Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 51 of 1951 - State Trunk Line Highway System (247.651 - 247.675)
Section 247.668b - State Transportation Commission; Bonds and Notes.

Sec. 18b.
(1) The state transportation commission may borrow money and issue notes or bonds for the following purposes:
(a) To pay all or any portion of or to make loans, grants, or contract payments to pay all or any portion of any capital costs for the purposes described in section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
(b) To pay the principal or the principal and interest on notes and, if the state transportation commission considers refunding to be expedient, to refund bonds payable from money in the state trunk line fund or the comprehensive transportation fund or received or to be received from the motor vehicle highway fund or the Michigan transportation fund regardless of when the refunded bonds were issued, by the issuance of new bonds, whether or not the bonds to be refunded have matured or are subject to prior redemption or are to be paid, redeemed, or surrendered at the time of issuance of the refunding bonds; and to issue new bonds partly to refund bonds or pay notes then outstanding and partly for any other transportation purpose authorized by this act.
(c) To pay all costs relating to the issuance of the bonds or notes described in this section, including, but not limited to, legal, engineering, accounting, and consulting services, interest on bonds or notes for such period as determined by the state transportation commission in the resolution authorizing the bonds or notes and a reserve for payment of principal, interest, and redemption premiums on the bonds or notes in an amount determined by the state transportation commission in the resolution authorizing the bonds or notes.
(2) The refunding bonds described in subsection (1)(b) shall be sold and the proceeds and the earnings or profits from the investment of those proceeds applied in whole or in part to the purchase, redemption, or payment of the principal or the principal and interest of the bonds to be refunded and the refunding bonds issued by the state transportation commission under subsection (1)(b) and the costs described in subsection (1)(c). Refunding notes or bonds shall be considered to be issued for the same purpose or purposes for which the notes or bonds to be refunded were issued.
(3) The notes or bonds authorized by this section shall be issued only after authorization by resolution of the state transportation commission, which resolution shall contain the following:
(a) An irrevocable pledge providing for the payment of the principal and interest on the notes or bonds from money which is restricted as to use by section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963 and which is deposited or to be deposited in the comprehensive transportation fund, in the case of bonds or notes issued for comprehensive transportation purposes as defined by law, or in the state trunk line fund, in the case of bonds or notes issued for transportation purposes described in the second paragraph of section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, or in the case of notes or bonds, if the resolution authorizing the notes or bonds provides, from money received or to be received by the state transportation department from the proceeds of bonds or renewal notes to be issued after the date of the resolution or from money received or to be received from the proceeds of the grants described in subsection (9). If the resolution authorizing the bonds or notes so provides, a portion of the principal or interest on the bonds or notes may be secured by an irrevocable pledge of money deposited in the comprehensive transportation fund or the state trunk line fund, and the balance of the principal and interest secured by an irrevocable pledge of the proceeds of bonds or renewal notes or money received or to be received from the proceeds of the grants described in subsection (9).
(b) A brief statement describing the projects for which the notes or bonds are to be issued and in the case of notes or bonds to pay notes or refund bonds, a description of the notes or bonds to be paid or refunded. For purposes of this section and section 18k, in connection with bonds issued to fund the loan program established under section 11(6) to (11), the loan program shall constitute the project, and it shall not be necessary to specify the particular item or costs of a particular item to be financed from any particular loan made under the loan program.
(c) The estimated cost of the projects or refunding or refinancing.
(d) The detail of the notes or bonds including the date of issue, maturity date or dates of the bonds or notes, the maximum interest rate, the dates of payment of interest, the paying agents, the transfer agent or agents, the provisions for registration, the redemption provisions, and the manner of execution or, as provided in subsection (11)(d), the limitations within which such detail may be determined by the person designated by the commission.
(4) If after the issuance of notes or bonds, the state transportation commission determines that a project for which the notes or bonds are to be issued should be changed, the state transportation commission, by resolution, adopted after the 30 days' notice of intention to adopt the resolution has been given to the appropriations committees of the senate and the house of representatives, shall amend the resolution authorizing the bonds or notes to change the description of the project or projects or to substitute a different project or projects for the project for which the notes or bonds were issued and shall make other revisions in the resolution authorizing the notes or bonds with respect to cost as may be necessary to permit the change in or substitution of a project or projects.
(5) Before October 1, 1979, the total amount of bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section for comprehensive transportation purposes as defined by law shall not exceed an amount as will be serviced as to maximum principal and interest requirements by a sum equal to the amount deposited to the credit of the general transportation fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977. After September 30, 1979, the total amount of bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section for comprehensive transportation purposes as defined by law shall not exceed an amount as will be serviced, out of state funds only, as to maximum annual principal and interest requirements by an amount equal to 50% of the total amount of money from taxes, the use of which money is restricted by section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, and which money is deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the comprehensive transportation fund during the state fiscal year immediately preceding the issuance of the bonds or notes.
(6) The total amount of bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section for transportation purposes described in the second paragraph of section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963 shall not exceed an amount as will be serviced as to the maximum principal and interest requirements by a sum equal to 50% of the total of the amount of money received from taxes, the use of which is restricted by section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963 and which is deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the state trunk line fund during the state fiscal year immediately preceding the issuance of the bonds or notes.
(7) The principal or principal and interest or the portion of principal or interest of bonds or notes which are issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds or renewal notes or of federal grants as provided in subsection (9) and which do not pledge for their payment money in the state trunk line fund or the comprehensive transportation fund or money received or to be received by the state transportation department from the Michigan transportation fund or the motor vehicle highway fund shall not be considered to be principal and interest requirements subject to the limitation set forth in subsections (5) and (6). The principal of and interest on notes or bonds refunded or for the refunding of which refunding bonds have been sold, whether the bonds to be refunded are to be retired at the time of delivery of the refunding bonds or not, shall not be considered to be principal and interest requirements subject to the limitation set forth in subsections (5) and (6).
(8) In computing the maximum annual principal and interest requirements under subsection (6), the total outstanding maximum annual contributions required to be made by the state highway commission and the state transportation commission pursuant to contracts entered into under the authorization of section 18d, which contributions are pledged to the payment of bonds issued under section 18d, shall be included in the amount.
(9) The state transportation commission may borrow money and issue notes or bonds in anticipation of the receipt of grants from the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof and may pledge for the payment of the principal, interest, and redemption premiums on such notes or bonds 1 or more of the following:
(a) The proceeds of any grant and any investment earnings or gain on the grant.
(b) If deemed advisable by the state transportation commission, money which is restricted as to use by section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, and which is deposited or to be deposited in the comprehensive transportation fund, in the case of bonds or notes issued for comprehensive transportation purposes as defined by law, or in the state trunk line fund, in the case of bonds or notes issued for transportation purposes described in the second paragraph of section 9 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
(c) If deemed advisable by the state transportation commission, money received or to be received by the state from the sale of the bonds or notes described in this section to be issued after the issuance of the notes or bonds described in this subsection and any investment earnings or gain thereon.
(10) Bonds or notes may be issued under this section as separate issues or series with different dates of issuance, but the aggregate of the bonds or notes shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this section.
(11) The state transportation commission in determining to issue bonds or notes may do 1 or more of the following:
(a) Authorize and enter into insurance contracts, agreements for lines of credit, letters of credit, commitments to purchase obligations, remarketing agreements, reimbursement agreements, and any other transactions to provide security to assure timely payment of any bonds or notes.
(b) Authorize payment from the proceeds of the bonds or notes or other funds available, of the cost of issuance, including, but not limited to, fees for placement, fees or charges for insurance, letters of credit, lines of credit, remarketing agreements, reimbursement agreements, or purchase or sales agreements or commitments, or other agreements to provide security to assure timely payment of bonds or notes.
(c) Authorize principal and interest to be payable from 1 or more of the following:
(i) Money described in subsection (3)(a).
(ii) Proceeds of bonds or notes.
(iii) Earning on proceeds of bonds or notes or other funds held for payment of bonds or notes.
(iv) Proceeds of any other security provided to assure timely payment of the bonds or notes.
(v) Proceeds of federal grants and other money described in subsection (9).
(vi) Any combination of the sources described in subparagraphs (i) to (v).
(d) Authorize or provide for a person designated by the state transportation commission, but only within limitations which shall be contained in the authorization resolution of the state transportation commission, to do 1 or more of the following:
(i) Sell and deliver and receive payment for bonds or notes.
(ii) Refund bonds or notes by the delivery of new bonds or notes, whether or not the bonds or notes to be refunded have matured or are subject to redemption prior to maturity on the date of delivery of the refunding bonds or notes.
(iii) Deliver bonds or notes partly to refund bonds or notes and partly for any other authorized purposes.
(iv) Buy, hold without cancellation, or sell bonds or notes so issued.
(v) Approve interest rates or methods for fixing interest rates, prices, discounts, maturities, principal amounts, denominations, dates of issuance, interest payment dates, optional or mandatory redemption or tender rights and obligations to be exercised by the state transportation commission or the holder, the place of delivery and payment, and other matters and procedures necessary to complete the transactions authorized.
(e) In connection with outstanding bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under this act, or in connection with the issuance or proposed issuance of bonds, notes, or other indebtedness, the state transportation commission may authorize by resolution the execution and delivery of agreements providing for interest rate exchanges or swaps, hedges, or similar agreements. The obligations of this state under the agreements, including termination payments, may be made payable from and secured by a pledge of the same sources of funds as the bonds, notes, or other obligations in connection with which the agreements are entered into, or from any other sources of funds available as a payment source of bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under this act. In calculating debt service on bonds, notes, and other obligations, the payments and receipts under the agreements authorized by this subsection, without regard to termination payments, and the payment obligations under the bonds, notes, or other obligations in connection with which the agreements are entered into, shall be aggregated and treated as a single obligation.
(f) Bonds and notes issued under this act are not subject to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.
(g) The issuance of bonds and notes under this section is subject to the agency financing reporting act.
If additionally secured as provided in this subsection, the bonds or notes, notwithstanding other provisions of this act, may be made payable or subject to purchase on demand or prior to maturity at the option of the holder at the time and in the manner as determined by the state transportation commission or the designated person as provided in the resolution authorizing the bonds or notes. Any bonds or notes authorized by this section may bear no interest or interest at a rate or rates which may be variable but which shall be subject to the limitations provided in section 18e as provided in the resolution authorizing the obligations. If bonds or notes are subject to payment or purchase on demand or prior to maturity at the option of the holder, and the obligation of the state to make payment or effect purchases on demand or prior to maturity, at the option of the holder is limited to the proceeds of 1 or more of the additional security devices described in this subsection and is not payable from constitutionally restricted funds deposited in the comprehensive transportation fund or the state trunk line fund, for purposes of computing maximum annual principal and interest requirements under subsections (5) and (6), the principal and interest on the bonds or notes subject to payment or purchase on demand or prior redemption at the option of the holder shall be disregarded and the maximum annual principal and interest requirements which would arise with respect to the repayment of the proceeds of the additional security device shall be substituted therefor.
History: Add. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978 ;-- Am. 1979, Act 58, Imd. Eff. July 18, 1979 ;-- Am. 1983, Act 82, Imd. Eff. June 15, 1983 ;-- Am. 1985, Act 201, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1985 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 467, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2002 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 498, Imd. Eff. July 3, 2002 Popular Name: McNitt ActPopular Name: Michigan Transportation Fund Act

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 247 - Highways

Act 51 of 1951 - State Trunk Line Highway System (247.651 - 247.675)

Section 247.651 - State Trunk Line Highway System; Additions and Deletions; Operating License Agreement With Regional Transit Authority to Operate Public Transit System.

Section 247.651a - State Trunk Line Highway System; Construction, Maintenance, Improvement; Control of State Highway Commissioner; Change in Line of Road.

Section 247.651b - Cost of Maintaining State Trunk Line Highways; Preservation of Aesthetic and Historic Character of Abutting National Historic Landmark; Service Plaza Prohibited.

Section 247.651c - Cost of Opening, Widening, and Improving State Trunk Line Highways.

Section 247.651d - Contract for Joint Participation in Cost; Approval; Renegotiation; Local Taxation; Bonds; Special Assessment.

Section 247.651e - Contract With City or Village for Joint Participation in Cost; Assumption by Board of County Road Commissioners, Approval.

Section 247.651f - State Trunk Lines; Cancellation of Municipal Obligations; Assumption by State.

Section 247.651g - Pavement Management System.

Section 247.651h - Life-Cycle Cost Analysis; "Life-Cycle Cost" Defined; Substitutes for Requirements Listed in Subsection (3).

Section 247.651i - Demonstration Projects.

Section 247.651j - Road Innovation Task Force; Purpose; Report; Availability of Report to Public; Update of Finalized Report; Deposit of Amount Into State Treasury; Roads Innovation Fund; Creation; Investment; Interest and Earnings; Money Remaining i...

Section 247.652 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Selection and Certification; Check and Review; Approval; County Primary Road System.

Section 247.653 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Roads Included or Deleted.

Section 247.654 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Roads Under Jurisdiction of County Road Commissioners; Certification and Review.

Section 247.655 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Official Name; Establishment, Certification, and Approval.

Section 247.655a - Seasonal County Road System.

Section 247.656 - Tentative System of Streets; Selection and Certification; Approval.

Section 247.657 - Tentative System of Streets; Included or Deleted.

Section 247.658 - Tentative System of Streets; Streets Not Included, Certification and Approval.

Section 247.659 - Tentative System of Streets; Official Name; Establishment and Certification.

Section 247.659a - Definitions; Transportation Asset Management Council; Creation; Charge; Membership; Appointments; Michigan Infrastructure Council; Staff and Technical Assistance; Advisory Committee; Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot Program; T...

Section 247.659b - Contracts to Construct or Repair Roads or Bridges; Assistance to Minority Business Enterprises; Notice to Legislative Committees; Definitions; Other Duties of Department.

Section 247.659c - Review of Adequacy of Surface Transportation and Aeronautics Service Provision and Finance; Appointment of Task Force by Governor; Duties; Membership; Citizens Advisory Committee; Creation; Purpose; Technical Staff and Administrati...

Section 247.659d - "Port Facility" Definition.

Section 247.660 - Michigan Transportation Fund; Establishment; Use of Appropriated Money; Programs; Allocation to Transportation Economic Development Fund; Establishment of Local Bridge Fund and Regional Bridge Councils; Distribution and Allocation o...

Section 247.660a - Transferred Mileage; Worth per Mile of County Primary and Local Roads; Determination of Money to Be Transferred; Jurisdictional Transfers Made After July 1, 1992; Construction of Subsections (4) and (5); Transfer of Funds Included...

Section 247.660b - Comprehensive Transportation Fund.

Section 247.660c - Definitions.

Section 247.660d - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution.

Section 247.660e - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Appropriation and Expenditure; Order of Priority; Capital Grants; Instructions; Submission of Local Transportation Program to Department; Department Transportation Program; Proposed State Transpor...

Section 247.660f - Repealed. 1982, Act 438, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 247.660g - Rules.

Section 247.660h - Report by State Transportation Commission to Legislature, Governor, and Auditor General; Contents; Audit; Cost; Submission of Audit Report and Management Letter to Department; Minimum Audit Standards and Requirements; Task Force.

Section 247.660i - Repealed. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978.

Section 247.660j - Ineligibility for Grant or Distribution; Accrued Pension or Retirement Liabilities.

Section 247.660k - Nonmotorized Transportation Services and Facilities; Expenditures; Improvements as Qualified Nonmotorized Facility; Meeting Requirements of Section; 5-Year Program; Notice and Consultation; Establishment of Facilities; Information...

Section 247.660l - Return of Audit as Credit to Cities, Villages, and Townships; Expenditure of Credit; Use of Unexpended Credit; Final Decision; Expenditure by County as Condition Prohibited; Coordination of Services; “Operating Deficit” Defined.

Section 247.660m - Schedule.

Section 247.660n - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution of Funds; Notes.

Section 247.660o - Allocation of Federal Funds to Local Jurisdictions; Distributions; Local Federal Aid Exchange Program.

Section 247.660p - Definitions; Complete Streets Policy; Duties of State Transportation Commission; Consultation by Department or County Road Agency With Municipality; Agreements for Maintenance of Transportation Facilities.

Section 247.660r - Tolling Highways; Feasibility Study and Strategic Implementation Plan; Written Report.

Section 247.660s - Maritime and Port Facility Assistance Office; Responsibilities and Duties.

Section 247.661 - State Trunk Line Fund; Separate Fund; Appropriation; Purposes; Order of Priority; Expenditures; Borrowing by Local Road Agency; Deductions; Approval; Notice; Borrowing by State Transportation Commission; Procedures for Implementatio...

Section 247.661a - Use of Agricultural Additives Pilot Program; Report to Legislature.

Section 247.661b - Repealed. 2004, Act 384, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004.

Section 247.661c - Construction or Preservation Projects to Be Performed by Contract Awarded by Competitive Bidding; Other Method; Findings; Report; "Local Road Agency" Defined.

Section 247.661d - Report to Legislature on Changes in Department's Accounting System.

Section 247.661e - Local Program Fund; Creation; Purpose; Distribution of Funds; Local Federal Match Program; Use.

Section 247.661f - Funds Received Under Local Federal Match Program; Projects; Submission; Grant Awards; Criteria; Unused Bond Proceeds; Reports; Distribution of Remaining Funds; Additional Criteria.

Section 247.661g - Movable Bridge Fund; Contract With Person or Agency Having Jurisdiction of Publicly Owned Movable Bridge; Operational Procedures and Costs; "Operational Costs" Defined.

Section 247.661h - Local Agency Wetland Mitigation Board Fund; Advisory Board; Duties.

Section 247.662 - Return to County Treasurers of Amount Distributed to County Road Commissions; Manner, Purposes, Terms, and Conditions; Statewide Purchasing Pools; Expenditures; Urban Routes; Certification Concerning Average Annual Debt Service Requ...

Section 247.662a - Snow Removal; Distribution of Amount Returned to County Road Commission.

Section 247.662b - County Urban System; Distribution of Amounts Returned; Urban Area Boundaries.

Section 247.662c - Placing County Primary Road Under Jurisdiction of City or Village; Request; Response by County Road Commission; Appeal; Hearing; Determination.

Section 247.663 - Return of Distribution to City and Village Treasurers; Manner, Purpose, and Conditions; Audits; Pavement Warranties; Permissible City or Village Expenditures; Definitions.

Section 247.663a - Acquisition of Private Property Within Right of Way of Highway Project; Expenditure of Revenue.

Section 247.663b - Contracts Between County Road Commissions for Purchase or Use of Equipment or Machinery.

Section 247.664 - Biennial Primary Road and Major Street Programs; Separate Accounts; Records; Annual Report; Expenditures for Administration, Engineering, and Record Keeping; Noncompliance; Responsibility of State for Local County Road Support; Addi...

Section 247.664a - Expenditures to Pay Cost of Drain Assessments; Rules.

Section 247.665 - Reports Showing Disposition of Funds Appropriated, Apportioned, or Allocated; Other Information.

Section 247.665a - Intergovernmental Highway Corridor Planning Preservation Committees.

Section 247.665b - Mowing Right-of-Way of Public Road.

Section 247.666 - Forfeiture of Funds.

Section 247.667 - Certifications Required; Warrants; Checks; Mandamus; Report.

Section 247.667a - Office of Audit; Creation; Head; Duties, Functions, and Responsibilities.

Section 247.668 - Repealed. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957.

Section 247.668a - Michigan Transportation Fund; Payment of Notes, Bonds, or Other Indebtedness; Notes and Bonds Not General Obligations of State.

Section 247.668b - State Transportation Commission; Bonds and Notes.

Section 247.668c - Counties; Bonds.

Section 247.668d - Contracts Between Governmental Units for Construction or Reconstruction of Highways; Contributions; Pledges; Bonds; Applicability of Revised Municipal Finance Act and Agency Financing Reporting Act.

Section 247.668e - Bonds of Governmental Unit; Maturities; Interest; Measuring Maximum Annual Principal and Interest Requirements; Certification of State Transportation Commission Concerning Average Annual Debt Service Requirements for Certain Obliga...

Section 247.668f - Approval of Construction; Sale Price of Bonds.

Section 247.668g - Bonds; Protection of Outstanding Bonds.

Section 247.668h - Bonds; Negotiability; Payment, Exemption From Taxation.

Section 247.668i - Cumulative Authority of Act.

Section 247.668j - Annual Certification That Certain Employee-Related Conditions Met; Failure to Make Certification; Withholding Distributions to Local Road Agency; Website.

Section 247.668k - List of Projects for Which Notes or Bonds to Be Issued.

Section 247.668l - Borrowing Money and Issuing Notes or Bonds in Anticipation of Federal Funds.

Section 247.668m - Borrowing From a State Infrastructure Bank Program.

Section 247.669 - Roads, Streets, and Alleys Taken Over as County Roads.

Section 247.670 - Unexpended Balances of Township Funds; Appropriation for Local Road Maintenance or Improvement; Additional Powers; Snow Removal in Marquette County Townships.

Section 247.670a - Contract for Preservation of County Local Road System Within Township.

Section 247.671 - Repeal.

Section 247.672 - Effective Date of Act.

Section 247.673 - Effective Upon Passage of Certain Act.

Section 247.674 - Refunding Bonds or Advance Refunding Bonds.

Section 247.675 - Truck Safety Fund and Michigan Truck Safety Commission; Establishment; Administration of Fund; Duty of Commission; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Commission Members; Election of Chairperson; Vacancy; Meetings; Notice; Quo...