Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 6a - Executive Offices
Section 16 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Section 16. The executive office of health and human services shall serve as the principal agency of the executive department for the following purposes: (a) developing, coordinating, administering and managing the health, welfare and human services operations, policies and programs; (b) supervising and managing the organization and conduct of the business affairs of the departments, commissions, offices, boards, divisions, institutions and other entities within the executive office to improve administrative efficiency and program effectiveness and to preserve fiscal resources; (c) developing and implementing effective policies, regulations and programs to assure the coordination and quality of services provided by the secretary and all of the departments, agencies, commissions, offices, boards, and divisions; (d) acting as the single state agency under section 1902(a)(5) of the Social Security Act authorized to supervise and administer the state programs under title XIX, for the programs under titles IV (A), IV (B), IV (E), XX and XXI of the Social Security Act, and for the programs under the Rehabilitation Act; and (e) maximizing federal financial participation for all agencies, departments, offices, divisions and commissions within the executive office.
The executive office of health and human services shall include: (1) the department of elder affairs under the direction of a secretary of elder affairs, who shall be appointed by the governor; (2) the office of health services, which shall include the department of public health, the department of mental health, the division of medical assistance and the Betsy Lehman center for patient safety and medical error reduction; (3) the office of children, youth and family services, which shall include the department of children and families, the department of transitional assistance, the department of youth services, the child abuse prevention board and the office for refugees and immigrants; (4) the office of disabilities and community services, which shall include the department of developmental services, the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission, the Massachusetts commission for the blind and the Massachusetts commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; (5) the department of veterans' services under the direction of the secretary of veterans' services, who shall be appointed by the governor, which shall include the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts and the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke; (6) the managed care oversight board; (7) the health facilities appeals board; and (8) the office of health equity.
The governor shall appoint a secretary of health and human services, who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and shall act as the executive officer in all matters pertaining to the administration, management, operation, regulation, planning, fiscal and policy development functions and affairs of the departments, commissions, offices, boards, divisions and other agencies within the executive office.
The secretary shall have the authority to: (a) through the department of elder affairs and the division of medical assistance and other agencies within the executive office, as appropriate, operate and administer the programs of medical assistance and medical benefits under chapter 118E; provided, however, that the executive office under the direction of the secretary shall be the single state agency under section 1902(a)(5) of the Social Security Act, under Title XIX agency, for programs under titles IV(A), IV(B), IV(E), XX and XIX of the Social Security Act and for programs under the Rehabilitation Act; (b) establish certain rates of payment for health care services under section 13C of chapter 118E; (c) coordinate and supervise the administration of the executive office and its agencies to promote economy and efficiency and improve service delivery; (d) establish uniform regional and area boundaries for the agencies within the executive office; (e) establish uniform contracting and payment procedures for the executive office and its agencies; (f) develop and implement a management information system for the management of fiscal, client and program data necessary for the efficient administration of the agencies within the executive office; (g) pursuant to chapter 30A, make, amend and repeal rules and regulations for the management and administration of the executive office and agencies within the executive office, including regarding the sharing of data, including personal data, between and among the executive office and its agencies, subject to appropriate protections for the confidentiality of client data; (h) execute all instruments necessary for carrying out the business of the executive office and its agencies; (i) acquire, own, hold, dispose of, lease and encumber property in the name of the executive office and its agencies; (j) enter into agreements and transactions with federal, state and municipal agencies and other public institutions and private individuals, partnerships, firms, corporations, associations and other entities on behalf of the executive office or its agencies; (k) charge and collect fees, rentals and other charges as may be reasonable and necessary for carrying out the business of the executive office and its agencies; (1) apply for and accept funds, including grants, bequests, gifts and contributions on behalf of the commonwealth in accordance with section 6 of chapter 29B; and (m) serve as the executive and administrative head of each office, department, division, bureau, section, agency and other administrative unit within the executive office, except as specifically provided by law. The secretary may delegate any of the foregoing powers to an officer having charge of a department, office, division or other administrative unit within the executive office.
The secretary of health and human services may appoint an assistant secretary for each of the following offices: health services; disabilities and community services; and children, youth and family services. The assistant secretaries shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary and shall perform such duties as the secretary shall determine. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the secretary may appoint an individual to serve simultaneously as the commissioner of any agency within the executive office and as an assistant secretary for the offices of health services, disability and community services and children, youth and family services. If the secretary appoints an individual to serve simultaneously as a commissioner and assistant secretary, the individual shall only be compensated for service in 1 office.
The secretary may appoint, consistent with sections 3 and 7, whatever personnel he deems necessary or desirable for the effective performance of the executive office. Such personnel shall perform such duties as the secretary shall determine and serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, state agencies and direct and subcontracted providers of health-related services, including purchase-of-service providers financed from appropriation items for any state agency, shall maximize Title XIX and all other federal, state and private health insurance coverage available to offset costs to the commonwealth. The agencies or providers shall collect information from clients or from the parent or guardian of a minor receiving services necessary to determine the extent to which clients are eligible for medical assistance benefits under chapter 118E or are beneficiaries of any health insurance policy. The agencies or providers shall forward client information collected under this section to the executive office of health and human services and such data shall only be used to match against available databases for the purpose of identifying all sources of potential payment for health services or health insurance coverage. As required or permitted by federal law, the executive office of health and human services shall return the results of any such data matches to the originating agency or provider, which shall take the appropriate action to ensure that the costs to the commonwealth are minimized. Appropriate actions shall include, but not be limited to, the agency or provider billing or re-billing verified third-party sources of potential payment. The executive office of administration and finance may grant an agency or provider an exemption from this section for good cause. The executive office of health and human services and the operational services division shall review regulations, contracting forms, service delivery reports and uniform financial reporting requirements to determine what changes are necessary for the successful implementation of this section.
The secretary, in consultation with the interagency child welfare task force established by section 215 of chapter 6, the commissioner of children and families and the child advocate, shall assess the commonwealth's long-term, system-wide needs for the prevention and detection of child abuse and neglect and shall coordinate and integrate responses across the agencies within the executive office. The secretary shall identify existing and potential resources, structural strengths and weaknesses, overlapping or conflicting efforts and opportunities for coordinated responses to child welfare issues. The secretary shall facilitate information sharing and policy synchronization among federal, state and local entities.
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office of health and human services may request from any agency, department, division, commission, board, authority, or other public or quasi-public entity in the commonwealth, and they shall provide, any information, including personal data, as defined in section 1 of chapter 66A and data in the wage reporting system administered by the department of revenue pursuant to chapter 62E, that the executive office of health and human services determines to be necessary to make available, determine eligibility for, enroll individuals in and otherwise administer various public benefit programs authorized pursuant to chapter 118E or other programs that the executive office of health and human services may administer in accord with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111–148, as amended from time to time, or that the executive office of health and human services determines, in its judgment, as being reasonably necessary to develop and administer a single integrated eligibility system, in conjunction with the commonwealth health insurance connector authority, through which the executive office of health and human services may make available, determine eligibility for, enroll individuals in and otherwise administer such public benefit programs, and through which the commonwealth health insurance connector authority will execute its statutory responsibilities pursuant to chapter 176Q; provided, that the provision of such information to the executive office of health and human services for such purposes is consistent with federal law. Further, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office of health and human services is authorized to provide to the commonwealth health insurance connector authority any information the executive office of health and human services obtains pursuant to section 23 of chapter 118E as necessary for the commonwealth health insurance connector authority to perform its duties pursuant to chapter 176Q.
Notwithstanding any general or special law, subject to appropriation, the integrated eligibility system developed by the executive office of health and human services shall allow multiple state agencies and programs to access and share data by creating data hubs and streamlining information processes. Through the integrated eligibility system, the department of housing and community development, housing authorities and state health and human services agencies and programs, including, but not limited to, transitional aid to families with dependent children, temporary assistance for needy families and MassHealth shall share and have access to the data. Said departments and programs shall share information regarding cases of fraud committed by recipients.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 6a - Executive Offices

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Establishment of Executive Offices

Section 3 - Secretary; Appointment of Undersecretary

Section 4 - Executive Officer

Section 4a - Performance Goals and Metrics; Strategies for Improvement

Section 5 - Access to Records, Copies of Documents, Information

Section 6 - Funds

Section 7 - Experts, Consultants, Assistants

Section 7a - Executive Office of Technology Services and Security; Approval Requirement for Performance of Information Technology Functions by Other Executive Offices; Transfer of Information Technology Resources

Section 8a - Commission on Indian Affairs; Membership; Functions

Section 8c - Structurally Deficient Bridge Improvement Program Coordination and Oversight Council; Members; Powers and Duties; Annual Report; Frequency of Meetings

Section 14a - Executive Office of Education

Section 16 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Section 16b - Division of Medical Assistance

Section 16c - State or Local Public Benefits Under Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Section 16d - Managed Care Oversight Board; Advisory Committee

Section 16f - Support to Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families

Section 16g - Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development

Section 16i - Housing and Economic Development Trust Fund

Section 16m - Masshealth Payment Policy Advisory Board; Composition; Powers and Duties; Staff

Section 16n - Commission to Study Feasibility of Reducing or Eliminating Contributions to Uncompensated Care Trust Fund

Section 16o - Health Disparities Council; Duties; Composition; Meetings; Annual Reports

Section 16p - Coordination of Clinically-Appropriate Behavioral Health Services for Children; Monthly Report

Section 16q - Children's Behavioral Health Advisory Council; Members; Terms; Powers and Duties; Annual Report

Section 16r - Geographically-Based Interagency Review Team for Disabled Children Who Qualify for Services From Multiple Agencies

Section 16s - Coordination of Purchase of Behavioral Health Services for Children

Section 16t - Health Planning Council; Advisory Committee; Identification and Distribution of Health Care Resources; Determination of Need; Report

Section 16u - Network of Community-Based Services and Family Resource Centers

Section 16v - Bureau of Program Integrity; Members; Duties and Responsibilities

Section 16w - Commission for the Study and Making of Recommendations Relative to Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth

Section 16x - Contracts to Provide Housing and Support Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youths

Section 16z - Pulmonary Hypertension Task Force

Section 16aa - Office of Health Equity

Section 16bb - Statewide Program to Provide Remote Consultations to Health Care Providers Providing Care for Persons Exhibiting Symptoms of Substance Abuse Disorder

Section 16cc - Establishment of a Statewide Long Term Care Ombudsman Office to Advocate on Behalf of Residents; Purpose; Rights, Powers and Duties

Section 18 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Section 18 1/2 - Undersecretaries; Duties

Section 18 3/4 - Secretary of Public Safety; Functions

Section 18a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 18a to 18j

Section 18b - State 911 Department; State 911 Commission; Policy Advisory Commission; Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services; Psaps; Funding; Establishment of Standards and Requirements; Grant Programs; Accessibility to Persons With Disabilities

Section 18c - Public Safety Answering Points; Transmittal and Process of Requests; Requests From Outside Jurisdiction

Section 18d - Public Safety Answering Points; Establishment; Proposed Municipal Plans; Statewide Plan

Section 18e - Civil Proceedings by Attorney General

Section 18g - Retention of 911 Recordings

Section 18h - Wireless Enhanced 911 Service Surcharge; Collection; Adjustment; Expenditures; Revenues; Monthly Reports; Forwarding and Use of Call Data; Disposition of Call Volume

Section 18i - Monitoring of Emergency 911 Communications

Section 18j - Multi-Line Telephone System Required to Provide Enhanced 911 Service; Exemptions

Section 18k - Construction of Secs. 18a to 18j

Section 18l - Silver Alert Community Response System

Section 18m - Criminal Justice Commission; Members; Areas of Examination; Technical Assistance; Information Access; Annual Report

Section 18n - State Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team; Membership; Purpose; Powers and Duties; Local Review Teams; Provision of Information to Review Team; Confidentiality

Section 18o - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Planning Committee

Section 18p - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Proposals to Establish Centers; Purposes; Contents; Reports

Section 18q - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Vote on Establishment

Section 18r - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Powers

Section 18s - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Annual Budget; Apportionment Among Member Municipalities

Section 18t - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Duties of Board; Records; Financial Statements; Annual Report; Audits

Section 18u - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Applicability of Certain Provisions Within Chapter 44

Section 18v - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Provisions for Sale, Lease or License of Facility, Building and Land

Section 18w - Special Commission to Investigate and Study Improving Information and Resource Sharing Between Certain Public Bodies Related to Criminal Justice; Membership; Duties

Section 18x - Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tracking System

Section 18y - Annual Reporting by Law Enforcement Agencies, Medical Facilities, Crime Laboratories, and Any Other Facilities That Receive, Maintain, Store or Preserve Sexual Assault Evidence Kits

Section 18z - State and National Fingerprint-Based Criminal Background Checks for Agency Employees In, or Applicants For, Positions Requiring or Including Access to Federal Tax Information