Sec. 11f.
(1) Funds received under the local federal match program created in section 11e shall be granted to local municipalities and other local road agencies to match federal aid projects as provided in this subsection. Projects shall be submitted to the state transportation department by the local municipality or other local road agency. The department shall review the submittals and apply criteria that take into account the needs of highway, road, and street systems and an equitable allocation of available funds considering the geographic location of the proposed project. If the projects meet the criteria, the state transportation department shall award grants to the extent of available funds. An individual grant shall not exceed 25% of the amount of federal funds available for the project. Projects selected for funding shall meet all of the following criteria:
(a) Except for projects described in subdivision (d)(iv), the project shall be under construction or let for bid no later than September 5, 2008.
(b) The applicant shall have identified all of the necessary funding to complete the project.
(c) The project shall be for the opening, widening, improving, construction, or reconstruction of a federal aid eligible road or street, including the work incidental to that opening, widening, improving, construction, or reconstruction.
(d) The project shall be 1 or more of the following:
(i) Projects that are the subject of a federal appropriation in the safe, accountable, flexible, efficient transportation equity act, a legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law 109-59, or the transportation equity act for the 21st century, Public Law 105-178, and have been designated as high priority road and bridge projects and that can be let for bid no later than April 4, 2008.
(ii) Projects that are not the subject of a federal appropriation in the safe, accountable, flexible, efficient transportation equity act, a legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law 109-59, or the transportation equity act for the 21st century, Public Law 105-178, that have received earmarks in the federal budget and that can be let for bid no later than April 4, 2008.
(iii) Projects that are for federal aid eligible roads and that are scheduled to be under construction or let for bid during the fiscal year that begins October 1, 2008 or a later fiscal year and that can be advanced to the fiscal year that begins October 1, 2007 and can be let for bid no later than September 5, 2008.
(iv) Projects that are the subject of a federal appropriation in the safe, accountable, flexible, efficient transportation equity act, a legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law 109-59, or the transportation equity act for the 21st century, Public Law 105-178, and have been designated as high priority road and bridge projects from the following list as determined by the department:
(A) Romeo Plank, construction of 5 lane concrete pavement with curb, gutter, and sewer on Romeo Plank Road from M-59 to 23 Mile Road in Macomb Township.
(B) Finkbeiner Road, construct improvements to Crane & Finkbeiner Road from Patterson Road to Whitneyville Road in Barry County, and new bridge over Thornapple River.
(C) CR 492, Marquette County, realignment of 3200 feet of County Road 492 from U.S. 41 north to County Road HD.
(D) H-58, Alger County, reconstruct, pave, and some realignment of H-58 from 2600 feet south of Little Beaver Lake Road to 4600 feet east of Hurricane River.
(E) Westland, Ann Arbor Trail between Farmington and Inkster, Warren/Newburgh intersection, reconstruction.
(F) Port Huron, NAFTA corridor congestion mitigation project, grade separation, integrated highway realignment at Port Huron, Michigan to eliminate road blockages from NAFTA rail traffic.
(G) Muskegon County, City of Muskegon: study and implement transportation system alternatives in the vicinity of U.S. 31/M 46. Quarterline Rd, Laketon to McArthur, US-31/M-46 vicinity. Transportation system improvements on Quarterline Road from Laketon Avenue to Stebbins Road. Project description; right-of-way acquisition, road relocation, road reconstruction/resurfacing and signal improvements.
(2) Except for projects described in subsection (1)(d)(iv), all bond proceeds not used to fund grants awarded by September 5, 2008 are appropriated for the purposes described in section 11(1)(f).
(3) Beginning February 1, 2007, the department shall submit a written report to the legislature by each February 1 containing all of the following information:
(a) The balance contained in the program.
(b) A list of all projects currently funded under the program.
(c) A list of all federal high priority projects eligible for funding under the program.
(d) A list of pending requests for funding under the program, if any.
(4) The department shall submit a written report to the legislature no later than 30 days after the program has expended $40,000,000.00. The report shall contain all of the following:
(a) A list of all projects currently funded under the program.
(b) A list of federal high priority projects eligible to receive funding from the program.
(c) A list of pending requests for funding under the program, if any.
(5) The department shall provide additional criteria if necessary for selecting the remaining projects to be funded in a fiscal year no later than 30 days after the report required under subsection (4) is issued. In determining the additional criteria to apply to the remaining funds, the department shall consult with interested local road agencies, the Michigan municipal league, and the county road association of Michigan and shall utilize any recommendations made on additional criteria by these entities unless the department determines that the additional criteria are inequitable or impractical. If the additional criteria are deemed inequitable or impractical, the department is directed to work with the interested parties to develop equitable and practical criteria. The department shall apply those criteria that most equitably distribute the remaining funds considering the geographic location of the funded projects. In applying criteria, the department shall take into account the needs of highway, road, and street systems and an equitable allocation of available funds considering the geographic location of the funded project.
History: Add. 2006, Act 140, Imd. Eff. May 22, 2006 ;-- Am. 2007, Act 27, Imd. Eff. June 28, 2007 ;-- Am. 2008, Act 73, Imd. Eff. Apr. 7, 2008 Popular Name: McNitt ActPopular Name: Michigan Transportation Fund Act
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 51 of 1951 - State Trunk Line Highway System (247.651 - 247.675)
Section 247.651c - Cost of Opening, Widening, and Improving State Trunk Line Highways.
Section 247.651f - State Trunk Lines; Cancellation of Municipal Obligations; Assumption by State.
Section 247.651g - Pavement Management System.
Section 247.651i - Demonstration Projects.
Section 247.653 - Tentative System of County Primary Roads; Roads Included or Deleted.
Section 247.655a - Seasonal County Road System.
Section 247.656 - Tentative System of Streets; Selection and Certification; Approval.
Section 247.657 - Tentative System of Streets; Included or Deleted.
Section 247.658 - Tentative System of Streets; Streets Not Included, Certification and Approval.
Section 247.659 - Tentative System of Streets; Official Name; Establishment and Certification.
Section 247.659d - "Port Facility" Definition.
Section 247.660b - Comprehensive Transportation Fund.
Section 247.660c - Definitions.
Section 247.660d - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution.
Section 247.660f - Repealed. 1982, Act 438, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 247.660i - Repealed. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978.
Section 247.660n - Comprehensive Transportation Fund; Distribution of Funds; Notes.
Section 247.660s - Maritime and Port Facility Assistance Office; Responsibilities and Duties.
Section 247.661a - Use of Agricultural Additives Pilot Program; Report to Legislature.
Section 247.661b - Repealed. 2004, Act 384, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004.
Section 247.661d - Report to Legislature on Changes in Department's Accounting System.
Section 247.661f - Funds Received Under Local Federal Match Program; Projects; Submission; Grant Awards; Criteria; Unused Bond Proceeds; Reports; Distribution of Remaining Funds; Additional Criteria.
Section 247.661h - Local Agency Wetland Mitigation Board Fund; Advisory Board; Duties.
Section 247.662a - Snow Removal; Distribution of Amount Returned to County Road Commission.
Section 247.662b - County Urban System; Distribution of Amounts Returned; Urban Area Boundaries.
Section 247.664a - Expenditures to Pay Cost of Drain Assessments; Rules.
Section 247.665a - Intergovernmental Highway Corridor Planning Preservation Committees.
Section 247.665b - Mowing Right-of-Way of Public Road.
Section 247.666 - Forfeiture of Funds.
Section 247.667 - Certifications Required; Warrants; Checks; Mandamus; Report.
Section 247.667a - Office of Audit; Creation; Head; Duties, Functions, and Responsibilities.
Section 247.668 - Repealed. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957.
Section 247.668b - State Transportation Commission; Bonds and Notes.
Section 247.668c - Counties; Bonds.
Section 247.668f - Approval of Construction; Sale Price of Bonds.
Section 247.668g - Bonds; Protection of Outstanding Bonds.
Section 247.668h - Bonds; Negotiability; Payment, Exemption From Taxation.
Section 247.668i - Cumulative Authority of Act.
Section 247.668k - List of Projects for Which Notes or Bonds to Be Issued.
Section 247.668l - Borrowing Money and Issuing Notes or Bonds in Anticipation of Federal Funds.
Section 247.668m - Borrowing From a State Infrastructure Bank Program.
Section 247.669 - Roads, Streets, and Alleys Taken Over as County Roads.
Section 247.670a - Contract for Preservation of County Local Road System Within Township.
Section 247.672 - Effective Date of Act.
Section 247.673 - Effective Upon Passage of Certain Act.
Section 247.674 - Refunding Bonds or Advance Refunding Bonds.