Section 8C. (a) There shall be established a structurally deficient bridge improvement program coordination and oversight council. The council shall consist of a chair appointed by the governor, the secretary of administration and finance, the secretary of transportation, the secretary of energy and environmental affairs, the administrator of the division of highways of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, or their designees.
(b) the council shall coordinate and oversee the accelerated structurally deficient bridge improvement program including, without limitation:— (i) ensuring regular communication and coordination between the department of highways and the department of conservation and recreation as to their bridge development projects, programs and plans and any regulations or guidelines promulgated pursuant thereto; (ii) establishing and implementing project controls to ensure adequate tracking and reporting of program progress, cost and schedules; (iii) establishing an annual structurally deficient bridge improvement plan which shall include the number and location of bridges which shall be replaced or rehabilitated in the preceding year and the cost estimates of said replacement or rehabilitation; provided, however, that the council shall annually submit a report pursuant to this clause (iii) of subsection (b) not later than December 31st to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means, the chairs of the joint committee on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets and the chairs of the joint committee on transportation; (iv) directing appropriate agencies to provide technical assistance as necessary to accomplish the objectives of the structurally deficient bridge improvement program; (v) coordinating and resolving any inconsistencies between capital investments made pursuant to the bridge improvement program and capital improvements made pursuant to the commonwealth's capital plan; and (vi) establish criteria for project selection relative to funding from the structurally deficient bridge improvement program.
(c) The council shall annually, not later than December 31st, submit a report of its activities to the chairs and ranking members of the house and senate committees on ways and means, the chairs and ranking members of the joint committee on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets and the chairs and ranking members of the joint committee on transportation.
(d) The council shall meet at least quarterly. The secretary of executive office of transportation shall provide personnel necessary to coordinate the activities of the council and to provide administrative support to the council, as requested.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth
Chapter 6a - Executive Offices
Section 2 - Establishment of Executive Offices
Section 3 - Secretary; Appointment of Undersecretary
Section 4a - Performance Goals and Metrics; Strategies for Improvement
Section 5 - Access to Records, Copies of Documents, Information
Section 7 - Experts, Consultants, Assistants
Section 8a - Commission on Indian Affairs; Membership; Functions
Section 8c - Structurally Deficient Bridge Improvement Program Coordination and Oversight Council; Members; Powers and Duties; Annual Report; Frequency of Meetings
Section 14a - Executive Office of Education
Section 16 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Section 16b - Division of Medical Assistance
Section 16d - Managed Care Oversight Board; Advisory Committee
Section 16f - Support to Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families
Section 16g - Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
Section 16i - Housing and Economic Development Trust Fund
Section 16m - Masshealth Payment Policy Advisory Board; Composition; Powers and Duties; Staff
Section 16o - Health Disparities Council; Duties; Composition; Meetings; Annual Reports
Section 16s - Coordination of Purchase of Behavioral Health Services for Children
Section 16u - Network of Community-Based Services and Family Resource Centers
Section 16v - Bureau of Program Integrity; Members; Duties and Responsibilities
Section 16x - Contracts to Provide Housing and Support Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youths
Section 16z - Pulmonary Hypertension Task Force
Section 16aa - Office of Health Equity
Section 18 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Section 18 1/2 - Undersecretaries; Duties
Section 18 3/4 - Secretary of Public Safety; Functions
Section 18a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 18a to 18j
Section 18e - Civil Proceedings by Attorney General
Section 18g - Retention of 911 Recordings
Section 18i - Monitoring of Emergency 911 Communications
Section 18j - Multi-Line Telephone System Required to Provide Enhanced 911 Service; Exemptions
Section 18k - Construction of Secs. 18a to 18j
Section 18l - Silver Alert Community Response System
Section 18o - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Planning Committee
Section 18q - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Vote on Establishment
Section 18r - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Powers
Section 18x - Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tracking System