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Act 227 of 1963 - Emergency Interim Judicial Succession Act (691.971 - 691.977)
Section 691.971 - Emergency Interim Judicial Succession Act; Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.972 - Emergency Interim Judicial Succession Act; Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Unavailable" means...
Section 691.973 - Judges; Unavailability; Special Emergency Judges, Designations, Duration of Service. - Sec. 3. (1) If any judge of any court is...
Section 691.974 - Special Emergency Judges; Oath. - Sec. 4. At the time of their designation special emergency...
Section 691.975 - Special Emergency Judges; Powers and Duties; Termination of Authority by Legislature. - Sec. 5. Those authorized to act as special emergency judges...
Section 691.976 - Special Emergency Judges; Removal or Replacement. - Sec. 6. Until such time as the persons designated as...
Section 691.977 - Questions of Fact; Adjudication. - Sec. 7. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising...
Act 165 of 1966 - Void Construction Contracts (691.991 - 691.991)
Section 691.991 - Building Construction or Design; Certain Provisions for Indemnification Void; Contractor Defined; "Public Entity" Defined; Application of MCL 691.1401 to 691.1419. - Sec. 1. (1) In a contract for the design, construction,...
Act 161 of 1969 - Actions Involving Elections (691.1031 - 691.1032)
Section 691.1031 - Actions Involving Elections; Filing, Laches. - Sec. 1. In all civil actions brought in any circuit...
Section 691.1032 - Actions Involving Elections; Exceptions. - Sec. 2. This act shall not apply to actions based...
Act 247 of 1963 - Publication of Notices in Newspapers (691.1051 - 691.1051)
Section 691.1051 - Newspaper; Definition; Publication of Notices; Duties of Newspaper Operator. - Sec. 1. (1) As used in any statute of this...
Act 52 of 1963 (2nd Ex. Sess.) - Supreme Court Justices (691.1061 - 691.1064)
Section 691.1061 - Supreme Court Justices; Extension of Term of Office. - Sec. 1. The terms of office of the justices of...
Section 691.1062 - Retirement Act. - Sec. 2. For the purpose of the retirement act, this...
Section 691.1063, 691.1064 - Repealed. 1980, Act 180, Imd. Eff. July 2, 1980. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to the first general...
Act 105 of 1964 - Reproduction of Public Records (691.1101 - 691.1103)
Section 691.1101 - Destruction or Disposal of Certain Records. - Sec. 1. If a department, commission, board, or officer of...
Section 691.1102 - Register of Deeds; Reproductions; Duplication; Storage; Display. - Sec. 2. The register of deeds of a county, if...
Section 691.1103 - Reproductions; Admissibility in Evidence. - Sec. 3. A reproduction of a record in a medium...
Act 106 of 1964 - Reproduction of Public Records (691.1111 - 691.1115)
Section 691.1111 - Recording, Copying, Recopying, or Replacing Filed or Recorded Documents. - Sec. 1. If an officer of a county or city...
Section 691.1112 - Public Records; Copy or Replacement; Certification. - Sec. 2. If an original document, plat, paper, written instrument,...
Section 691.1113 - Public Records; Correction, Alteration and Indorsement; Procedure. - Sec. 3. When any record or replacement thereof in the...
Section 691.1114 - Transcripts. - Sec. 4. Transcripts or certified copies of such copies, records,...
Section 691.1115 - Reproduction; Admissibility in Evidence. - Sec. 5. A reproduction in a medium pursuant to the...
Act 20 of 2008 - Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act (691.1131 - 691.1143)
Section 691.1131 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1132 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Foreign country"...
Section 691.1133 - Applicability of Act; Scope. - Sec. 3. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 691.1134 - Foreign-Country Judgment; Recognition by Court; Burden for Establishing Ground for Nonrecognition. - Sec. 4. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (2)...
Section 691.1135 - Lack of Personal Jurisdiction; Refusal of Recognition Prohibited; Conditions; Bases. - Sec. 5. (1) A foreign-country judgment shall not be refused...
Section 691.1136 - Recognition of Foreign-Country Judgment; Raising Action as Original Matter; Raising Action by Counterclaim, Cross-Claim, or Affirmative Defense. - Sec. 6. (1) If recognition of a foreign-country judgment is...
Section 691.1137 - Foreign-Country Judgment; Findings. - Sec. 7. If the court in a proceeding under section...
Section 691.1138 - Appeal; Stay of Proceedings. - Sec. 8. If a party establishes that an appeal from...
Section 691.1139 - Recognition of Foreign-Country Judgment; Commencement of Action. - Sec. 9. An action to recognize a foreign-country judgment shall...
Section 691.1140 - Applicability and Construction of Act; Promotion of Uniformity of Law. - Sec. 10. In applying and construing this uniform act, a...
Section 691.1141 - Recognition of Foreign-Country Judgment Under Principles of Comity. - Sec. 11. This act does not prevent the recognition under...
Section 691.1142 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 12. This act applies to all actions commenced on...
Section 691.1143 - Repeal of MCL 691.1151 to 691.1159. - Sec. 13. The uniform foreign money-judgments recognition act, 1967 PA...
Act 502 of 1996 - Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (691.1171 - 691.1179)
Section 691.1171 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1172 - “Foreign Judgment” Defined. - Sec. 2. As used in this act, "foreign judgment" means...
Section 691.1173 - Foreign Judgment; Filing; Effect. - Sec. 3. A copy of a foreign judgment authenticated in...
Section 691.1174 - Foreign Judgment; Filing; Affidavit; Fee; Notice of Filing; Enforcement. - Sec. 4. (1) At the time of the filing of...
Section 691.1175 - Foreign Judgment; Stay of Enforcement. - Sec. 5. (1) If the judgment debtor shows the circuit...
Section 691.1176 - Post Judgment Interest. - Sec. 6. Post judgment interest will be awarded in accordance...
Section 691.1177 - Enforcement Action by Judgment Creditor. - Sec. 7. A judgment creditor may bring an action to...
Section 691.1178 - Interpretation and Construction of Act. - Sec. 8. This act shall be so interpreted and construed...
Section 691.1179 - Effective Date. - Sec. 9. This act shall take effect June 1, 1997....
Act 296 of 2006 - Revised Structured Settlement Protection Act (691.1301 - 691.1310)
Section 691.1301 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1302 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Annuity issuer"...
Section 691.1303 - Separate Disclosure Statement to Be Provided by Transferee; Type; Contents. - Sec. 3. Not less than 3 days before the date...
Section 691.1304 - Transfer of Structured Settlement Payment Rights; Final Court Order; Approval; Basis; Findings. - Sec. 4. A direct or indirect transfer of structured settlement...
Section 691.1305 - Transfer of Structured Settlement Payment Rights; Effects. - Sec. 5. A transfer of structured settlement payment rights under...
Section 691.1306 - Transfer of Structured Settlement Payment Rights; Application for Approval; Court Jurisdiction; Notice of Proposed Transfer. - Sec. 6. (1) The transferee may apply for approval of...
Section 691.1307 - Waiver Prohibited; Scope and Effect of Act; Failure to Comply With Act. - Sec. 7. (1) A payee shall not waive a provision...
Section 691.1308 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 8. This act applies to a transfer of structured...
Section 691.1309 - Repeal of MCL 691.1191 to 691.1197. - Sec. 9. The structured settlement protection act, 2000 PA 330,...
Section 691.1310 - Effective Date. - Sec. 10. This act takes effect September 1, 2006. History:...
Act 159 of 2014 - Uniform Collaborative Law Act (691.1331 - 691.1354)
Section 691.1331 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1332 - Definitions. - Sec 2. As used in this act: (a) "Collaborative law...
Section 691.1333 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 3. This act applies to a collaborative law participation...
Section 691.1334 - Collaborative Law Participation Agreement; Requirements. - Sec. 4. (1) A collaborative law participation agreement must satisfy...
Section 691.1335 - Beginning and Concluding Collaborative Law Process. - Sec. 5. (1) A collaborative law process begins when the...
Section 691.1336 - Proceeding Pending Before Tribunal; Status Report. - Sec. 6. (1) Persons in a proceeding pending before a...
Section 691.1337 - Emergency Orders. - Sec. 7. During a collaborative law process, a tribunal may...
Section 691.1338 - Approval of Agreement by Tribunal. - Sec. 8. A tribunal may approve an agreement resulting from...
Section 691.1339 - Disqualification of Collaborative Lawyer in Associated Law Firm. - Sec. 9. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),...
Section 691.1340 - Representation of Party With or Without Fee. - Sec. 10. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to...
Section 691.1341 - Governmental Entity as Party. - Sec. 11. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to...
Section 691.1342 - Disclosure of Information. - Sec. 12. Except as provided by law other than this...
Section 691.1343 - Standards of Professional Responsibility and Mandatory Reporting Not Affected. - Sec. 13. This act does not affect either of the...
Section 691.1344 - Prospective Collaborative Lawyer; Duties. - Sec. 14. Before a prospective party signs a collaborative law...
Section 691.1345 - Coercive or Violent Relationship. - Sec. 15. (1) Before a prospective party signs a collaborative...
Section 691.1346 - Confidentiality of Collaborative Law Communication. - Sec. 16. A collaborative law communication is confidential to the...
Section 691.1347 - Privilege Against Disclosure for Collaborative Law Communication; Admissibility; Discovery. - Sec. 17. (1) Subject to sections 18 and 19, a...
Section 691.1348 - Waiver and Preclusion of Privilege. - Sec. 18. (1) A privilege under section 17 may be...
Section 691.1349 - Limits of Privilege. - Sec. 19. (1) There is no privilege under section 17...
Section 691.1350 - Authority of Tribunal in Case of Noncompliance. - Sec. 20. (1) If an agreement fails to meet the...
Section 691.1351 - Application and Construction of Act. - Sec. 21. In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration...
Section 691.1352 - Federal Electronic Signatures. - Sec. 22. This act modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal...
Section 691.1354 - Effective Date. - Sec. 24. This act takes effect 180 days after it...
Act 170 of 1964 - Governmental Liability for Negligence (691.1401 - 691.1419)
Section 691.1401 - Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Governmental agency"...
Section 691.1402 - Repairing and Maintaining Highways; Damages for Bodily Injury or Damage to Property; Liability, Procedure, and Remedy as to County Roads; Judgment Against State; Payment of Judgment; Liability of Municipal Corporation; Effect of Co... - Sec. 2. (1) Each governmental agency having jurisdiction over a...
Section 691.1402a - Municipal Corporation; Maintenance of Sidewalk; Liability; Presumption; Additional Defense; Limitation. - Sec. 2a. (1) A municipal corporation in which a sidewalk...
Section 691.1403 - Defective Highways; Knowledge of Defect, Repair. - Sec. 3. No governmental agency is liable for injuries or...
Section 691.1404 - Notice of Injury and Defect in Highway. - Sec. 4. (1) As a condition to any recovery for...
Section 691.1405 - Government Owned Vehicles; Liability for Negligent Operation. - Sec. 5. Governmental agencies shall be liable for bodily injury...
Section 691.1406 - Public Buildings; Dangerous Condition; Liability; Notice, Contents, Service. - Sec. 6. Governmental agencies have the obligation to repair and...
Section 691.1406a - Subrogation. - Sec. 6a. A governmental agency against whom judgment has been...
Section 691.1407 - Immunity From Tort Liability; Intentional Torts; Immunity of Judge, Legislator, Official, and Guardian Ad Litem; Immunity of Governmental Agency Under Miss Dig Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act; Definitions. - Sec. 7. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 691.1407a - Repealed. 1999, Act 241, Eff. Jan. 1, 2003. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to immunity of political...
Section 691.1407b - Repealed. 1999, Act 242, Eff. Jan. 1, 2003. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to immunity of municipal...
Section 691.1407c - Donated Fire Control or Rescue Equipment; Liability; Testing, Repair, or Maintenance; Rights of Employee or Volunteer Under MCL 418.101 to 418.941; "Organized Fire Department" Defined. - Sec. 7c. (1) A municipal corporation, organized fire department, or...
Section 691.1408 - Claim or Civil Action Against Officer or Employee of Governmental Agency for Injuries Caused by Negligence; Services of Attorney; Payment of Claim; Judgment for Damages; Indemnification; Payment or Settlement of Judgment; Criminal... - Sec. 8. (1) If a claim is made or a...
Section 691.1409 - Liability Insurance; Waiver of Defense. - Sec. 9. (1) A governmental agency may purchase liability insurance...
Section 691.1410 - Claims Against State, Political Subdivision, or Municipal Corporation; Procedure. - Sec. 10. (1) Claims against the state authorized under this...
Section 691.1411 - Claim Against Government Agency; Limitation of Actions. - Sec. 11. (1) Every claim against any governmental agency shall...
Section 691.1412 - Claims Under Act; Defenses Available. - Sec. 12. Claims under this act are subject to all...
Section 691.1413 - Damage Arising Out of Performance of Proprietary Function. - Sec. 13. The immunity of the governmental agency shall not...
Section 691.1414 - Repeal. - Sec. 14. Chapter 22 of Act No. 283 of the...
Section 691.1415 - Effective Date of Act. - Sec. 15. This act shall take effect July 1, 1965....
Section 691.1416 - Definitions. - Sec. 16. As used in this section and sections 17...
Section 691.1417 - Damages or Physical Injuries Caused by Sewage Disposal System Event; Compliance of Claimant and Governmental Agency With Relief Provisions. - Sec. 17. (1) To afford property owners, individuals, and governmental...
Section 691.1418 - Economic Damages; Grounds for Noneconomic Damages; Available Defenses. - Sec. 18. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), economic...
Section 691.1419 - Notice of Claim; Requirements. - ***** 691.1419 THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY TO NONECONOMIC DAMAGES...
Act 236 of 2020 - Covid-19 Response and Reopening Liability Assurance Act (691.1451 - 691.1460)
Section 691.1451 - Short Title. - ***** 691.1451 This section applies retroactively to any claim or...
Section 691.1452 - Definitions. - ***** 691.1452 This section applies retroactively to any claim or...
Section 691.1455 - Immunity for Covid-19 Claim. - ***** 691.1455 This section applies retroactively to any claim or...
Section 691.1458 - Effect of Act. - ***** 691.1458 This section applies retroactively to any claim or...
Section 691.1459 - Severability. - ***** 691.1459 This section applies retroactively to any claim or...
Section 691.1460 - Retroactive Effective Date; Application of Act. - ***** 691.1460 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 139 OF...
Act 240 of 2020 - Pandemic Health Care Immunity Act (691.1471 - 691.1477)
Section 691.1471 - Short Title. - ***** 691.1471 This section applies retroactively on or after March...
Section 691.1473 - Definitions. - ***** 691.1473 This section applies retroactively on or after March...
Section 691.1475 - Health Care Provider or Health Care Facility; Immunity for Health Care Services in Response to Covid-19 Pandemic. - ***** 691.1475 This section applies retroactively on or after March...
Section 691.1476 - Inapplicable to Claims Under the Worker's Disability Compensation Act of 1969. - ***** 691.1476 This section applies retroactively on or after March...
Section 691.1477 - Retroactive Applicability. - Sec. 7. The liability protection provided by this act applies...
Act 17 of 1963 - Liability of Certain Persons for Emergency Care (691.1501 - 691.1507)
Section 691.1501 - Physician, Physician's Assistant, Nurse, or Ems Provider Rendering Emergency Care; Determining Fitness to Engage in Competitive Sports; Liability for Acts or Omissions; Definitions. - Sec. 1. (1) A physician, physician's assistant, registered professional nurse,...
Section 691.1502 - Emergency Care; Exemption From Civil Liability; Exception; Staffing Hospital Emergency Facilities. - Sec. 2. (1) If the individual's actual hospital duty does...
Section 691.1503 - Administration of Opioid Antagonist; Liability; Definitions. - Sec. 3. (1) An individual who in good faith believes...
Section 691.1504 - Rendering of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Applicability of Subsection (1) to Civil Actions; Use of Automated External Defibrillator; Applicability of Subsections (3) and (4). - Sec. 4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an individual who...
Section 691.1505 - Liability of Block Parent Volunteer; Definitions. - Sec. 5. (1) A block parent volunteer who in good...
Section 691.1507 - Member of National Ski Patrol System Rendering Emergency Care; Liability for Acts or Omissions. - Sec. 7. A person who is a registered member of...
Act 448 of 1978 - Immunity of Restaurant Owners and Employees (691.1521 - 691.1522)
Section 691.1521 - “Restaurant” Defined. - Sec. 1. As used in this act, "restaurant" means a...
Section 691.1522 - Removal of Food Lodged in Throat; Liability of Employee or Owner of Restaurant. - Sec. 2. A restaurant or an employee or owner of...
Act 269 of 1989 - Sport Shooting Ranges (691.1541 - 691.1544)
Section 691.1541 - Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Generally accepted...
Section 691.1542 - Sport Shooting Ranges; Civil Liability or Criminal Prosecution; State Rules or Regulations. - Sec. 2. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and...
Section 691.1542a - Continuation of Preexisting Sport Shooting Ranges. - Sec. 2a. (1) A sport shooting range that is operated...
Section 691.1543 - Local Regulation. - Sec. 3. Except as otherwise provided in this act, this...
Section 691.1544 - Acceptance of Risk. - Sec. 4. Each person who participates in sport shooting at...
Act 260 of 1988 - Community Dispute Resolution Act (691.1551 - 691.1564)
Section 691.1551 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1552 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Administrative expenses"...
Section 691.1553 - Community Dispute Resolution Program; Creation; Purpose. - Sec. 3. The community dispute resolution program is created to...
Section 691.1554 - Community Dispute Resolution Fund; Creation; Purpose; Administration. - Sec. 4. The program shall be funded by the community...
Section 691.1555 - Revenues, Funds, and Interest Credited to Fund. - Sec. 5. (1) The department of treasury shall credit to...
Section 691.1556 - Participation in Dispute Resolution Process. - Sec. 6. (1) Participation in the dispute resolution process shall...
Section 691.1556a - Agreement; Enforcement. - Sec. 6a. If the parties involved in a dispute resolution...
Section 691.1556b - Repealed. 1993, Act 286, Eff. Jan. 1, 1996. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to pilot projects.
Section 691.1557 - Confidentiality. - Sec. 7. (1) The work product and case files of...
Section 691.1557a - Civil Liability. - Sec. 7a. A mediator of a community dispute resolution center...
Section 691.1558 - Administration of Program. - Sec. 8. This program shall be administered through community dispute...
Section 691.1559 - Eligibility of Grant Recipient for Funding. - Sec. 9. To be eligible for funding, a grant recipient...
Section 691.1560 - Selection of Grant Recipients; Contents of Grant Applications Submitted for Funding; Allocations; Matching Amount; “Civil Filing Fee Fund” Defined. - Sec. 10. (1) Grant recipients shall be selected from applications...
Section 691.1561 - Fiscal Affairs of Grant Recipient; Inspection, Examination, and Audit. - Sec. 11. The state court administrator or other authorized state...
Section 691.1562 - Providing Statistical Data Annually to State Court Administrator; Annual Report. - Sec. 12. Each grant recipient shall annually provide to the...
Section 691.1563 - Effective Date. - Sec. 13. This act shall take effect upon the expiration...
Section 691.1564 - Conditional Effective Date. - Sec. 14. This act shall not take effect unless Senate...
Act 136 of 1993 - Immunity of Food Donors From Civil Liability (691.1571 - 691.1574)
Section 691.1571 - Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Canned food"...
Section 691.1572 - Perishable or Prepared Food Donations to Nonprofit Corporation or Charitable Organizations; Civil Liability; Exceptions to Immunity. - Sec. 2. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), on...
Section 691.1573 - Inspection of Food by Nonprofit or Charitable Organization; Civil Liability; Exceptions to Immunity. - Sec. 3. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), on...
Section 691.1574 - Repeal of Act. - Sec. 4. Act No. 339 of the Public Acts of...
Act 221 of 2011 - Bowling Center Act (691.1581 - 691.1585)
Section 691.1581 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1582 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Bowler" means...
Section 691.1583 - Notice; Posting; Contents. - Sec. 3. An operator shall post a conspicuous notice in...
Section 691.1584 - Slip, Trip, Stumble, or Fall Caused From Bowler's Bowling Shoes; Liability. - Sec. 4. (1) If an operator posts a notice as...
Section 691.1585 - Applicability of Act to Actions Accruing on or After January 1, 2012. - Sec. 5. This act applies only to a cause of...
Act 27 of 1994 - Drug Dealer Liability Act (691.1601 - 691.1619)
Section 691.1601 - Short Title; Purpose of Act. - Sec. 1. (1) This act shall be known and may...
Section 691.1602 - Meanings of Words and Phrases. - Sec. 2. For the purposes of this act, the words...
Section 691.1603 - Definitions; C to L. - Sec. 3. (1) "Controlled substance" means that term as defined...
Section 691.1604 - Definitions; M to S. - Sec. 4. (1) "Market area" means the area in which...
Section 691.1605 - Action Against Participant in Illegal Marketing of Controlled Substances; Person Injured by Individual Abuser; Presumption. - Sec. 5. (1) A person injured by an individual abuser...
Section 691.1606 - Action Against Participant in Illegal Marketing of Controlled Substance; Recovery of Damages by Individual Abuser; Conditions. - Sec. 6. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an individual abuser...
Section 691.1607 - Action Against Participant in Illegal Marketing of Market Area Controlled Substance; Person Injured by Individual Abuser; Burden of Proof; Presumption. - Sec. 7. (1) Other than an individual abuser, a person...
Section 691.1608 - Proof of Participation in Illegal Marketing of Market Area Controlled Substance; “Market Area” Explained. - Sec. 8. (1) A plaintiff under section 7 may prove...
Section 691.1609 - Participation in Illegal Marketing of Controlled Substance; Presumptions. - Sec. 9. (1) If a defendant under this act has...
Section 691.1610 - Recovery of Damages, Attorney Fees, and Costs; Payment by Third Party. - Sec. 10. (1) A person other than an individual abuser...
Section 691.1611 - Writ of Attachment; Affidavit; Hearing; Eligibility to Exempt Property; Judgment Not Subject to Discharge Under Bankruptcy Law; Use of Seized Asset to Satisfy Judgment. - Sec. 11. (1) After commencing an action under this act...
Section 691.1612 - Cause of Action; Accrual; Tolling of Statute of Limitations. - Sec. 12. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a...
Section 691.1613 - Representation by Prosecuting Attorney; Stay of Action; Actions Against Law Enforcement Officer, Agency, or Certain Persons Prohibited. - Sec. 13. (1) A prosecuting attorney may represent the state...
Section 691.1619 - Effective Date; Applicability of Act to Action Arising on and After April 1, 1994; Other Actions Not Precluded. - Sec. 19. This act shall take effect April 1, 1994....
Act 590 of 2012 - Social Services Agency Liability Act (691.1631 - 691.1637)
Section 691.1631 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1633 - Definitions. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Child social...
Section 691.1635 - Immunity of Social Services Agency and Its Director, Member, Officer, Employee, or Agent; Exception. - Sec. 5. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), a...
Section 691.1637 - Presumption That Action Within Scope of Authority. - Sec. 7. In a civil action for damages resulting from...
Act 351 of 1994 - Equine Activity Liability Act (691.1661 - 691.1667)
Section 691.1661 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1662 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Engage in...
Section 691.1663 - Injury, Death, or Property Damage; Liability. - Sec. 3. Except as otherwise provided in section 5, an...
Section 691.1664 - Liability; Exception; Waiver. - Sec. 4. (1) This act does not apply to a...
Section 691.1665 - Liability Not Prevented or Limited; Conditions. - Sec. 5. Section 3 does not prevent or limit the...
Section 691.1666 - Notice; Posting and Maintenance of Signs; Contract; Contents of Notice. - Sec. 6. (1) An equine professional shall post and maintain...
Section 691.1667 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 7. This act applies only to a cause of...
Act 85 of 2022 - Opioid Liability Litigation Act (691.1671 - 691.1673)
Section 691.1671 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act may be cited as the "opioid...
Section 691.1672 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Distributor settlement"...
Section 691.1673 - Prohibition on Civil Actions Related to Certain Opioid Settlements. - Sec. 3. A political subdivision of this state shall not...
Act 371 of 2012 - Uniform Arbitration Act (691.1681 - 691.1713)
Section 691.1681 - Short Title; Definitions. - Sec. 1. (1) This act shall be known and may...
Section 691.1682 - Notice. - Sec. 2. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 691.1683 - Agreement to Arbitrate; When Act Applies. - Sec. 3. (1) On or after July 1, 2013, this...
Section 691.1684 - Effect of Agreement to Arbitrate; Nonwaivable Provisions. - Sec. 4. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (2)...
Section 691.1685 - Request for Judicial Relief. - Sec. 5. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 28,...
Section 691.1686 - Validity of Agreement to Arbitrate. - Sec. 6. (1) An agreement contained in a record to...
Section 691.1687 - Order to Compel or Stay Arbitration. - Sec. 7. (1) On motion of a person showing an...
Section 691.1688 - Provisional Remedies. - Sec. 8. (1) Before an arbitrator is appointed and is...
Section 691.1689 - Initiation of Arbitration. - Sec. 9. (1) A person initiates an arbitration proceeding by...
Section 691.1690 - Consolidation of Separate Arbitration Proceedings. - Sec. 10. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),...
Section 691.1691 - Appointment of Arbitrator; Service as Neutral Arbitrator. - Sec. 11. (1) If the parties to an agreement to...
Section 691.1692 - Disclosure by Arbitrator. - Sec. 12. (1) Before accepting appointment, an individual who is...
Section 691.1693 - Action by Majority. - Sec. 13. If there is more than 1 arbitrator, the...
Section 691.1694 - Immunity of Arbitrator; Competency to Testify; Attorney Fees and Costs. - Sec. 14. (1) An arbitrator or an arbitration organization acting...
Section 691.1695 - Arbitration Process. - Sec. 15. (1) An arbitrator may conduct an arbitration in...
Section 691.1696 - Representation by Lawyer. - Sec. 16. A party to an arbitration proceeding may be...
Section 691.1697 - Witnesses; Subpoenas; Depositions; Discovery. - Sec. 17. (1) An arbitrator may issue a subpoena for...
Section 691.1698 - Judicial Enforcement of Preaward of Ruling by Arbitrator. - Sec. 18. If an arbitrator makes a preaward ruling in...
Section 691.1699 - Award. - Sec. 19. (1) An arbitrator shall make a record of...
Section 691.1700 - Modification or Correction of Award by Arbitrator. - Sec. 20. (1) On motion to an arbitrator by a...
Section 691.1701 - Remedies; Fees and Expenses of Arbitration Proceeding. - Sec. 21. (1) An arbitrator may award punitive damages or...
Section 691.1702 - Confirmation of Award. - Sec. 22. After a party to an arbitration proceeding receives...
Section 691.1703 - Vacating Award. - Sec. 23. (1) On motion to the court by a...
Section 691.1704 - Modification or Correction of Award. - Sec. 24. (1) On motion made within 90 days after...
Section 691.1705 - Judgment on Award; Attorney Fees and Litigation. - Sec. 25. (1) On granting an order confirming, vacating without...
Section 691.1706 - Jurisdiction. - Sec. 26. (1) A court of this state that has...
Section 691.1707 - Venue. - Sec. 27. A motion under section 5 shall be made...
Section 691.1708 - Appeals. - Sec. 28. (1) An appeal may be taken from any...
Section 691.1709 - Uniformity of Application and Construction. - Sec. 29. In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration...
Section 691.1710 - Relationship to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. - Sec. 30. The provisions of this act that govern the...
Section 691.1711 - Effective Date. - Sec. 31. This act takes effect on July 1, 2013....
Section 691.1713 - Savings Clause. - Sec. 33. This act does not affect an action or...
Act 11 of 2014 - Trampoline Court Safety Act (691.1731 - 691.1738)
Section 691.1731 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1732 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Institutional trampoline"...
Section 691.1733 - Operator; Duties. - Sec. 3. An operator shall do all of the following:...
Section 691.1734 - Operator; Additional Duties. - Sec. 4. An operator shall do both of the following:...
Section 691.1735 - Trampoliner; Duties. - Sec. 5. While in a trampoline court, a trampoliner shall...
Section 691.1736 - Acceptance of Dangers. - Sec. 6. An individual who participates in trampolining accepts the...
Section 691.1737 - Violation; Liability. - Sec. 7. A trampoliner, spectator, or operator who violates this...
Section 691.1738 - Exceptions. - Sec. 8. This act does not apply to a person...
Act 343 of 2016 - Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act (691.1751 - 691.1757)
Section 691.1751 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1752 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Charges" means...
Section 691.1753 - Wrongful Conviction and Imprisonment; Action for Compensation Against State. - Sec. 3. An individual convicted under the law of this...
Section 691.1754 - Complaint; Documentation; Verification by Plaintiff; Service; Notice to Victim of Assaultive Crime or Serious Misdemeanor; Discovery. - Sec. 4. (1) In an action under this act, the...
Section 691.1755 - Judgment in Plaintiff's Favor; Findings; Award of Compensation; Payments; Evidence in Civil Action; Acceptance; Compromise or Settlement of Claim; Writing; Offset; Award as Subject to Income Taxes; Payment of Child Support Owed by... - Sec. 5. (1) In an action under this act, the...
Section 691.1756 - Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Fund; Report. - Sec. 6. (1) The wrongful imprisonment compensation fund is created...
Section 691.1757 - Action for Compensation; Commencement. - Sec. 7. (1) An action for compensation under this act...