed. 1957, Act 95, Eff. July 1, 1957.

Section 400.90 - Political Activity or Use of Position by Officers and Employes Prohibited; Penalty.

Section 400.100 - Retirement System Service Credits; Continuation by Employees of City or County Department When Transferred to State Department.

Section 400.101 - Distribution of General Relief Funds; Effective Date; State Civil Service System, Membership.

Section 400.102 - Nonduty Disability Retirement Allowance or Death Benefits; Eligibility, Conditions.

Section 400.103 - Agreements as to Eligibility for Supplementary Benefits and Medical Assistance.

Section 400.105 - Program for Medical Assistance for Medically Indigent; Establishment; Administration; Responsibility for Determination of Eligibility; Delegation of Authority; Definitions.

Section 400.105a - Written Information Setting Forth Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Program of Medical Assistance; Updating; Copies.

Section 400.105b - Medical Assistance Recipients Who Practice Positive Health Behaviors; Creation of Incentives; Creation of Pay-for-Performance Incentives for Contracted Medicaid Health Maintenance Organizations; Establishment of Preferred Product a...

Section 400.105c - Determination of Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment; Submission of Recommendation by Director.

Section 400.105d - Medical Assistance Program; Waiver; Acceptance of Medicare Rates by Hospital as Payments in Full; Submission of Approved Waiver Provisions to Legislature; Enrollment Plan; Pharmaceutical Benefit; Cost-Sharing Compliance Bonus Pool;...

Section 400.105e - Appropriations.

Section 400.105f - Michigan Health Care Cost and Quality Advisory Committee.

Section 400.105g - Remote Patient Monitoring Services; Definition.

Section 400.105h - Telemedicine; Eligibility; Definitions.

Section 400.106 - Medically Indigent Individual; Definitions; Notice of Legal Action; Requirements; Violation; Civil Fine; Recovery of Expenses by the Department or Contracted Health Plan; Priority Against Proceeds; Release of Claims; Subrogation of...

Section 400.106a - "Michigan Freedom to Work for Individuals With Disabilities Law" as Short Title of Section; Medical Assistance to Individuals With Earned Income; Establishment of Program; Limitation; Permitted Acts; Premium; Basis; Sliding Fee Sca...

Section 400.106b - Suspension of Medical Assistance; Conditions; Inmate Residing in Public Institution; Redetermination of Eligibility; Reinstatement; Limitation; Applicability; Defintions.

Section 400.107 - Medically Indigent; Financial Eligibility; Income.

Section 400.107a - Workforce Engagement Requirements; Definitions.

Section 400.107b - Workforce Engagement Requirements Waiver; Implementation; Survey; Compliance Review.

Section 400.108 - Medical or Dental Services to Which Medically Indigent Entitled; Certification; Services to Eligible Children.

Section 400.109 - Medical Services Provided Under Act; Notice and Approval of Proposed Change in Method or Level of Reimbursement; Definitions.

Section 400.109a - Abortion as Service Provided With Public Funds to Welfare Recipient; Prohibition; Exception; Policy.

Section 400.109b - Modification of Formula for Indigent Care Volume Price Adjustor.

Section 400.109c - Home- or Community-Based Services; Eligibility; Safeguards; Written Plan of Care; Available Services; per Capita Expenditure; Waiver; Rules; Report; Changing Plan of Care; Hearing; Appeal; Expansion of Program; Implementation of Pr...

Section 400.109d - Services Relating to Performing Abortions; Prohibitions.

Section 400.109e - Definitions; Reimbursement for Performance of Abortion; Prohibition; Violation; Penalty; Enforcement; Scope of Section.

Section 400.109f - Medicaid-Covered Specialty Services and Supports; Management and Delivery; Specialty Prepaid Health Plans; Section Inapplicable to Pilot Project.

Section 400.109g - Specialty Services Panel; Creation; Purpose; Membership; Qualifications; Terms; Vacancy; Conflict of Interest; Advisory Capacity; Meetings.

Section 400.109h - Prior Authorization for Certain Prescription Drugs Not Required; Drugs Under Contract Between Department and Health Maintenance Organization; Contracts With Managed Care Organizations; Definitions.

Section 400.109i - Locally or Regionally Based Single Point of Entry Agencies for Long-Term Care.

Section 400.109j - Designation of Single Point of Entry Agencies; Limitation.

Section 400.109k - Compliance of Certain Community Mental Health Services Programs With MCL 330.1204 and 330.1205.

Section 400.109l - Process for Maximum Allowable Cost Pricing Reconsiderations; Use by Department of Community Health and Contracted Health Plans; Completion; Notification to Pharmacy.

Section 400.109m - Individual as Victim of Human Trafficking Violation; Medical Assistance Benefits; "Human Trafficking Violation" Defined.

Section 400.109n - Behavioral Health Treatment Services: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Re-Evaluation and Eligibility Requirements.

Section 400.110 - Medical Services for Residents Absent From State.

Section 400.110a - Funding; Rural Hospital Access Pool; Limitations; Definitions.

Section 400.111 - Responsibility for Proper Handling of Medical Case; Actions Authorized to Meet Medical Needs of Recipient.

Section 400.111a - Policy and Procedures for Implementation and Enforcement of State and Federal Laws; Consultation; Guidelines; Forms and Instructions; “Prudent Buyer” Defined; Criteria for Selection of Providers; Notice of Change in Policy, Procedu...

Section 400.111b - Requirements as Condition of Participation by Provider.

Section 400.111c - Duties of Director in Carrying Out Authority Conferred by MCL 400.111a(7)(d).

Section 400.111d - Participation as Provider Subject to Denial, Suspension, Termination, or Probation; Actions of Director; Claims Precluded; Exceptions; Consultations; Hearing.

Section 400.111e - Grounds for Action by Director.

Section 400.111f - Emergency Action; Order; Circumstances; Extension of Emergency Action; “Most Recent 12-Month Period” Defined; Consultation With Peer Review Advisory Committees, Professionals, or Experts; Order for Summary Suspension of Payments; H...

Section 400.111g - Prosecution Not Collaterally Estopped or Barred by Decision or Order; Hearing; Decision.

Section 400.111h - Applicability of MCL 400.111a to 400.111g.

Section 400.111i - Timely Claims Processing and Payment Procedure; External Review; Report; Definitions.

Section 400.111j - Prior Authorization for Medical Services or Equipment; Request by Provider; Approval or Rejection; Request for Additional Information; Time Period Limitations; Exception; Certain Claims Not Subject to Prior Authorization; Rules; Re...

Section 400.111k - Lead Screening on Children Enrolled in Medicaid.

Section 400.111l - Children Participants in Wic Program; Lead Testing Required.

Section 400.111m - Audit of Medicaid Cost Reports Filed by Nursing Facility; On-Site Audit; Customer Satisfaction Survey; Availability of Documentation; Auditor Education; Annual Report.

Section 400.111n - Effective Date of Policy Changes Affecting Medicaid Cost Reports.

Section 400.112 - Medical Services; Contract With Private Agencies as Fiscal Agents.

Section 400.112a - Liability for Medicaid Services; Referral to Department of Treasury as State Debt; Claims Against Tax Refund as Secondary to Claims for Child Support; “Medicaid” Defined.

Section 400.112b - Definitions.

Section 400.112c - Michigan Long-Term Care Partnership Program; Establishment; Purpose; Eligibility; Reciprocal Agreements; Consideration of Assets; Receipt of Asset Disregard; Single Point of Entry Agencies; Notice of Policy Provisions; Posting Cert...

Section 400.112d - Repealed. 2006, Act 674, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 2007.

Section 400.112e - Rules.

Section 400.112e[1] - Payments Not Required; Amounts Constituting Payment in Full.

Section 400.112g - Michigan Medicaid Estate Recovery Program; Establishment and Operation by Department of Community Health; Development of Voluntary Estate Preservation Program; Report; Establishment of Estate Recovery Program; Waivers and Approvals...

Section 400.112h - "Estate" and "Property" Defined.

Section 400.112i - Use of Revenue Collected Through Michigan Medicaid Estate Recovery Activities; Treatment of Remaining Balances.

Section 400.112j - Rules; Report.

Section 400.112k - Applicability of Program to Certain Medical Assistance Recipients.

Section 400.113 - “Executive Director” and “Office” Defined.

Section 400.114 - Office of Children and Youth Services; Creation as Single Purpose Entity; Duties of Office; Appointment, Duties, and Compensation of Executive Director; Rules.

Section 400.115 - Services to Children and Youth.

Section 400.115a - Office of Children and Youth Services; Duties Generally.

Section 400.115b - Responsibility for Children Committed by Juvenile Division of Probate Court or Court of General Criminal Jurisdiction; Children and Youth Services and Programs; Services, Actions, and Rules as to Neglect, Exploitation, Abuse, Cruel...

Section 400.115c - Placement of Children in Family Homes; Approval or Disapproval; Information; Supervision.

Section 400.115d - Plan for Establishment, Maintenance, and Operation of Regional Facilities to Detain Children.

Section 400.115e - Detention Home; Assumption of Administration, Operation, and Facilities; Agreement; State Classified Service.

Section 400.115f - Definitions.

Section 400.115g - Support Subsidy; Payment; Requirements; Determination of Amount; Maximum Amount; Form to Be Signed by Adoptive Parent; Presentment of First Offer by Adoptive Parent; Acceptance or Counteroffer by Department; Completion of Certifica...

Section 400.115h - Medical Subsidy; Payment; Requirements; Prohibited Payment; Determination of Amount; Third Party Payments; Waiver of Subsection (3); Time of Request; Payment for Treatment of Mental or Emotional Condition.

Section 400.115i - Adoption Assistance Agreement; Redetermined Adoption Assistance Agreement; Medical Subsidy Agreement; Copy; Modification or Discontinuance; Legal Status, Rights, and Responsibilities Not Affected; Report.

Section 400.115j - Adoption Assistance, Medical Subsidy, or Redetermined Adoption Assistance; Extension; Continuation.

Section 400.115k - Appeal of Determination; Notice of Rights of Appeal.

Section 400.115l - Child With Special Needs; Agreement for Payment of Nonrecurring Adoption Expenses; Limitation; Signature; Filing Claims; Notice to Potential Claimants.

Section 400.115m - Information Describing Adoption Process and Adoption Assistance and Medical Subsidy Programs; Preparation; Distribution; Contents.

Section 400.115n - Escape of Juvenile From Facility or Residence; Notification; Definitions.

Section 400.115o - Residential Care Bed Space for Juveniles; “Appropriate Juvenile Residential Care Provider” Defined.

Section 400.115p - Local Elected Official or Employee as Advisor to Juvenile Facility; “Elected Official” and “Juvenile Facility” Defined.

Section 400.115q - Field Investigation or Home Visit; Training Program; Documentation of Safety Risk; Completion With Another Department Employee or Law Enforcement Officer.

Section 400.115r - Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance; Citation of MCL 400.115r and 400.115s.

Section 400.115s - Interstate Compacts; Authorization; Force and Effect; Contents.

Section 400.115t - Redetermined Adoption Assistance; Request; Requirements; Hearing; Effect of Original Agreement; Determination; Basis; Adoption Assistance Agreement in Place Before January 1, 2015; Limitation on Number of Requests; Adoptee Adopted...

Section 400.116 - Duties of Department With Respect to Juvenile Court Probation Staff; Consultation and Assistance Services; Plan for Voluntary Transfer of County Juvenile Court Probation Staff to Department.

Section 400.117 - Repealed. 1972, Act 301, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.

Section 400.117a - Definitions; Juvenile Justice Funding System; Rules; Distribution of Money for Cost of Juvenile Justice Services; Reimbursement for Costs; Limitation; Request for Payment; Offset, Chargeback, or Reimbursement Liability; Guideline...

Section 400.117b - Office of Children and Youth Services; Powers Generally.

Section 400.117c - County Treasurer as Custodian of Money; Creation and Maintenance of Child Care Fund; Deposits in Fund; Use of Fund; Separate Account for Fund; Subaccounts; Plan and Budget for Funding Foster Care Services; Records of Juvenile Justi...

Section 400.117d - Repealed. 2018, Act 21, Eff. May 15, 2018.

Section 400.117e - Annual Basic Grant of State Money; Eligibility; Use of Basic Grant; Criteria and Conditions for Basic Grant; Money for Early Intervention to Treat Problems of Delinquency and Neglect.

Section 400.117f - Joint Program for Providing Juvenile Justice Services.

Section 400.117g - County Block Grant; Calculation; Adjustment; Deduction.

Section 400.117h - Appeal.

Section 400.117i - Raise the Age Fund; Creation Within State Treasury; Deposit of Money or Other Assets; Investment; Money Remaining at End of Fiscal Year; Administrator; Expenditures; Report of Expenditures; Request for Reimbursement.

Section 400.118 - Youth Advisory Commission; Creation; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, and Compensation of Members.

Section 400.119 - Youth Advisory Commission; Duties.

Section 400.119a - Departments and Agencies of Executive Branch of Government; Duties.

Section 400.119b - Report by Office to Governor and Legislature; Contents; Review of Effectiveness of Office; Report and Recommendations.

Section 400.120, 400.121 - Repealed. 1988, Act 75, Eff. June 1, 1991.

Section 400.122 - Repealed. 1978, Act 87, Eff. Apr. 1, 1978.