Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 51 of 1951 - State Trunk Line Highway System (247.651 - 247.675)
Section 247.660b - Comprehensive Transportation Fund.

Sec. 10b.
(1) A fund to be known as the comprehensive transportation fund is established and shall be set up and maintained in the state treasury as a separate fund. In addition to the money distributed to the comprehensive transportation fund pursuant to this act, the money authorized to be credited to the comprehensive transportation fund pursuant to section 25 of the general sales tax act, 1933 PA 167, MCL 205.75, shall be deposited in the comprehensive transportation fund and is appropriated to the department for the purposes described in section 10e.
(2) The comprehensive transportation fund shall be administered by the department in accordance with this act.
(3) The general functions of the department in the administration of funds for comprehensive transportation services shall include the following:
(a) Establishing public transportation procedures and administrative practices for which there is a clear requirement for uniformity statewide.
(b) Planning and providing for the current and long-range development of a system of public transportation in areas for which an eligible authority or eligible governmental agency does not exist.
(c) Investigating public transportation conditions and making recommendations for improvement to the state transportation commission for forwarding to the legislature.
(d) Encouraging, coordinating, and administering grants for research and demonstration projects to develop the application of new ideas and concepts in public transportation facilities and services as applied to state as opposed to nationwide problems.
(e) Performing each function necessary to comply fully with present or future federal transportation acts.
(f) Except as provided in section 8 of the regional transit authority act, administering and distributing money from the comprehensive transportation fund and the proceeds of notes and bonds sold for public transportation purposes. If money is raised by an eligible authority or an eligible governmental agency for a public transportation capital outlay project funded pursuant to sections 3, 5, and 6 of the urban mass transportation act of 1964, 49 USC 1602, 1604, and 1605, or federal law codified in 23 USC 101 to 407, this state shall pay not less than 66-2/3% of the local match. This state shall not expend money as a local match or otherwise, and an eligible authority or eligible governmental agency shall not expend money distributed pursuant to this act, as a local match or otherwise, for the preliminary or final construction engineering plans or the construction of a subway system within the area of the southeastern Michigan transportation authority until that expenditure is approved by concurrent resolution of the legislature. The concurrent resolution shall be approved on a record roll call vote of each house. This state shall not expend money for the construction, operation, or maintenance of a commuter boat service system within a county which is a member of the southeastern Michigan transportation authority until approved by concurrent resolution of the legislature. The concurrent resolution shall be approved on a record roll call vote of each house.
(g) Applying for, receiving, and accepting any grant, gift, contribution, loan, or other assistance in the form of money, property, labor, and any other form from a public or private source, including assistance from an agency or instrumentality of the United States and doing each thing as is necessary to apply for, receive, and administer that assistance in accordance with the laws of this state.
(h) Promulgating rules for the implementation and administration of the comprehensive transportation fund, pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.
(i) Issuing bonds or notes for public transportation purposes in accordance with this act.
(j) Making direct expenditures, loans, grants, or guaranteeing lease costs to public and private corporations for public transportation purposes using the comprehensive transportation fund or using as appropriate, the proceeds of notes and bonds authorized by section 18b.
History: Add. 1976, Act 297, Eff. Nov. 15, 1976 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 393, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 1978 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 438, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 391, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 2012 Constitutionality: MCL 474.51 et seq. and MCL 247.660b et seq. are constitutional. In re Advisory Opinion 1976 PA 295 and 1976 PA 297, 401 Mich 686; 259 NW2d 129 (1977).Compiler's Notes: Former MCL 247.660b, pertaining to the creation of a general transportation fund, was repealed by Act 296 of 1976.Popular Name: McNitt ActPopular Name: Michigan Transportation Fund ActAdmin Rule: R 247.4101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 247 - Highways

Act 51 of 1951 - State Trunk Line Highway System (247.651 - 247.675)

Section 247.651 - State Trunk Line Highway System; Additions and Deletions; Operating License Agreement With Regional Transit Authority to Operate Public Transit System.

Section 247.651a - State Trunk Line Highway System; Construction, Maintenance, Improvement; Control of State Highway Commissioner; Change in Line of Road.

Section 247.651b - Cost of Maintaining State Trunk Line Highways; Preservation of Aesthetic and Historic Character of Abutting National Historic Landmark; Service Plaza Prohibited.

Section 247.651c - Cost of Opening, Widening, and Improving State Trunk Line Highways.

Section 247.651d - Contract for Joint Participation in Cost; Approval; Renegotiation; Local Taxation; Bonds; Special Assessment.

Section 247.651e - Contract With City or Village for Joint Participation in Cost; Assumption by Board of County Road Commissioners, Approval.

Section 247.651f - State Trunk Lines; Cancellation of Municipal Obligations; Assumption by State.

Section 247.651g - Pavement Management System.

Section 247.651h - Life-Cycle Cost Analysis; "Life-Cycle Cost" Defined; Substitutes for Requirements Listed in Subsection (3).

Section 247.651i - Demonstration Projects.

Section 247.651j - Road Innovation Task Force; Purpose; Report; Availability of Report to Public; Update of Finalized Report; Deposit of Amount Into State Treasury; Roads Innovation Fund; Creation; Investment; Interest and Earnings; Money Remaining i...

Section 247.652 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Selection and Certification; Check and Review; Approval; County Primary Road System.

Section 247.653 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Roads Included or Deleted.

Section 247.654 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Roads Under Jurisdiction of County Road Commissioners; Certification and Review.

Section 247.655 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Official Name; Establishment, Certification, and Approval.

Section 247.655a - Seasonal County Road System.

Section 247.656 - Tentative System of Streets; Selection and Certification; Approval.

Section 247.657 - Tentative System of Streets; Included or Deleted.

Section 247.658 - Tentative System of Streets; Streets Not Included, Certification and Approval.

Section 247.659 - Tentative System of Streets; Official Name; Establishment and Certification.

Section 247.659a - Definitions; Transportation Asset Management Council; Creation; Charge; Membership; Appointments; Michigan Infrastructure Council; Staff and Technical Assistance; Advisory Committee; Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot Program; T...

Section 247.659b - Contracts to Construct or Repair Roads or Bridges; Assistance to Minority Business Enterprises; Notice to Legislative Committees; Definitions; Other Duties of Department.

Section 247.659c - Review of Adequacy of Surface Transportation and Aeronautics Service Provision and Finance; Appointment of Task Force by Governor; Duties; Membership; Citizens Advisory Committee; Creation; Purpose; Technical Staff and Administrati...

Section 247.659d - "Port Facility" Definition.

Section 247.660 - Michigan Transportation Fund; Establishment; Use of Appropriated Money; Programs; Allocation to Transportation Economic Development Fund; Establishment of Local Bridge Fund and Regional Bridge Councils; Distribution and Allocation o...

Section 247.660a - Transferred Mileage; Worth per Mile of County Primary and Local Roads; Determination of Money to Be Transferred; Jurisdictional Transfers Made After July 1, 1992; Construction of Subsections (4) and (5); Transfer of Funds Included...

Section 247.660b - Comprehensive Transportation Fund.

Section 247.660c - Definitions.

Section 247.660d - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution.

Section 247.660e - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Appropriation and Expenditure; Order of Priority; Capital Grants; Instructions; Submission of Local Transportation Program to Department; Department Transportation Program; Proposed State Transpor...

Section 247.660f - Repealed. 1982, Act 438, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.

Section 247.660g - Rules.

Section 247.660h - Report by State Transportation Commission to Legislature, Governor, and Auditor General; Contents; Audit; Cost; Submission of Audit Report and Management Letter to Department; Minimum Audit Standards and Requirements; Task Force.

Section 247.660i - Repealed. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978.

Section 247.660j - Ineligibility for Grant or Distribution; Accrued Pension or Retirement Liabilities.

Section 247.660k - Nonmotorized Transportation Services and Facilities; Expenditures; Improvements as Qualified Nonmotorized Facility; Meeting Requirements of Section; 5-Year Program; Notice and Consultation; Establishment of Facilities; Information...

Section 247.660l - Return of Audit as Credit to Cities, Villages, and Townships; Expenditure of Credit; Use of Unexpended Credit; Final Decision; Expenditure by County as Condition Prohibited; Coordination of Services; “Operating Deficit” Defined.

Section 247.660m - Schedule.

Section 247.660n - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution of Funds; Notes.

Section 247.660o - Allocation of Federal Funds to Local Jurisdictions; Distributions; Local Federal Aid Exchange Program.

Section 247.660p - Definitions; Complete Streets Policy; Duties of State Transportation Commission; Consultation by Department or County Road Agency With Municipality; Agreements for Maintenance of Transportation Facilities.

Section 247.660r - Tolling Highways; Feasibility Study and Strategic Implementation Plan; Written Report.

Section 247.660s - Maritime and Port Facility Assistance Office; Responsibilities and Duties.

Section 247.661 - State Trunk Line Fund; Separate Fund; Appropriation; Purposes; Order of Priority; Expenditures; Borrowing by Local Road Agency; Deductions; Approval; Notice; Borrowing by State Transportation Commission; Procedures for Implementatio...

Section 247.661a - Use of Agricultural Additives Pilot Program; Report to Legislature.

Section 247.661b - Repealed. 2004, Act 384, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004.

Section 247.661c - Construction or Preservation Projects to Be Performed by Contract Awarded by Competitive Bidding; Other Method; Findings; Report; "Local Road Agency" Defined.

Section 247.661d - Report to Legislature on Changes in Department's Accounting System.

Section 247.661e - Local Program Fund; Creation; Purpose; Distribution of Funds; Local Federal Match Program; Use.

Section 247.661f - Funds Received Under Local Federal Match Program; Projects; Submission; Grant Awards; Criteria; Unused Bond Proceeds; Reports; Distribution of Remaining Funds; Additional Criteria.

Section 247.661g - Movable Bridge Fund; Contract With Person or Agency Having Jurisdiction of Publicly Owned Movable Bridge; Operational Procedures and Costs; "Operational Costs" Defined.

Section 247.661h - Local Agency Wetland Mitigation Board Fund; Advisory Board; Duties.

Section 247.662 - Return to County Treasurers of Amount Distributed to County Road Commissions; Manner, Purposes, Terms, and Conditions; Statewide Purchasing Pools; Expenditures; Urban Routes; Certification Concerning Average Annual Debt Service Requ...

Section 247.662a - Snow Removal; Distribution of Amount Returned to County Road Commission.

Section 247.662b - County Urban System; Distribution of Amounts Returned; Urban Area Boundaries.

Section 247.662c - Placing County Primary Road Under Jurisdiction of City or Village; Request; Response by County Road Commission; Appeal; Hearing; Determination.

Section 247.663 - Return of Distribution to City and Village Treasurers; Manner, Purpose, and Conditions; Audits; Pavement Warranties; Permissible City or Village Expenditures; Definitions.

Section 247.663a - Acquisition of Private Property Within Right of Way of Highway Project; Expenditure of Revenue.

Section 247.663b - Contracts Between County Road Commissions for Purchase or Use of Equipment or Machinery.

Section 247.664 - Biennial Primary Road and Major Street Programs; Separate Accounts; Records; Annual Report; Expenditures for Administration, Engineering, and Record Keeping; Noncompliance; Responsibility of State for Local County Road Support; Addi...

Section 247.664a - Expenditures to Pay Cost of Drain Assessments; Rules.

Section 247.665 - Reports Showing Disposition of Funds Appropriated, Apportioned, or Allocated; Other Information.

Section 247.665a - Intergovernmental Highway Corridor Planning Preservation Committees.

Section 247.665b - Mowing Right-of-Way of Public Road.

Section 247.666 - Forfeiture of Funds.

Section 247.667 - Certifications Required; Warrants; Checks; Mandamus; Report.

Section 247.667a - Office of Audit; Creation; Head; Duties, Functions, and Responsibilities.

Section 247.668 - Repealed. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957.

Section 247.668a - Michigan Transportation Fund; Payment of Notes, Bonds, or Other Indebtedness; Notes and Bonds Not General Obligations of State.

Section 247.668b - State Transportation Commission; Bonds and Notes.

Section 247.668c - Counties; Bonds.

Section 247.668d - Contracts Between Governmental Units for Construction or Reconstruction of Highways; Contributions; Pledges; Bonds; Applicability of Revised Municipal Finance Act and Agency Financing Reporting Act.

Section 247.668e - Bonds of Governmental Unit; Maturities; Interest; Measuring Maximum Annual Principal and Interest Requirements; Certification of State Transportation Commission Concerning Average Annual Debt Service Requirements for Certain Obliga...

Section 247.668f - Approval of Construction; Sale Price of Bonds.

Section 247.668g - Bonds; Protection of Outstanding Bonds.

Section 247.668h - Bonds; Negotiability; Payment, Exemption From Taxation.

Section 247.668i - Cumulative Authority of Act.

Section 247.668j - Annual Certification That Certain Employee-Related Conditions Met; Failure to Make Certification; Withholding Distributions to Local Road Agency; Website.

Section 247.668k - List of Projects for Which Notes or Bonds to Be Issued.

Section 247.668l - Borrowing Money and Issuing Notes or Bonds in Anticipation of Federal Funds.

Section 247.668m - Borrowing From a State Infrastructure Bank Program.

Section 247.669 - Roads, Streets, and Alleys Taken Over as County Roads.

Section 247.670 - Unexpended Balances of Township Funds; Appropriation for Local Road Maintenance or Improvement; Additional Powers; Snow Removal in Marquette County Townships.

Section 247.670a - Contract for Preservation of County Local Road System Within Township.

Section 247.671 - Repeal.

Section 247.672 - Effective Date of Act.

Section 247.673 - Effective Upon Passage of Certain Act.

Section 247.674 - Refunding Bonds or Advance Refunding Bonds.

Section 247.675 - Truck Safety Fund and Michigan Truck Safety Commission; Establishment; Administration of Fund; Duty of Commission; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Commission Members; Election of Chairperson; Vacancy; Meetings; Notice; Quo...