Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 6a - Executive Offices
Section 16aa - Office of Health Equity

[Text of section added by 2018, 154, Sec. 7. See also, Section 16AA added by 2018, 208, Sec. 3 and Section 16AA added by 2018, 220, Sec. 1, below.]
Section 16AA. (a) As used in this section the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:-
''Disparities'', differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific racial and ethnic groups.
''Office'', the office of health equity.
(b) There shall be an office of health equity within the executive office of health and human services. The office shall be under the supervision and control of a director of health equity who shall be appointed by and shall report to the secretary of health and human services. The health disparities council established in section 16O shall serve as an advisory board to the office.
(c) The office shall coordinate all activities of the commonwealth to eliminate racial and ethnic health and health care disparities. The office shall set goals for the reduction of disparities and prepare an annual plan for the commonwealth to eliminate disparities.
(d) The office shall collaborate with the executive offices and state agencies on disparities reduction initiatives to address the social factors that influence health inequality. The executive offices shall include, but not be limited to, the executive office of health and human services, the executive office of housing and economic development, the executive office of public safety and security, the executive office of energy and environmental affairs, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the executive office of labor and workforce development and the executive office of education. The office shall facilitate communication and partnership between these executive offices and agencies to develop greater understanding of the intersections between agency activities and health outcomes. The office shall facilitate the development of interagency initiatives to address the social and economic determinants of health disparity issues including, but not limited to: (i) health care access and quality; (ii) housing availability and quality; (iii) transportation availability, location and cost; (iv) community policing and safe spaces; (v) air, water, and land usage and quality; (vi) employment and workforce development; and (vii) education access and quality.
(e) The office shall evaluate the effectiveness of programs and interventions to eliminate health disparities, identifying best practices and model programs for the commonwealth.
(f) The office shall prepare an annual health disparities report. The report shall evaluate the progress of the commonwealth toward eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities using, where possible, quantifiable measures and comparative benchmarks and, where possible, shall detail such progress on a regional basis. The office shall hold public hearings in several regions of the commonwealth to gather public information on the topics of the report. The report shall be filed with the governor, the clerks of the house of representatives and senate, the members of the health disparities council and the health policy commission not later than July 1. The report shall be posted on the official website of the commonwealth.
[Text of section added by 2018, 208, Sec. 3. See also Section 16AA added by 2018, 154, Sec. 7, above, and Section 16AA added by 2018, 220, Sec. 1, below.]
Section 16AA. (a) Subject to appropriation, the executive office of health and human services shall develop and implement a statewide program to provide remote consultations not less than 5 days a week to primary care practices, nurse practitioners and other health care providers who are providing care for persons who are over the age of 17 and are experiencing chronic pain; provided, however, that the remote consultations shall include, but not be limited to, support for screening, diagnosis, pain management strategies, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments and referrals for chronic pain.
(b) Expenditures by the executive office of health and human services that are for the program and related to services provided on behalf of commercially-insured clients may be assessed by the secretary of health and human services on surcharge payors, as defined in section 64 of chapter 118E.
[Text of section added by 2018, 220, Sec. 1. See also, Section 16AA added by 2018, 154, Sec. 7 and Section 16AA added by 2018, 208, Sec. 3, above.]
Section 16AA. (a) The executive office of health and human services shall develop and carry out an assessment of all state programs that address Alzheimer's disease, and shall create and maintain an integrated state plan to address and assist in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The state plan shall include implementation steps and recommendations for priority actions based on the assessment. The purposes of the state plan shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: (i) accelerating the development of treatments that would prevent, halt or reverse the course of Alzheimer's disease; (ii) coordinating the health care and treatment of individuals with Alzheimer's disease; (iii) ensuring the inclusion of ethnic and racial populations who have a higher risk for Alzheimer's disease or are less likely to receive care in clinical, research and service efforts, with the goal of decreasing health disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease; (iv) coordinating with federal agencies and programs to integrate and inform the fight against Alzheimer's disease; (v) providing information and coordination of Alzheimer's disease research and services across all state agencies; and (vi) implementing a strategy to increase the diagnostic rate for Alzheimer's disease.
(b)(1) There shall be an advisory council on Alzheimer's disease research and treatment. The advisory council shall consist of: the secretary of health and human services, or a designee; the secretary of elder affairs, or a designee; the commissioner of public health, or a designee; the secretary of veterans' services, or a designee; the director of the office of Medicaid, or a designee; the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on elder affairs, or their designees; and 10 persons to be appointed by the governor, including 2 Alzheimer's disease patient advocates, 2 Alzheimer's disease caregivers, 2 health care providers, 2 researchers with Alzheimer's-related expertise in basic, translational, clinical or drug development science and 2 voluntary health association representatives, including 1 representative from a state Alzheimer's disease organization that funds research and has demonstrated experience in care and patient services and 1 representative from a state-based advocacy organization that provides services to families and professionals, including information and referral, support groups, care consultation, education and safety services.
(2) The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and shall advise the executive office of health and human services and the General Court on the development of Alzheimer's disease policy for the commonwealth. The advisory council shall work with the secretary of health and human services to determine the number of people diagnosed each year with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, regardless of age, and shall identify resources available and services needed for these individuals and associated costs.
(3) Annually, not later than March 1, the advisory council shall provide a report to the executive office of health and human services and the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives which shall include: (i) information and recommendations on Alzheimer's disease policy; (ii) an evaluation of all state-funded efforts in Alzheimer's disease research, clinical care, institutional, home-based and community-based programs; (iii) the outcomes of those efforts; and (iv) any proposed updates to the state plan, which the advisory council shall review annually.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 6a - Executive Offices

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Establishment of Executive Offices

Section 3 - Secretary; Appointment of Undersecretary

Section 4 - Executive Officer

Section 4a - Performance Goals and Metrics; Strategies for Improvement

Section 5 - Access to Records, Copies of Documents, Information

Section 6 - Funds

Section 7 - Experts, Consultants, Assistants

Section 7a - Executive Office of Technology Services and Security; Approval Requirement for Performance of Information Technology Functions by Other Executive Offices; Transfer of Information Technology Resources

Section 8a - Commission on Indian Affairs; Membership; Functions

Section 8c - Structurally Deficient Bridge Improvement Program Coordination and Oversight Council; Members; Powers and Duties; Annual Report; Frequency of Meetings

Section 14a - Executive Office of Education

Section 16 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Section 16b - Division of Medical Assistance

Section 16c - State or Local Public Benefits Under Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Section 16d - Managed Care Oversight Board; Advisory Committee

Section 16f - Support to Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families

Section 16g - Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development

Section 16i - Housing and Economic Development Trust Fund

Section 16m - Masshealth Payment Policy Advisory Board; Composition; Powers and Duties; Staff

Section 16n - Commission to Study Feasibility of Reducing or Eliminating Contributions to Uncompensated Care Trust Fund

Section 16o - Health Disparities Council; Duties; Composition; Meetings; Annual Reports

Section 16p - Coordination of Clinically-Appropriate Behavioral Health Services for Children; Monthly Report

Section 16q - Children's Behavioral Health Advisory Council; Members; Terms; Powers and Duties; Annual Report

Section 16r - Geographically-Based Interagency Review Team for Disabled Children Who Qualify for Services From Multiple Agencies

Section 16s - Coordination of Purchase of Behavioral Health Services for Children

Section 16t - Health Planning Council; Advisory Committee; Identification and Distribution of Health Care Resources; Determination of Need; Report

Section 16u - Network of Community-Based Services and Family Resource Centers

Section 16v - Bureau of Program Integrity; Members; Duties and Responsibilities

Section 16w - Commission for the Study and Making of Recommendations Relative to Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth

Section 16x - Contracts to Provide Housing and Support Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youths

Section 16z - Pulmonary Hypertension Task Force

Section 16aa - Office of Health Equity

Section 16bb - Statewide Program to Provide Remote Consultations to Health Care Providers Providing Care for Persons Exhibiting Symptoms of Substance Abuse Disorder

Section 16cc - Establishment of a Statewide Long Term Care Ombudsman Office to Advocate on Behalf of Residents; Purpose; Rights, Powers and Duties

Section 18 - Agencies Within Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Section 18 1/2 - Undersecretaries; Duties

Section 18 3/4 - Secretary of Public Safety; Functions

Section 18a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 18a to 18j

Section 18b - State 911 Department; State 911 Commission; Policy Advisory Commission; Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services; Psaps; Funding; Establishment of Standards and Requirements; Grant Programs; Accessibility to Persons With Disabilities

Section 18c - Public Safety Answering Points; Transmittal and Process of Requests; Requests From Outside Jurisdiction

Section 18d - Public Safety Answering Points; Establishment; Proposed Municipal Plans; Statewide Plan

Section 18e - Civil Proceedings by Attorney General

Section 18g - Retention of 911 Recordings

Section 18h - Wireless Enhanced 911 Service Surcharge; Collection; Adjustment; Expenditures; Revenues; Monthly Reports; Forwarding and Use of Call Data; Disposition of Call Volume

Section 18i - Monitoring of Emergency 911 Communications

Section 18j - Multi-Line Telephone System Required to Provide Enhanced 911 Service; Exemptions

Section 18k - Construction of Secs. 18a to 18j

Section 18l - Silver Alert Community Response System

Section 18m - Criminal Justice Commission; Members; Areas of Examination; Technical Assistance; Information Access; Annual Report

Section 18n - State Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team; Membership; Purpose; Powers and Duties; Local Review Teams; Provision of Information to Review Team; Confidentiality

Section 18o - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Planning Committee

Section 18p - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Proposals to Establish Centers; Purposes; Contents; Reports

Section 18q - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Vote on Establishment

Section 18r - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Powers

Section 18s - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Annual Budget; Apportionment Among Member Municipalities

Section 18t - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Duties of Board; Records; Financial Statements; Annual Report; Audits

Section 18u - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Applicability of Certain Provisions Within Chapter 44

Section 18v - Regional 911 Emergency Communication District; Provisions for Sale, Lease or License of Facility, Building and Land

Section 18w - Special Commission to Investigate and Study Improving Information and Resource Sharing Between Certain Public Bodies Related to Criminal Justice; Membership; Duties

Section 18x - Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tracking System

Section 18y - Annual Reporting by Law Enforcement Agencies, Medical Facilities, Crime Laboratories, and Any Other Facilities That Receive, Maintain, Store or Preserve Sexual Assault Evidence Kits

Section 18z - State and National Fingerprint-Based Criminal Background Checks for Agency Employees In, or Applicants For, Positions Requiring or Including Access to Federal Tax Information