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Section 691.1331 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 691.1332 - Definitions. - Sec 2. As used in this act: (a) "Collaborative law...
Section 691.1333 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 3. This act applies to a collaborative law participation...
Section 691.1334 - Collaborative Law Participation Agreement; Requirements. - Sec. 4. (1) A collaborative law participation agreement must satisfy...
Section 691.1335 - Beginning and Concluding Collaborative Law Process. - Sec. 5. (1) A collaborative law process begins when the...
Section 691.1336 - Proceeding Pending Before Tribunal; Status Report. - Sec. 6. (1) Persons in a proceeding pending before a...
Section 691.1337 - Emergency Orders. - Sec. 7. During a collaborative law process, a tribunal may...
Section 691.1338 - Approval of Agreement by Tribunal. - Sec. 8. A tribunal may approve an agreement resulting from...
Section 691.1339 - Disqualification of Collaborative Lawyer in Associated Law Firm. - Sec. 9. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),...
Section 691.1340 - Representation of Party With or Without Fee. - Sec. 10. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to...
Section 691.1341 - Governmental Entity as Party. - Sec. 11. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to...
Section 691.1342 - Disclosure of Information. - Sec. 12. Except as provided by law other than this...
Section 691.1343 - Standards of Professional Responsibility and Mandatory Reporting Not Affected. - Sec. 13. This act does not affect either of the...
Section 691.1344 - Prospective Collaborative Lawyer; Duties. - Sec. 14. Before a prospective party signs a collaborative law...
Section 691.1345 - Coercive or Violent Relationship. - Sec. 15. (1) Before a prospective party signs a collaborative...
Section 691.1346 - Confidentiality of Collaborative Law Communication. - Sec. 16. A collaborative law communication is confidential to the...
Section 691.1347 - Privilege Against Disclosure for Collaborative Law Communication; Admissibility; Discovery. - Sec. 17. (1) Subject to sections 18 and 19, a...
Section 691.1348 - Waiver and Preclusion of Privilege. - Sec. 18. (1) A privilege under section 17 may be...
Section 691.1349 - Limits of Privilege. - Sec. 19. (1) There is no privilege under section 17...
Section 691.1350 - Authority of Tribunal in Case of Noncompliance. - Sec. 20. (1) If an agreement fails to meet the...
Section 691.1351 - Application and Construction of Act. - Sec. 21. In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration...
Section 691.1352 - Federal Electronic Signatures. - Sec. 22. This act modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal...
Section 691.1354 - Effective Date. - Sec. 24. This act takes effect 180 days after it...